The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 720 It’s wrong to copy homework!

In every tribe of centaurs, there will be a varying number of prophets. These prophets not only have certain spell-casting abilities, but also have prophetic abilities that far exceed those of ordinary centaurs.

With more knowledge gained through prophecy, the prophets naturally have a broader vision and deeper wisdom.

Therefore, Bell believed that the other party would seriously consider his proposal.

You know, the social form of the horse people is very primitive. Their food mainly comes from hunting.

This also means that a large hunting ground is needed to support a tribe of centaurs.

The Forbidden Forest is so big. According to Bell's rough estimate, this Forbidden Forest should only be able to accommodate a centaur tribe of about 500 people. Any more will destroy the ecological balance in the Forbidden Forest. Neither the centaurs themselves nor the Ministry of Magic would allow this.

In other words, even though the centaurs appear to be living in the Forbidden Forest and appear carefree, in fact they are trapped and die here.

Firenze is still young and may not realize this. But it’s impossible for the prophets in the centaurs tribe to be unaware of this.

If the horse people want to develop, they must break free from the 'cage' of the Forbidden Forest. But if we only rely on the horse people themselves, this is almost impossible.

Now, Bell has presented the opportunity to the centaurs. If these centaurs don't seize it, then he will...he will go find other centaurs tribes.

Anyway, it's not like there are centaurs only in the Forbidden Forest. As far as he knows, there are also five centaurs tribes on the European continent.

He couldn't believe that all centaurs were so stupid.

"Okay, I'll give this to the Prophet."

After hesitating for a moment, Firenze took the personal terminal from Bell.

Although he didn't want to move, he still wanted to see the vast world outside the Forbidden Forest.

So let the prophets decide this matter.

Blessed by ancestors.

Bowing again, Firenze moved his hooves and quickly disappeared into the Forbidden Forest.

"What are you planning again?"

Walking to Bell's side, Huang Quan asked curiously.

She had been spending a lot of time with Bell, and she knew that as long as Bell smiled, nothing good would happen.

Fortunately, Bell didn't know what Huang Quan was thinking at this time, otherwise he would definitely call out Tianqu.

He is a young man, but he has never done anything good... Ahem, he has never done anything bad!

Not very good at best...

"What is a ghost idea? This is called mutual benefit and win-win!"

Bell glared at Huang Quan dissatisfied.

If you can't speak, you don't have to speak.

Turning around, Bell walked back. With his mind opened, he will not forget that there is a fish-man tribe in the black lake.

Even with the magic spell, wizards are not as good as aquatic species like fishmen when performing underwater operations. In his opinion, the fishmen in the Black Lake were worth much more than the centaurs.

I decided to appoint Fina as the messenger to abduct... ahem, to invite the fish people.

It doesn't matter if he was rejected. Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times before inviting Zhuge Liang. He asked Fina to visit for thirty times, but he couldn't believe that he couldn't invite those fishmen!

After admiring the maples, Bell spent less time studying soul magic.

At the same time, he no longer frequently sought psychological counseling from Professor Eleanora, but spent more time with Zannah and Hermione. He found that not only would he have more free time by doing so, but the research progress on soul magic would not be much slower than before.

With the combination of work and rest, efficiency is significantly improved.

October 27th.

In just a few days, it's time for the annual Halloween party.

The atmosphere in Hogwarts became obviously impetuous. The students couldn't stop talking about Halloween and were looking forward to what kind of exciting performances they would have at this year's banquet.

Especially for the first-year freshmen, this was their first time to spend Halloween at Hogwarts. The stories of the seniors and sisters made these little guys unable to sit still, and the professors had to spend a lot of effort. , so that the little ones can concentrate on listening.

"Hermione, here!"

In the morning, after Hermione had breakfast, she walked towards the classroom.

Since Belle's first class this morning was Potions, which she had to take with Hufflepuff, she had to go to the next History of Magic classroom alone.

At this time, she would miss the days when she was studying at Yandu Academy last year.

Of course, if she had to choose, she would still prefer Hogwarts. Because here, she and Bell are in the same grade, and they can often sit in the same classroom.

An unexpected greeting came, and Hermione followed the sound and saw her roommate waving to her.

"Parvati? What's wrong with you? Why aren't you with Lavender?"

Hermione asked confused.

Lavender is her other roommate and has a good relationship with Parvati. The two often go to class together.

But Lavender hated her very much and never said a word to her in the dormitory.

She was weird about it at first. Although due to Bell's fault, she was also killed following Feng Ping to a certain extent, but it was not to the point where everyone was avoiding her.

In fact, when meeting students of the same grade on the road, everyone will say hello normally.

It wasn't until later that she learned from Parvati that Lavender hated her so much because she liked Ron.

She was speechless at that time. So is there any connection between the two?

She and Ron are not familiar with each other!

And I don’t intend to cook it.

It’s so baffling!

From then on, she completely gave up the idea of ​​having a good relationship with Lavender. As a result, the relationship with Parvati also became a lot more distant.

Therefore, she was really curious when she was suddenly stopped by Parvati.

"Lavender went to see Ron. Don't you know? She is already dating Ron."

Parvati said.

"Really? When did they start dating?"

Hermione asked nonchalantly.

She actually didn't care about the gossip at all, but she rushed here in a hurry, so she asked casually.

"The two of them got together as soon as school started last year. But I heard that they confirmed their relationship on a personal terminal during the summer vacation and even went out on several dates together."

"That's it."

Hermione nodded.

She wasn't at Hogwarts last year, so it was normal not to know.

"So, you suddenly stopped me. Is there something wrong?"

Rather than understanding these gossips, she now wants to go to the classroom and preview what she will talk about later.

"Hermione, can you, can you come with me?"

Parvati looked around.

It's breakfast time now, and there are people coming and going in the corridor, people rushing to have breakfast, or people who have just finished breakfast and are taking a walk to eat.

"I have something I want to ask you to help me with, please!"

Parvati stepped forward, grabbed Hermione's sleeve, and begged in a low voice.

"...Okay, but I can't guarantee that I will be able to help you."

After hesitating for a while, Hermione finally agreed.

Although her relationship with the other party could not be said to be close, they were all classmates after all and lived in the same dormitory. Faced with Parvati's request, she could not ignore it.

Of course, if Parvati later said that she forgot to write her homework on History of Magic and hoped to borrow her homework to copy, she would still refuse ruthlessly.

Copying homework is wrong!

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