Chapter 73 Neville’s Tragic Life

Neville has been having a hard time lately. Because just a few days ago, he, Harry and Ron helped Hagrid send Norbert away, and they were discovered by Filch.

Oh, and Norbert is a Norwegian Ridgeback owned by Hagrid. Hagrid thought it was cute and cute, but Neville didn't think so at all. If he was alone, he would not dare to approach Norbert.

Ron, who believed Hagrid's words and wanted to touch Norbert, was bitten hard on his hand by Norbert. His whole hand swelled as big as his head and he lay down in the school hospital for a whole day. One day, on a Saturday night, I could barely get out of bed.

But Neville felt that Ron must have regretted enduring the pain and getting up to look for him and Harry that night. Because that means that the college points that were only supposed to be deducted by 100 points ended up being deducted by 150 points.

Neville knew that he was very stupid, especially the one who often missed things. So he always strives to do things safely. His grandmother would kill him if he was expelled from Hogwarts for breaking school rules. Therefore, he has always tried hard to abide by school rules. He does not have the courage to do things like going out at night.

Yes, it was like that until that day.

That day, Harry and Ron found him, hoping to get his help.

"Neville, I hope you can do us a little favor." Harry pulled Neville to a deserted corner and whispered.

"W-what's the deal?"

"Before talking, can you promise us that you will never tell anyone about this? Don't worry, I swear, I won't let you do bad things."

Neville thought for a while. This was the first time someone asked him for help. Before, he would only help others, so he felt a little happy. And the person who asked him for help was the famous Harry Potter.

People say Harry is a great person, so it shouldn't be possible for Harry to do bad things, right? And he just didn't tell others about it. If he felt bad after hearing the specific content, he could refuse, and by the way, he could also find a way to stop the two of Harry.

"Okay, I promise."

"Thank you, Neville. Actually, it's like this. You know Hagrid, right? He's the keykeeper and gamekeeper of Hogwarts. He's 3.5 meters tall and has a big beard."

Neville nodded.

"Hagrid got a dragon egg from someone else, and now a little dragon hatched from that egg. We must send the dragon away before it burns down Hagrid's house, otherwise Hagrid will We are in big trouble! We have made an appointment with Ron's brother to send the fire dragon away this Saturday night, but Ron's hand is injured and I can't move the fire dragon by myself. We thought about it for a long time, Only you can help us!"

"But you can't leave the lounge at night." Although Neville was a little moved by Harry's words, he still said hesitantly.

"Emergency matters! If it is revealed that Hagrid raised a fire dragon, he will go to jail. We must help him!"

Eventually, Neville agreed to help them. He once heard his grandma say that if wizards broke the law, they would be imprisoned in a place called Azkaban. It is said that it is very scary there.

Kind little Neville didn't want Hagrid to be locked up there. Although he and Hagrid were not familiar with each other, both Harry and Ron said that Hagrid was very nice.

Afterwards, Neville was taken by Harry and Ron to meet Hagrid. By the way, he also met the fire dragon and learned its name - Norbert.

Norbert is a Norwegian Spinosaurus. To be honest, Neville thought Norbert was very ugly, skinny, had a bad temper, and was always biting something. He really couldn't understand why anyone would want to keep such an animal.

After confirming the subsequent plan with Hagrid, the three people couldn't wait to escape from there.

On Saturday night, Neville and Harry put on Harry's invisibility cloak and left the common room.

The invisibility cloak is so magical, just put it on and the whole person will disappear. Neville felt that his nervousness was relieved a lot. With the invisibility cloak, they would not be afraid of being caught.

Things went very smoothly. Although they met Professor McGonagall and Malfoy on the way, they were not discovered thanks to the invisibility cloak.

After only a short wait at the top of the tower, Ron and his brother's friends arrived. They greeted Neville and Harry warmly, and then tied Norbert securely to his broomstick.

After Norbert the Fire Dragon was successfully sent away, Neville was extremely happy. He rarely succeeds in accomplishing something, which gives him a sense of accomplishment and makes him a little forgetful.

Neville and Harry left the tower while talking and laughing, but their smiles could not last long. As soon as they stepped into the corridor, they saw Filch's face emerging from the darkness.

What happened after that was a nightmare. They were taken to Professor McGonagall's office, where they unexpectedly found Ron who was supposed to be lying in the school hospital.

It turned out that Ron was worried about them, so he quietly slipped out of the school hospital and came to find them, but was caught by Professor McGonagall on the way.

Each of the three people was deducted 50 points by Professor McGonagall, for a total of 150 points!

The next morning, everyone was shocked when someone discovered that Gryffindor's house points had been inexplicably reduced by about half! After learning the whole story, Neville, Harry and Ron became the three most unpopular people in Gryffindor House. No one wants to talk to them anymore.

Oh, no, it’s not that there is no one. Every time the Slytherin students saw them, they would greet them warmly.

"Hey, are you Neville Longbottom? Thank you. Thanks to you, this year's House Cup belongs to us Slytherin again."

Whenever he heard this, Neville wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Neville regretted it so much! But he didn't regret the night outing. Even if he had to choose again, he would probably agree to it.

What Neville regrets is that he got carried away. If he had remembered well that night and put on the invisibility cloak when he came back, they wouldn't have been caught by Filch.

This regret reached its extreme after meeting Hermione.

Neville and Hermione first met on the Hogwarts Express. At that time, he felt that Hermione was a very good person, especially compared to someone who had deceived him and been cruel to him.

Although the man later treated him to a feast, it was not enough to eliminate the shadow in his heart. By the way, there’s also ‘Lif’.

After studying and living in Hogwarts for a period of time, he was even more grateful to Hermione. Because Hermione never disliked him because of his clumsiness, but took the trouble to teach him to do his homework over and over again.

So when faced with Hermione's questioning, Neville finally broke his promise to Harry and told Hermione everything. He didn't ask for Hermione's forgiveness, he just wanted to feel better.

Nearly a week has passed since that Saturday night. After the first few days, Neville was surprised to find that as long as he could ignore the cynicism from Slytherin, his life not only did not get worse, but was actually much better than before!

In the past, no one wanted to be friends with Neville. Except for Hermione who would talk to him when helping him with his homework, everyone thought he was too stupid.

But now, perhaps because of facing people's censure together, his relationship with Harry and Ron has improved by leaps and bounds, skipping the stage of ordinary friends and becoming close friends.

Neville didn't know if he should be happy. But he knew he would never forget this experience. He will always remember the lesson he learned this time and will never get carried away again!

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