The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 726 Thrilling Night

Three flowers bloom, one on each side.

After splitting up, Hermenim entered Slytherin's lounge smoothly.

The lounge was pitch dark at this time, with only the burning flame in the fireplace stubbornly emitting the last glimmer of light.

Walking slowly towards the girls' dormitory, Hermenim even had time to look around the entire lounge. Especially the black lake above her head, this arrangement of the lounge at the bottom of the lake made her feel very novel.

I wonder if there is a chance to set up an explosion spell here later?

It would be a very interesting scene if the barrier above the head was blown open and the massive black lake water poured down.

With extremely dangerous thoughts swirling in his mind, Hermenim finally walked into the girls' dormitory area. She followed the sign at the door and walked slowly toward the interior of the dormitory area.

Suddenly, Hermenium froze on the spot, and a creepy feeling arose in her heart.

What did she see! Why is there an Obscurus in the girls' dormitory area of ​​Slytherin! ?

Are the roads at Hogwarts so wild?

You know, even Durmstrang, who openly teaches black magic, would not dare to keep such dangerous things in the school!

Not to mention, this is also the dormitory area, where students sleep and rest.

So what the hell is going on! ?

Just when Hermenim was in shock and confusion, Obscurus, not far away, also spotted Hermenim's figure.

Obscurus, which seemed to be a mass of black threads, floated in front of Hermenim in the blink of an eye and circled around him.

Looking at Obscurus, who seemed to be observing himself, drops of cold sweat broke out on Hermenim's forehead.

If it was farther away before, she still doubted whether she had seen it wrong. So now, after close contact and feeling the depressive and desperate atmosphere exuding from the black thread, Hermenim was very sure that this must be Obscurus.

There was an Obscurus in her family. She had seen it once when she was a child, and she would never mistake it for its unique aura.

Standing frozen on the spot, Hermenim did not dare to move. It's not that she's afraid of Obscurus. In fact, in a head-to-head fight, she has absolute confidence that she will not lose at least.

But the problem is that if she fights with Mo Ran here, she will definitely attract the attention of people in the dormitories on both sides. By then, she had no confidence that she would kill them all before the students called the professor.

I don't know how long time passed. Maybe it was because Hermenium didn't move, which made Obscurus feel bored? I saw this silent creature slowly drifting towards the other end of the corridor.

Taking a long breath and looking at Obscurus drifting away, Hermenim moved his stiff limbs.

As long as the other party didn't interfere with her plan, she didn't bother to care about the madness of the professors at Hogwarts to raise Obscurus in the school. Even if all the students in Hogwarts died, she would not frown.

Continuing to move forward, according to the signs, the dormitory where the target is located should be not far ahead.

Get the target quickly and leave quickly. Hermenium felt awkward at the thought of a dangerous Obscurus wandering around her.

However, Hermenim had just taken two steps forward when she saw the Obscura suddenly turned around and came to her in an instant. This time, the other party no longer circled around her, but floated up and down in front of her.

Hermenim tried to take a step again, and in the next moment, he saw thin black lines extending from the main body of Obscurus. The thin threads swung wildly, and waves of powerful magic surged, causing the air around Obscurus to twist slightly.

Seeing this, Hermenim didn't know what the other party meant. She hurriedly took a few steps back, and as expected, silently retracted the thin line and calmed down.

Then, after a while, the Obscurus floated in another direction again as if nothing had happened.

Grinning, Hermenim felt a headache.

She discovered that she and Hogwarts were most likely incompatible. Ever since she came here, unexpected situations have always happened. Obviously, it is impossible for her to sneak into the target dormitory without knowing it.

In desperation, Hermenim had no choice but to exit the dormitory area, and informed the other two people of the situation here through his personal terminal, asking them to be more careful.

Back in the corridor, Hermenium walked towards the Gryffindor common room. Since this road was blocked, she could only resort to the next best thing and capture the little guy named Hermione Granger.

It is said that this little guy is Bell's girlfriend, and the two of them seem to have a very deep relationship. As long as they catch Hermione, even if Wallace fails, they can threaten Bell with Hermione's life.

For a pure-blood family, reputation is the most important thing. At that time, for the sake of the reputation of their descendants, the Menethil family can only bite the bullet and suffer this dumb loss.

Otherwise, they will expose this matter and fight to the death.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Anyway, all their major families are now overwhelmed by the Menethil family, so they don't care so much.

But then again, she just couldn't figure it out.


Why on earth is there an Obscurus in the girls' dormitory area of ​​Slytherin?

Hermenim seriously doubted that the professors at Hogwarts might have done such outrageous things because their brains had been hammered by trolls.

In fact, Hermenium really blamed the Hogwarts professors wrongly.

The professors had no idea that there was an Obscurus in their own school.

Even Snape only learned from Bell's mouth that the little girl named Bellinger was born with extremely active magic power and needed to be by Bell's side at all times, with Bell helping to suppress the magic power in her body.

Snape didn't know that the cute little girl who looked harmless was actually an Obscurus.

Yes, the Obscurus that Hermenim encountered was the Obscurus inside Little Bell.

At first, Bell was worried for a while when he discovered that the Obscurus in Xiao Lingdang would often come out to let out wind after he fell asleep. Until he discovered that as long as the little guy didn't have nightmares, Obscurus would not show aggression.

As for what if the little guy has a nightmare?

Actually, that's nothing.

Little Bell has always slept with Shanna. Once something goes wrong with the little guy, Shanna next to him will notice it immediately.

Although he couldn't completely suppress Little Bell's Obscurus, he could only suppress it for a while until Bell arrived, and there would still be no problem.

Not to mention, now Little Bell also has a little bear. With the help of Tibbers the Bear, it is enough to eliminate the possibility of any accidents.

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