The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 727 Hogwarts’ Late Night Theater

An Obscurus often wanders around the Slytherin girls' dormitory area at midnight, and of course it's impossible for no one to notice.

In fact, not long after school started, a little Slytherin witch encountered a mysterious shadow in the dormitory area.

These little witches have never seen Obscurus, and most of them have never even heard of it. Therefore, people are naturally afraid of this unknown mysterious existence (although if they know it is Obscurus, they will most likely be more afraid).

As the number of witnesses increased, rumors about the "mysterious shadow in the Slytherin girls' dormitory area" gradually spread throughout Hogwarts.

Before anyone could try to uncover the mystery of the shadow, Peeves, the spiritual pillar of Hogwarts, bravely stood up and solemnly stated in front of all the teachers and students of the school:

'I! Peeves! Take responsibility for this! ’

It is said that Professor McGonagall was so angry that he 'chased' Peeves for three days and three nights. It's a pity that Peeves' nature is similar to that of the Earthbender. Although he can't leave the castle, as long as Hogwarts doesn't collapse, no one can do anything to him.

Therefore, this matter can only be dropped in the end.

But since then, Slytherin's little witches rarely leave their dormitories at night.

They didn't want to have to face Peeves' pranks late at night. If you don't do it well, you might not have to sleep, and you'll be very sleepy the next day.

Hermenium entered the Gryffindor lounge very easily, leaving only the fat lady behind who looked confused.

The poor fat lady was woken up twice in one night for no apparent reason. And the most important thing is that she failed to see the culprit twice.

Seeing the decoration style in front of him that was completely different from the Slytherin lounge, Hermenium was no longer interested in leisurely admiring it this time.

The previous plan did not go well, which made her feel unhappy now. All she wanted now was to grab that little girl Hermione and get out of this hellish place.

Quickly walking into the girls' dormitory area, Hermenim found Hermione's dormitory smoothly this time.

This relieved her.

She was really afraid that there was an Obscurus in the Gryffindor girls' dormitory.

The security measures at Hogwarts are really hardcore.

However, Hermenim's brows frowned tightly again soon. She carefully scanned the sleeping people in the dormitory and discovered to her surprise that Hermione was not among them.

After exiting the door, Hermenim checked the house number again, then walked into the bedroom with an unhappy expression and closed the door.

Sure enough, she just wasn't compatible with Hogwarts. There was nothing that pleased her in this poor place.

Walking to the only empty bed, Hermenim put his hand into the quilt and touched it. The cold touch from her palm told her that the owner of this bed probably had not come back tonight.

He picked up the book on the bedside table and took a look. From the name written on the title page, it was certain that this bed belonged to Hermione.

It was almost dawn. At this time, it was naturally impossible for Hermenim to search the whole castle for him. God knows where this little girl who didn't go back to the dormitory to sleep well ended up wandering off.

After standing there in silence for a while, Hermenim's eyes lit up and he turned his attention to the other people in the dormitory.

[Fainted on the ground]!

Randomly selecting the nearest little witch, Hermenim first cast a sleeping spell on it, then pointed the wand between the other person's eyebrows and used Legilimency to check the other person's recent memory.

After a few minutes, Hermenim raised the corners of his mouth. She roughly pulled off a few strands of the other person's hair, then stuffed them into the closet and hid them.

To be on the safe side, when closing the cabinet door, she also added a sleeping spell to ensure that the other person would sleep for a week without waking up if no one could break the spell.

After closing the cabinet door and locking it, Hermenim took out a bottle of magic potion from his arms and threw a piece of hair into it.

As soon as the hair came into contact with the potion, it was immediately corroded and integrated into the potion, as if it had been exposed to strong acid.

After waiting a few seconds for the white mist above the potion to dissipate completely, Hermenim drank the potion in one gulp. Then, her body suddenly softened and twisted like plasticine, and within a short time, her appearance completely changed.

After changing into pajamas, and briefly saying hello to Wallace through the personal terminal,, it should be Parvati now, and then lay back on the bed.

Staying up late is a big taboo for beautiful women. Before dawn, she could still catch up on her beauty sleep.

What Hermenium didn't know was that not long after she walked into the Gryffindor girls' dormitory, a tall and strong figure ran out of the boys' dormitory.

After entering the lounge, Greyback quickly passed the entrance and left without stopping. It can be seen from his slightly panicked figure that his actions were not smooth.

At this moment, Greyback almost wanted to curse.

For him, running away was not unacceptable. Over the years, especially after the Menethil family turned their guns on werewolves, running away had almost become a routine for him.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is an absolute master at escaping. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to be chased and intercepted by the Menethil family and escape to this day without being caught.

However, being chased away by a little brat really made Greyback lose his face. At this moment, he desperately wanted to turn around and tear the kid named Bei Lang into pieces.

Yet he couldn't do that.

Because in that case, the noise caused will inevitably attract the attention of others. By then, he will have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, and he will be locked up and beaten.

Therefore, no matter how humiliated and unwilling he was, he had to endure it now.

Wolves are the most patient hunters. He has to be patient, and then find the best opportunity to hit the target with one strike and escape safely.

So, what happened to Greyback that made him so embarrassed at this time?

In fact, things are not complicated.

After being separated from the other two, Greyback sneaked straight towards the Gryffindor lounge.

However, unlike Hermenium who had smooth sailing on the road, Greyback's luck was slightly worse.

He first met Mrs. Norris in the corridor, then met Filch who came to look for Mrs. Norris, and finally bumped into Peeves who came to play a prank on Filch.

In order not to be discovered, Greyback had to squat in the shadows at the corner of the stairs for a long time, and finally waited until Filch ran away after Peeves.

To be honest, Greyback enjoyed watching the Hogwarts late-night theater with only one audience. If he hadn't been tasked with an arduous task, he would have really wanted to follow along and see the subsequent development of the plot.

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