The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 728 A good wolf

Because he caught up on a drama on the road, Greyback actually arrived in the Gryffindor lounge a little earlier than Hermenium. He strode into the boys' dormitory area, without even looking at the signs on the doors of each room, and walked straight to the direction of his target.

He didn't lie before. He was indeed very interested in Bei Lang, a kid with a strange appearance.

At first, when he saw the other party's photo, he subconsciously thought that the other party was a werewolf.

It wasn't until he later received information that someone saw the other party not transforming with his own eyes on a full moon night that Greyback believed that the other party was really not a werewolf.

But then, a stronger interest arose in his heart. Because the intelligence also showed that the other party obviously had a physical quality that far exceeded that of ordinary humans. During the previous world-class speed competition, the opponent once defeated an adult wizard holding a wand by hand-to-hand combat alone.

Although there is some element of carelessness on the part of the wizard, even so, it can be proved that Beilang's speed and strength are comparable to those of a werewolf.

If he can turn Beilang into a werewolf and subdue the opponent, then he will definitely have one more general under his command.

Even if they can't conquer the other party, they will definitely make the Menethil family very heartbroken. And as long as it makes the Menethil family feel heartbroken, he will be very willing to do it.

After entering the Gryffindor lounge, Greyback's interest in Bewolf suddenly reached its peak.

With the werewolf's excellent sense of smell, he smelled an unusual smell as soon as he entered the lounge.

This smell is very similar to that of a werewolf, but it is slightly different.

As if blessed to the core, Greyback instantly realized that the owner of this smell must be his target this time.

Moreover, he had a hunch that the other party was very important to him, or to the werewolf.

This premonition came from the depths of his bloodline, as if the werewolf bloodline in his body was longing for something in the other person.

Now, in addition to revenge and threatening the Menethil family, Greyback had another reason to seize the target.

Maybe it's a good thing for him that Wallace took away Bell's goal?

However, Greyback was preoccupied with thinking about what was so special about Bei Lang that could attract the werewolf blood in him so much. This led him to ignore that since he could smell Bei Lang's scent so clearly, it was very likely that the other party could also distinguish his scent.

In fact, just a few seconds after Greyback entered the boys' dormitory area, the little wolf who was sleeping soundly on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

Sniffling, Little Wolf jumped out of bed in confusion. He could clearly smell a strange smell approaching. This smell was something he had never smelled in Hogwarts.

And most importantly, this smell gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, just like the smells of his companions when he lived among wolves.

But feeling it carefully, he could tell that it was slightly different.

Compared with the smell of his previous companions, this strange smell now gave him a crazy feeling, as if the other party was sick.

With full of doubts, Xiaolang opened the door.

Looking at the empty corridor, the little wolf sniffed hard again.

Strange, why didn't he see anyone even though the smell was vaguely coming from not far away?

Green eyes reflected a terrifying light in the dim corridor. The little wolf knelt down, tensed his muscles, and assumed a defensive posture.

In the wilderness, even if they are both wild wolves but belong to different wolf packs, most of them will choose to fight after meeting.

Therefore, the little wolf did not relax its vigilance just because the opponent's scent was similar to its own. Instead, it instantly entered a preheating state, always ready to greet or launch an attack.

Seeing the little wolf's sudden defensive posture, Greyback reluctantly put down his wand.

He was shocked when he saw the other party suddenly opening the door and coming out.

But thinking about the illusion spell that he had been maintaining, Greyback realized that this might be a good opportunity.

The smell wafting on the tip of his nose told him that the other people in the dormitory behind him were still lying on the bed honestly at this moment. He made a sneak attack in the corridor and captured the target, which made him safer.

However, unfortunately, the target was much smarter than he imagined. He only raised his wand halfway before he had to put it down again.

As a werewolf, perhaps influenced by the beastiality hidden in his blood, Greyback prefers to fight in close quarters rather than standing far away and casting spells.

The feeling of sharp claws tearing flesh and the sweetness of fangs piercing blood vessels made him unable to stop.

Therefore, he could no longer remember how long it had been since he had fought with a wand seriously. Now he can only use some commonly used magic spells, and his level is not very good.

At this current distance, Greyback really had no confidence at all in using magic spells to sneak attack and subdue the target. If he had this ability, he would have completely eliminated his own smell and sound long ago when he cast the Disillusionment Curse.

Seeing the target slowly approaching, Greyback hesitated for a moment, then stepped on the target's pace and retreated a little backward.

There was no way, he couldn't retreat too fast now, otherwise the sound of his footsteps would instantly reveal his position.

Slowly retreating step by step, Greyback finally turned a corner.

Seizing this opportunity, Greyback turned around and jumped out, quickly evacuating the Gryffindor lounge.

Just as the portrait of the Fat Madam blocked the entrance again, the figure of the little wolf also ran into the lounge.

Following the scent trail, the little wolf knew that the strange guy had already left here.

After looking at the dark entrance and struggling for a while, Xiaolang finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to track.

Although he was very curious, who was the guy with a smell similar to his? Why come here late at night? And why did you run away suddenly?

But his wolf king had told him to stay in the dormitory and sleep at night and not to go out to play.

As a good wolf, although he wanted to go out for a walk at night, he would not disobey his wolf king's order.

Thinking of this, Xiaolang turned around and walked towards the dormitory. Before entering the boys' dormitory area, he glanced in the direction of the girls' dormitory area. He could smell a strange smell that disappeared into the girls' dormitory area.

However, his wolf king also told him not to enter the dens of those female wolves.

Just as the little wolf lay back on the bed and fell asleep again, Greyback shivered fiercely in the dim corridor of Hogwarts.

‘Why, why didn’t you chase that guy out? ’

In order to eliminate his own odor, he poured a bucket of water from head to toe.

It was very cold at night in late October.

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