The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 722 Fierce Battle

Another cutting spell came and hit the desk. The desk was torn apart, but it successfully blocked the curse.

Taking this opportunity, Hermione managed to get up.

"Who are you? Where is Parvati? What did you do to Parvati?"

Hiding behind the desk and chair, Hermione asked loudly.

"Me? Am I not Parvati? I am your dear roommate."

'Parvati' said with a smile, and while speaking, she did not stop casting the spell in her hand.

"Nonsense! Parvati is not that powerful!"

It's not that Hermione is arrogant, the fact is that among the entire Hogwarts students, except for Bell and Zannah, she is worthy of it.

This is what Bell told her.

And now, although it was only a brief confrontation, Hermione could clearly feel that the opponent was far stronger than her. This was obviously not something her roommate could do.

Thinking of this, Hermione glanced at her right wrist, which was now empty.

A week ago, Bell wanted to take away her Ten Thousand Snakes Red Scales, saying that she would use arcane and weapon refining techniques to strengthen Ten Thousand Snakes.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she was attacked by unknown persons. Wan She's absence made Hermione feel very unsure.

Suddenly, a wave of heat passed through the gap between the tables and chairs and hit Hermione on the face.

Hermione quickly gathered her thoughts and took two steps back, away from the wooden tables and chairs.

"The waves are rolling!"

Turbulent waves of water spurted out from Hermione's wand, hitting the incoming fire without showing any signs of weakness.

Water and fire intersect, causing bursts of explosions, and water mist steaming up, making the entire classroom blurry.

"This is really unexpected. I didn't expect you to have such strength. Is the quality of teaching at Hogwarts so high now?"

'Parvati' looked at the water waves blocking her fire spell and couldn't help but admired.

If the opponent's previous response can be attributed to cleverness, then the current confrontation of water and fire is a real head-to-head confrontation of strength.

As for the strength Hermione is showing now, even she couldn't reach it when she just graduated from Durmstrang.

Thinking of this, 'Parvati' twisted the wand and injected more magic power into the wand.

The next moment, more ferocious and hot flames spurted out, suppressing Hermione's waves and approaching her little by little.

"You are indeed not Parvati, who the hell are you!"

If it was just an inference before, after hearing the other party's speech, Hermione could now conclude that it was not that Parvati had been hiding her clumsiness all these years, but that someone really was pretending to be Parvati.

"Ouch! This is really true. I accidentally let it slip."

‘Parvati’ covered her mouth and smiled.

It can be seen from her relaxed and casual expression that she doesn't care at all.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. You can call me Victoria Hermenium. As for your little roommate, don't worry, she is still alive. At least she is alive now."

Hermenim was completely indifferent to the fact that his identity was exposed.

In her opinion, everything was doomed the moment the other party entered this abandoned classroom. Even if the opponent's strength is somewhat beyond expectations, it is just enough for her to play with for a while.

After flipping her long hair, Hermenim felt a little regretful at the moment.

The appearance of this little Parvati girl is not in line with her aesthetics at all. In fact, she now hopes to return to her original appearance and make the other party understand.

Unfortunately, that's the only bad thing about Polyjuice Potion. You have to wait until the potion wears off before you can return to your original appearance.

But these are all trivial matters, and can be solved slowly after defeating the other party.

Facing the rapidly approaching flames, Hermione stepped back step by step. At this time, she had retreated to the back of the classroom and leaned against the wall.

"I advise you to surrender obediently. Otherwise, if your face is burned and you suffer, I will have to find a way to treat you so that your sweetheart can recognize you."

Hermenium pressed forward step by step, not giving Hermione any chance to breathe.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione knew that this moment might be the most dangerous moment in her life.

In the past, no matter how dangerous the battlefield was, Bell would always stand behind her. It seems that her life is hanging by a thread, but in fact, Bell is carrying everything for her.

But now, she is alone, facing a powerful enemy alone.

She had tried it before. This classroom had been blocked by the other party, and the personal terminal could not contact the outside world.

Crisis Crisis is danger but also opportunity.

Hermione had a hunch that if she could cross this threshold alone today, a new world would appear in front of her.

Suppressing the panic in her heart, Hermione forcefully exhaled the air in her lungs.

Then, she reached into her arms, took out a wooden totem from the purse in her pocket, and thrust it into the ground.

[Fire Totem]!

The fiery red barrier unfolds with the flame totem as the center. Hermione withdrew her wand, took advantage of the brief gap when the barrier blocked the flames, dodged, and appeared in the other corner of the classroom.

Almost at the same time, she raised her wand forward.

【Shattered to pieces】!

Perhaps he didn't expect Hermione to be able to escape under such circumstances. Faced with Hermione's crushing curse, Hermenium did not have time to respond.

But the problem is not big. These days, except for those who are really too poor to eat, which wizard would go out without wearing defensive jewelry.

A translucent iron armor curse shield emerged on Hermenium's body, deflecting Hermione's curse. But under the reaction force, she was also pushed back a step, which frustrated her idea of ​​controlling the direction of the flames.

Hermione wasn't surprised to see her spell blocked. She kept her right hand raised straight, and her wand was pointed steadily at the enemy without any trembling.


Strongly vibrating magic waves shot towards Hermenim's wand. Since this kind of magic wave does no harm to the human body, it can bypass the obstruction of the Iron Armor Curse.

As if someone had punched him hard in the chest, Hermenim felt a tightness in his chest, stars appeared in his eyes, and the fire spell he had been continuously casting was interrupted.

Hermenim was shocked by the magic spell he had never seen before. And what followed was raging anger.

Ever since she was little, she has always been a favorite in people's eyes.

While attending school in Durmstrang, she was first in her grade. After graduation, she was also regarded as an elite wizard in people's eyes.

As a result, now, a little witch who was supposed to be easy to catch actually caused her trouble again and again. If this got out, how could she go out to meet people in the future?

The magic flowed towards his feet. Hermenim tapped his toes and dodged in an instant, avoiding Hermione's next spell.

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