The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 723 Greyback’s Revenge

"Originally I didn't want you to suffer too much, but since you don't know what's good and what's good, don't blame me!"

Hermenim said harshly while covering his chest with his left hand.

The damage caused by the magic backlash made her feel very uncomfortable. At this time, the magic power in her body was like a collective rebellion, and she had to spend more energy to control the magic power that was originally at her arm's length.

But it doesn't matter, the absolute strength gap is here. As long as she is serious, even if she can only exert 80% of her strength, she has absolute confidence that she can defeat the opponent.

【Oolong out of the hole】!

As a top student in Durmstrang, Hermenim is best at black magic.

A giant snake as thick as a bucket emerged from her wand, swallowed Hermione's spell in one gulp, and rushed towards Hermione.

Looking at the ferocious mouth in front of her, Hermione took out another fiery red bead from her pocket without saying a word. Throwing it out with force, the bead was accurately thrown into the mouth of the giant snake.

The next second,

‘Boom~! ’

In the violent explosion, the giant snake was blown into two pieces.

Blood rained all over the sky and was smeared on the walls and floor, making the whole classroom look like hell.

[Thousands of bullets fired]!

The remains of tables and chairs affected by the explosion, under Hermione's control, were filled with flames and smashed towards the enemy.

Seeing this, Hermenim snorted disdainfully. She held up a complete protective barrier and easily blocked all of Hermione's attacks.

[Separation of Bones]!

Immediately afterwards, the Hermenium wand connected, and the two giant snake corpses in front of Hermione exploded violently.

Broken bones were scattered everywhere, and blood stuck to the wall, making a sizzling sound, and soon corroded the wall into pits.

Hermione looked at the cratered stone wall in front of her with trepidation. If she had reacted a second too late just now, she might be seriously injured and fall to the ground now, ready to be slaughtered.

One blow missed, and Hermenim followed up with another. She was silent, firing curse after curse at Hermione one after another.

Facing Hermenium, who was completely serious, Hermione could only grit her teeth to resist the opponent's spell, and had no way to fight back.

Hermione knew that if she continued to be suppressed like this, she would definitely lose in less than 5 minutes.

In desperation, Hermione's left hand went deep into her pocket again. There are a large number of magic props inside. I wonder if they can help her get out of her current predicament?

Time goes back a few hours.

At night, thick clouds blocked the moonlight, making the already dark night even darker.

In the distance, the windows of Hogwarts Castle reflected a little light, becoming the only light source in this area.

The night wind was blowing, it was late October, and the temperature had begun to drop significantly. Especially the cold wind at night likes to penetrate along the collar and cuffs of clothes, trying to take away the last bit of heat from the human body.

On such a dim night with a biting night wind, several sneaky figures were busy on the mound not far from Hogwarts.

"I said, we have been drinking the cool breeze in this wilderness for a week, can you still do it?"

Standing on the top of the mound, Fenrir Greyback asked impatiently while staring hatefully at the light reflected in Hogwarts in the distance.

Greyback is a werewolf and the leader of many werewolves.

He is fierce, he is cruel, and anyone who dares to resist him will suffer his unrelenting revenge.

Therefore, his name resounds throughout the European magic world. Whenever people mention werewolves, his name will immediately come to mind.

Greyback is very proud of this. What he loved most was watching the frightened expressions on other people's faces when they mentioned him. That would give him a feeling of pleasure that was comparable to that of the mysterious man.

But all this changed completely more than two years ago.

At the beginning, Greyback discovered that the Menethil family, which had become famous in recent years, had gone out of their way to hunt down dark wizards.

Greyback didn't care about this.

In his opinion, the Menethil family simply rose too fast and lost their minds.

Are dark wizards so easy to mess with? It is estimated that before long, the Menethil family will be torn into pieces by the angry dark wizards.

However, things developed beyond Greyback's expectations.

Not only was the Menethil family secretly showing unexpected strength, but somehow they also received assistance from the Ministry of Magic of many countries.

In fact, the Ministry of Magic in various countries has always wanted to deal with those dark wizards who only cause trouble. But the dark wizards are too cunning and their strength is not weak at all. If they want to encircle and suppress them, the Ministry of Magic of various countries will have to bleed a lot.

But now, a fool suddenly appears, providing both money and effort. Of course, the Ministry of Magic of various countries is willing to facilitate the Menethil family.

As a result, the dark wizards were defeated one by one. Even if some of them were lucky enough to run away, they were all deeply hidden. They were in fear all day long, for fear that a group of masked monsters would suddenly appear from somewhere and they would be kidnapped. gone.

At this point, Greyback was surprised by the strength of the Menethil family, but that was all.

After all, if the Menethil family cleans out dark wizards, what does it have to do with their werewolves?

Werewolves are dangerous beings that even dark wizards are unwilling to approach.

Greyback believes that the actions of the Menethil family should end here.

But who would have thought that the development of things once again exceeded his expectations.

The Menethil family has actually started hunting werewolves! ?

No, this is too vegetarian, right? Aren't they afraid of being bitten by werewolves?

No matter how much Greyback didn't want to believe it, it couldn't change the facts.

If the Ministry of Magic of various countries still had concerns when the Menethil family was arresting dark wizards, then now that the Menethil family has pointed their guns at werewolves, the Ministry of Magic of various countries can be said to have given the green light. It's just a matter of not giving the Menethil family a banner of 'sacrifice oneself for others'.

Even, in order to give priority to the Menethil family to deal with the werewolves in the country, some weaker Ministry of Magic also specially provided many preferential tax policies for the Menethil family.

At this time, Greyback's claws were completely numb.

When it comes to werewolves, he must be the first thing people think of!

Not to mention, as the spiritual leader of the werewolves (self-proclaimed), Greyback also has the most werewolves under his command.

In the past few years, Greyback has been facing the pursuit from the Menethil family all the time. He can no longer remember how long it has been since he had a peaceful sleep.

Within a few years, his greatest werewolf leader was forced to become a lost dog by the Menethil family. Not only were all his younger brothers taken away, but the other werewolves also regarded him as a broom star and would run away as soon as they saw him.

Greyback is wronged!

His hatred for the Menethil family can even fill the whole world.

Therefore, when someone approached him and invited him to participate in the attack on the Menethil family, he agreed without saying a word.

No one can stop his revenge!

But enchantment can...

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