The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 719 Are you moving? Discount now

It was not without reason that Dumbledore allowed Hagrid to raise Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest.

A nest of Acromantulas not only gave the centaurs something to do and prevented them from being idle all day long, but it also sealed Hagrid's terrifying talent.

After all, the Forbidden Forest is only so big, and the space is occupied by Acromantulas and Centaurs, so Hagrid naturally has no way to throw other dangerous creatures into it.

Otherwise, given Hagrid's research efforts to cross-breed disgusting creatures like Blast-Ended Skrewts, it would not be unusual for a nest of basilisks to roam the Forbidden Forest one day.

Therefore, it is not entirely unreasonable for many centaurs to be hostile to Hagrid and even want to expel him from the Forbidden Forest.

Unfortunately, the Forbidden Forest is Hogwarts' Forbidden Forest after all, not the centaurs'. As the gamekeeper of Hogwarts, Hagrid is not something the centaurs can expel just because they want.

"No, this is not within our patrol range. I heard your voices, so I came here to check the situation."

Firenze said.

Although the entire Forbidden Forest has been designated as their own territory by the centaurs, they will not easily come to such a location near the edge.

For one thing, there's really not much to patrol in a place like this. There are just a few birds, nothing to keep an eye on.

On the other hand, most centaurs are quite anti-wizards, and they don't want to be seen by the students of Hogwarts.

If other centaurs discovered Bell and others, they would most likely hide in the woods and monitor every move of Bell and others until Bell and others left the Forbidden Forest.

Firenze was a rare moderate among the centaurs, so he took the initiative to show up and persuade Bell and others to leave.

"Okay, the Forbidden Forest is very dangerous. This is not a good place to chat. Let me escort you out."

Firenze didn't want to talk to Bell anymore. After sending Bell and others out of the Forbidden Forest, he planned to visit other places.

"Don't worry, let's chat a few more words. And we didn't sneak in, a professor brought us in to collect information."

Bell said with a smile.

Are Forbidden Forests Dangerous?

It's really not dangerous.

If there was indeed some danger when the Acromantula was still there, then now that the Acromantula has moved, as long as you don't bite the bullet and commit suicide, there is really no danger.

If it was really as dangerous as the professors said, how could a centaur be able to come and go freely in the Forbidden Forest?

You know, the combat effectiveness of the horse people is not high. Their talent is astrology. Although they can seek good luck and avoid bad luck to a certain extent, it is not helpful in frontal combat.

The fighting power of the centaurs is not much better than that of the fishmen in the Black Lake. A sixth or seventh grade student at Hogwarts can easily defeat a centaur head-on if he calmly confronts the enemy.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Bel Menethil. You can just call me Bel. What should I call you?"

"My name is Firenze. Bell, you said you came in with the professor? Which professor is it?"

The eyesight of centaurs is far superior to that of humans. Firenze had already carefully observed everyone in Bell's group in the woods before. Among them, he did not find anyone who looked like a professor.

"Professor Isayama Yomi."

As he spoke, Bell raised his chin and motioned Firenze to look behind him.

Firenze turned around in confusion, then his whole body trembled, and he subconsciously thought about moving a few steps to the right.

It turned out that at some point, Huang Quan came to Firenze's side and behind silently, with his hand on the handle of the knife, as if he was going to kill someone if he disagreed.

"Relax, Huang Quan, you scared our centaur friends."

Bell said.

Hearing this, Huang Quan looked Firenze up and down. From his previous actions, she judged that the threat of this centaur should be very low.

So, she lifted her alert state, bowed slightly and said:

"I'm sorry for scaring you. My name is Isayama Yomi, and I am the new practical drill professor at Hogwarts. Please take care of me."

"You are too kind, Professor Huangquan."

Firenze hurriedly returned the greeting.

He didn't know that Isayama was Yomi's surname, but Yomi didn't care about it.

"As long as you are here, there should be no problems. I'm sorry for disturbing your teaching. I'll take my leave now."

Firenze no longer wanted to stand near Professor Huang Quan.

Although judging from his face, Professor Huang Quan should still be very young, the strong sense of crisis that surged in his heart made him realize that the other party was very dangerous, an extraordinary danger!

He needed to be alone to calm his inner panic.

Moreover, he has to go back to the tribe and tell others about the new professor to prevent anyone from accidentally offending the other party.

Finally, the Acromantula was gone, and the days of peace had not long passed. He did not want to see any of his compatriots unfortunately killed again.

After bowing, Firenze planned to turn around and return to the woods.


A loud shout interrupted Firenze's movements. He looked at Bell in confusion, wondering what the other party was planning to do?

"Don't leave in a hurry."

Bell stared at Firenze with a smile, like a gourmet who saw a pot of tempting pork belly.

Don't get me wrong, Bell has no intention of eating the other person, he can't do such evil things.

He just wanted to abduct the other party.

"Firenze, I wonder if your tribe has any plans to move?"

After meeting Firenze, Bell suddenly woke up.

Sure enough, my sister was right, Hogwarts is a treasure land, and there are treasures everywhere here!

Although most horse people do not have the ability to cast spells, there is no problem at all in growing vegetables, raising pigs, etc.

A place as big as the ecological park requires a lot of manpower to manage. If these horse people are willing to help, it can greatly reduce the pressure of employment.

"Moving? No, we don't want to move. The Forbidden Forest is our home."

Centaurs have been breeding in the Forbidden Forest for hundreds of years. Many centaurs, including Firenze, were born in the Forbidden Forest, grew up in the Forbidden Forest, and ran and hunted in the Forbidden Forest. They loved the Forbidden Forest and never thought of leaving it.

"Don't be so hasty in drawing conclusions."

As he spoke, Bell took out a brand-new personal terminal from his arms, injected magic power into it, and stored a magic number in it after turning it on.

"Then, bring this to the prophet of your tribe and tell her that our Menethil family is willing to provide you with a larger living space.

If you are interested, you can call the number in my storage.

If you're not interested, you can just give it a try. It won't waste much time anyway, right?

If you find out more about it, you might be interested. "

Bell said with a smile, as if he was selling insurance.

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