The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 721 Shouldn’t money be stronger than relationships?

"Parvati, where are you planning to go? Can't it be here?"

Looking at Parvati's back, Hermione felt that Parvati was acting strange today for some reason.

At this time, the two of them had arrived at the second floor of the castle. At this time, everyone was gathered near the auditorium on the first floor, and the second floor was deserted. Is there anything that I can just say no to here?

"It's right in front, we'll be there soon. If I come here, I'm afraid I'll be bumped into by others."

Parvati said without looking back.

Seeing this, Hermione had no choice but to follow.

She really wants to go to the classroom to preview!

After walking for about 5 minutes, the two reached the deepest part of the corridor on the second floor.

Parvati pushed open the door of an abandoned classroom.

The door was covered in dust from long periods of disuse. The door shaft has become rusty, and it makes a harsh squeaking sound when it rotates. This empty corridor gives people an eerie feeling, as if there are bloodthirsty ghosts hiding in the abandoned classroom in front of them.

"Hermione, come in quickly. Don't worry, you'll be fine soon."

Standing on the inside of the door, Parvati smiled and greeted Hermione.

After hesitating for a moment, Hermione stepped into the abandoned classroom.

She looked around the classroom.

In the front right is a desk, which is no different from the desk she usually sees in class. However, the lectern was covered with thick dust, and it looked like no one had been here for a long time.

The desks on the left are neatly placed at the back of the classroom. The curtains on the windows were torn, blocking most of the sunlight and making the whole classroom look a little dark.

"Ahem, Parvati, what's the matter with you?"

The breeze caused by Parvati closing the door blew up the dust on the ground, causing Hermione to cover her mouth and nose with her sleeves.

The dust here is really too thick. I don’t know how Parvati found this place?

"That's right, Hermione, I want to ask you to tell Bell something."

Parvati said softly as she walked towards Hermione.

The sunlight filtered through the tattered curtains and only illuminated the lower half of Parvati's face. Looking at the corners of the other person's mouth that slowly opened, the awkward feeling in Hermione's heart became even stronger.

"Bell? What do you want to tell him?"

Hermione looked warily at Parvati, who was walking towards her.

Don't think she doesn't know that when she and Bell quarreled two years ago, the other party had bad intentions towards Bell. Unexpectedly, after so long, the other party still hasn’t given up?

So today I specially called her to this deserted classroom with no visitors, just to declare war on her?


Hermione could only say that the other party was simply humiliating himself!

That’s right!

She didn't think she would lose to Parvati, not at all!

"I want to tell him...just surrender and capture him."

[Fainted on the ground]!


The earrings on her ears sent an early warning to Hermione, and the source of the crisis was Parvati in front of her.

However, this warning came too late, and Hermione had no time to take out her wand.

She tried her best to throw herself to the side, trying to avoid Parvati's sleeping spell. But Parvati just flicked her wrist slightly, and the tip of the staff was pointed at her again.

A translucent shield emerged on Hermione's body, and then shattered. Hermione flew out and hit the desk at the back of the classroom. The desk fell to the ground, making a huge noise and stirring up dust all over the sky.


Parvati smacked her lips in displeasure. She didn't expect that Hermione actually had a double shield. Of course, it could also be three or four floors?

Multi-layer protection is not just as simple as wearing multiple defensive accessories on the body. In fact, under normal circumstances, you can only wear one defensive jewelry.

The magic spell flies very fast and arrives almost instantly. The formation of the Iron Armor Curse takes a certain amount of time.

In other words, if you wait for the opponent's attack to be launched before the defensive jewelry reacts, in many cases it will be too late to block the spell.

Therefore, divination spells are used in the triggering mechanism of defensive accessories. The casting of the Iron Armor Curse and the casting of the attack spell are carried out at the same time, so as to ensure that the Iron Armor Curse is formed in time.

If a person wears two defensive accessories, both of them will be triggered at the same time when attacked. If the two armor spells interfere with each other, they will only destroy the structure of the armor spell, causing all defensive accessories to become ineffective.

If you want to wear a three-layer shield like Bell, you must connect the three accessories in series and set up the startup sequence.

Strictly speaking, this concatenation is not difficult. However, the defensive accessories sold by the Bell family are all locked, and outsiders cannot process or modify them.

If you want to obtain multi-layer shield protection, you must find an alchemist master to customize it.

By the way, Bell's does not offer this kind of customization.

When it comes to alchemy masters, there are only a few in the European magic world, and none of them are short of money. Unless someone has a close relationship with these alchemist masters, even if they have money, they will not be able to find anyone to make it for them.

Parvati was one of those people who had money but no connections, so what she hated the most was people like Hermione who had no money but had connections.

Why can't her money be as good as the other person's relationship? ?

But after thinking about it, Parvati realized that this was a good thing!

Even if Hermione had multiple layers of protection, she would still be no match for her. With just a little more effort, all the accessories on Hermione's body would be hers.

Moreover, the current situation not only shows that Bell attaches great importance to Hermione, but also proves that there is no problem with her plan.

The wand was waved over her head, and Parvati activated the barrier that had been arranged here.

Fortunately, she followed the principle of being careful and making no big mistakes, so she placed a blocking barrier in this classroom without any extra effort. Otherwise, others might really notice the movement here.

"Split into pieces!"

Parvati flicked her wand again, and a powerful killing spell shot at Hermione's right leg.

Since the other party refused to be captured honestly, she couldn't blame her. As long as you make sure the other person is still alive, missing an arm, a leg, etc., then it's all acceptable. She didn't believe that the remaining shield on the opponent could still block her cutting spell.

However, Parvati's determined blow was in vain, only cutting terrifying cracks on the ground.

Over the years, Hermione has experienced many battles, large and small. Hermione has fought against the Magic Stone Statue, the Dark Wizard, Bell, Zannah and others. In terms of combat experience, many adult wizards are not even as rich as Hermione.

Therefore, after falling to the ground, Hermione immediately turned over and rolled to her side without any hesitation. This allowed her to successfully dodge Parvati's cutting spell.

While rolling, Hermione took out her wand and waved it at her feet. The tables and chairs scattered around immediately flew up, blocking Hermione and Parvati.

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