Chapter 74 Final Exam

Recently, students in Hogwarts have been very anxious because Hermione's long-awaited final exam has finally arrived.

After a group of little wizards got up in the morning, they found with confused faces: ‘There is an exam today! ? I haven’t reviewed it at all! ’

However, the professors don't care so much. They keep a close eye on every little wizard sitting in the classroom to prevent anyone from cheating.

For Bell, it makes no difference whether he takes the exam or not.

First, the questions in the exam are very simple for him, and he can get full marks casually.

Second, he doesn't care about his grades. Does he still need to get perfect scores to prove himself?

Of course, if given the choice, Bell still doesn't want to take the exam. Because the exam means that he needs to face Professor Quirrell.

Bell tried hard to hypnotize himself in his mind for a long time before he could resist throwing Quirrell out of the examination room. It was so stinky!

Also, during the spellcasting assessment, Bell should pay attention to convergence and try not to exceed the average value too much.

Finally, with the eager anticipation of the little wizards, the last History of Magic exam came to an end.

The little wizards cheered excitedly, throwing textbooks, quills and other school supplies into the air with all their strength... and then running away after being hit by the falling textbooks.

Hermione found Bell immediately after the exam.

Hermione frowned and said to Bell worriedly: "What should I do!? Bell. I feel like I didn't do well in the exam."

"!? Which subject did you fail in?" Bell asked curiously.

You know, even under Bell's obstruction in every possible way, the little witch finally completed the third review before the exam.

A whole three times!

If Hermione couldn't do well in the exam, it must not be her problem, but the problem with the test questions given by the professors. It is estimated that more than half of the young wizards will fail the exam.

"I failed in several subjects..."

Hermione looked like she was about to cry.

"During the Potions exam, I felt that the transparency of the potion I finally made was a bit unclear; during the Charms exam, Pineapple's dance steps were a bit unsmooth; during the Transfiguration exam, the pattern of the snuff box I created was not very beautiful. ;besides……"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Bell was speechless.

He is familiar with this routine! I remember when I was in junior high school or high school, after every exam, there would always be a few classmates in the class with sad faces. They would come up to complain when they saw someone: "Why didn't you do well in the exam this time? What?" Which subject needs to be finished? ’

Bell, who was still very young at the time, actually believed in them naively. While trying to comfort them, he secretly rejoiced in his heart: 'I did very well in the exam this time~! ’.

Then when the results came out, Bell was shocked to find that among those who had complained, none of them had a lower score than him!

It’s all a routine!

"Hermione, you are too anxious. You have to believe in yourself and you will definitely get a good grade."

"But I really didn't do well in the exam! It's exactly what you said. It would be better if I started practicing spellcasting earlier."

Bell, who really didn't know how to comfort Hermione, had to resort to his ultimate move: 'Took out a bottle of Happy Water and stuffed it into Hermione's hand'.

By the way, does Hermione need comfort? You are obviously the one who needs comfort, right?

‘We’ve finished the exam, why don’t you let us go home! ! ! ’

Can't professors just take their time in reviewing test scores? Report cards can be sent to parents of children using owls. If it's too slow, you can also use a personal terminal to send an electronic version first. I have to go home to find Shanna! If you don’t go back, you’ll have no chance!

Hermione held her mouth in frustration while sipping the happy water. After burping, I finally stopped talking about the exam.

The two stood up and left the classroom, deciding to go outside the castle to get some fresh air.

The end of June is the best time of year in the UK. It's also a good day today, the temperature is suitable and the sun is shining brightly.

Many little wizards who got rid of the pressure of schoolwork chose to go out for a walk. They were either chasing and playing on the grass, playing with the giant octopus by the black lake, or sitting under the tree quietly blowing the breeze.

Everyone is enjoying the beginning of their wonderful life in their own way, or may it be the end?

At night, Bell was lying on the bed getting ready for sleep. Suddenly, there was a 'pop' sound, and Lim apparated and appeared beside Bell's bed.

"Master, the three people you asked me to monitor, including Harry Potter, just left the Gryffindor lounge. From what I heard they were going to the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

"Alas~!" Bell sighed.

He hates going out at night. I hate getting up and putting on my clothes again after already taking off my clothes and lying on the bed.

However, for his own plan, no matter how reluctant he was, Bell had no choice but to get up.

So why do these people have to choose the night? The day is so long, what can't be solved? ?

Harry went on another night walk.

Originally, after being deducted 150 points, he, Ron, and Neville had decided never to violate school rules again. However, when emergencies arise, follow the authority!

In order to prevent the world from being destroyed and to maintain world peace, tonight, Team Rocket... ahem, it's the 'Savior Trio' who are out again!

Based on the testimony of an unnamed keykeeper, the three of them had successfully identified the suspect.

That's right! It's you, Snape!

They determined that tonight, Snape would sneak into the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor, the room guarded by the three-headed dog Luwei, and steal the Philosopher's Stone placed there by Professor Dumbledore.

Snape wanted to dedicate the Philosopher's Stone to his old master, Voldemort, to help him resurrect. As Voldemort's nemesis, Harry must not allow Voldemort to resurrect.

The three of them have already tried to find Professor Dumbledore. But Snape was more cunning than they imagined. He had already deceived Professor Dumbledore into going to London by forging letters. So they can only use their own hands to stop Snape's conspiracy!

The three of them put on Harry's invisibility cloak, avoiding everyone's sight, and successfully deceived Peeves midway. Finally, the three of them arrived outside Lu Wei's room again.

The three people looked at each other, cheered each other up with their eyes, swallowed, and resolutely opened the door with the consciousness of sacrifice.

With a 'squeak' sound, the door was pushed open. Although the three-headed dog Luwei can't see people, he can smell strange smells. It stuck out its nose in the direction of the door and sniffed, letting out a low growl in its throat.

At Lu Wei's feet, the three of them saw a harp thrown to the ground as expected.

It seems that Snape has successfully passed Lu Wei's level. They must speed up. If Snape gets the Sorcerer's Stone first, the world will be in danger!

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