Chapter 72 Angry Hermione

Today is Sunday. After doing morning exercises as usual, Bell came to the auditorium to prepare for breakfast.

But after entering the auditorium, Bell found that the atmosphere today was a bit strange.

The Gryffindor table, which was always noisy in the past, was completely silent today. Every little wizard ate with his head down, and occasionally lowered his voice when talking to the people around him.

Contrary to Gryffindor, the Slytherin snakes, who usually ate quietly and never forgot to maintain aristocratic etiquette, were uncharacteristically noisy today. Everyone was shouting loudly, as if they had endless things to say to the people around them.

Bell walked to the Ravenclaw table and sat down, and asked beside him: "Senior Penello, why do I always feel that the atmosphere today is a bit strange?"

"Didn't you notice?"

Penello looked at Bell strangely.

Seeing Bell's confused look, she sighed helplessly.

"Oh~! I had a vague feeling before. Bell, have you never paid attention to college points?"

"Why are you paying attention to college points? You can't eat that thing. We are not children anymore, why don't we talk about reality?" Bell said matter-of-factly.

And with our 'little savior' Harry Potter here, the Academy Cup has been assigned to Gryffindor by Dumbledore, okay? Still want the Academy Cup? I'm afraid you're not thinking about Taozi.

‘No, you’re just a kid! We are all children! ’ Penello complained in his heart.

"You'll understand when you look up at the college scores."

Bell looked up.

" what happened?"

 ̄△ ̄

"No way!? Can't you see that Gryffindor's house points have dropped so much!?" Penello said frantically. She seriously suspected that Bell was teasing her.

Gryffindor's house points are almost at the bottom. No matter how much people don't pay attention to their house points, they can't even see this!

"Who knows how many house points they originally had. And given the trouble-making character of the little lions of Gryffindor, isn't it normal to have fewer points or something?"

Penello did not want to talk to Bale and threw a piece of bread at Bale, hoping to choke him to death. Otherwise, she herself would be pissed to death first.

Bell didn't even look at it, he raised his hand casually and caught the bread. First, he tore a piece off and fed it to Fina, and then ate it with relish.

"So, what happened?"

"I don't know, I'm curious too. Everyone has just gotten up now, so the news won't spread until noon."

Because he hasn't had much rest recently, Bell originally planned to relax and have a rest this Sunday. But after breakfast, Bell stared at the Gryffindor table for a long time, but couldn't find Hermione. After contacting her through a personal terminal, she found out that Hermione had already gone to the library.

After getting up and going to the library, Bell found the little witch sitting there alone in the corner of the library.

Bell walked over and sat next to Hermione, looking at the silent little witch strangely.

"Hermione, why are you so early today? Didn't you have breakfast? Why didn't I see you in the Great Hall?"

“I’m so angry, why do I still have food to eat!!!”

The little witch's hair almost stood up in anger.

"You know, Gryffindor's house points were deducted by 150 points! That's 150 points! When I woke up in the morning and heard the news, I thought I was dreaming! I usually work so hard for Is it easy for me to earn house points from Gryffindor?"

"As a result, those people didn't care about how to score, and they knew they were violating school rules all day long. I had warned them many times before, but it was obvious that they didn't take my words seriously, and they were still They talked about me behind my back and said bad things about me! What happened this time? They were finally caught! I’ll see what they will do this time! But it doesn’t matter! It’s impossible for Gryffindor House to win the House Cup anyway... …”

It seemed that Hermione was really pissed off and almost felt a little frustrated.

This was the first time Bell had seen Hermione like this, and it felt a bit...interesting?

‘No, you can’t think like that. ’

Bell silently reflected on his thoughts.

"Okay Hermione, calm down, so what happened?"

"It's a night out! Harry, Ron and Neville, the three of them went out together for a night out last night, and then they were caught by Filch. Everyone was deducted 50 points!"

In fact, Bell has always been unable to understand why so many little wizards like to travel at night? Is there any difference between the castle at night and the day?

Obviously there is plenty of time in the day, and the light is good, so I can see more clearly. So why do they all have to run out and wander around at night?

Belle just hated going out at night. In his opinion, you should stay comfortably at home or in the lounge at night, eat some snacks when you are hungry, drink some drinks when you are thirsty, watch videos on your personal terminal, or play some games.

Just thinking about Bell made me want to go back to the lounge and stay home.

"So what are they doing at night?"

Hermione glanced around, but at this time, apart from Mrs. Pince, they were the only two people in the library.

"At first they refused to tell me. Later, I caught an opportunity when Neville was alone and threatened that if Neville didn't tell him, I would stop giving him homework instructions, so he reluctantly told me. He said that the sea Greg privately raised a fire dragon. In order to send the fire dragon away, he and Harry contacted Ron's brother. Ron's brother was studying fire dragons in Romania. Then they agreed to take the fire dragon to the highest place last night. On the top of the tower, Brother Ron's friends took it away. When they returned to the Gryffindor common room, the three of them were caught by Filch."

"Fire Dragon!?"

Bell was very surprised. Just yesterday, there was a fire dragon in Hogwarts, so close to him! ? But he was so ignorant that he just missed it! ?

He has never seen a living fire dragon! Instead of giving it to Ron’s brother, why not give it to him! He will definitely take good care of the fire dragon and find a good place for him to live! Even if he couldn't find a suitable place in the end, he could still eat it. He hasn't eaten dragon meat for a long time.

( ̄﹃ ̄)

"Bell? Didn't you have breakfast too?" Hermione asked strangely, looking at the transparent liquid flowing out of the corner of Bell's mouth.


"Ahem, no, I, I'm not full."

Bell wiped the corners of his mouth, trying hard not to recall the smell of dragon meat.

"Okay, don't talk about me anymore. Hermione, don't be too angry. Being angry won't change anything. And the House Cup and the like are not that important. Slytherin House has won the House Cup for several years in a row. You don’t see any difference between them, right? So you’d better eat your breakfast quickly.”

Bell took out his wand and first laid out a soundproof barrier, then cast a spell to isolate the exchange of internal and external smells, and finally used an illusion so that when people outside the barrier looked over, they could only see two people reading a book seriously.

Calling Lim, Bell asked her to prepare some food. With Bell's persuasion, Hermione finally managed to eat some food.

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