The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 733 Action failed

The walls collapsed, kicking up wind and dust that flew ferociously around. But all of this couldn't attract even the slightest attention from Hermione at this moment.

"Bell, you are finally here!"

With that said, Hermione leaned forward and plunged into Bell's arms.

The previous battles consumed too much of her energy and magic power. Seeing Bell at this moment and completely relaxed, Hermione felt as if a red-hot iron was stirring in her mind, causing unbearable pain.

"Well, I'm here. I'm fine now. Just have a good rest."

Bell gently stroked Hermione's hair, and emerald green light loomed in his palm, helping Hermione soothe her tense nerves.

In this way, after the two of them spent about a minute in silence, Hermione suddenly looked up at Bell as if she suddenly thought of something.

"Bell, did you see the attacker? He was disguised as Parvati."

After a fierce fight, Hermione was well aware of the strength of her attacker.

Although she had used magic props to break the blockade set by the opponent before, she was not confident that she had defeated the opponent.

"The attacker? Isn't he right there?"

Bell turned slightly sideways and gestured towards where the gate used to be. There, the attacker, Hermenium, was leaning motionless against the wall.

"Is she, is she dead?"

Seeing the other person sitting quietly, as if he had stopped breathing, Hermione felt as if her heart was tightly grasped by a hand, making it difficult to breathe.

So far, she has experienced a lot of battles, big and small. She has also seen some dead people and so on. She has even witnessed miserable scenes such as being burned to ashes by flames, being blown apart by magic spells, etc.

But Hermione had never done anything like killing someone with her own hands.

The main reason is that her strength is limited. Even if she uses destructive spells such as crushing spells and cutting spells, she can basically only damage the enemy, but cannot directly kill it.

But before, she was forced to do so and couldn't think about what she had or didn't have. If she didn't go all out, she would be the one lying on the ground at this moment.

Hermione didn't sympathize with the attacker, but killing someone with her own hands still caused a lot of psychological pressure on her.

"Don't worry, she's still alive."

Bell comforted.

Hermenim is indeed still alive, but in a bad condition.

Not only did he suffer multiple burns all over his body, he also had two broken ribs.

Of course, for a wizard, this minor injury can be basically cured by drinking a bottle of magic spell and sleeping for a day, so it's not a big deal.

What really hit Hermenim hard was her soul.

From childhood to adulthood, Hermenim was very proud.

In school, she was always among the best. After graduation, she has been working hard to improve. It can be said that over the years, she has really not encountered many people of her own age who are more powerful than her.

As a result, an outstanding child like her from another family was defeated by a Hogwarts student today. Even if the other party had an unbelievable number of magic props, she still found it difficult to accept it.

Previously, after being careless at the beginning and suffering some small losses, she became serious and quickly put the opponent at a complete disadvantage.

Unexpectedly, the opponent clenched her wand with her right hand to defend herself, and threw magic items with her left hand to fight back. The fight ended with her at a 50-50 draw.

Hermenim has always paid little attention to magic props.

In fact, she is not the only one, most wizards don't pay much attention to magic props.

Except for props such as defensive accessories, flying shoes, and escape belts, most other magic props do have limited effects. If you have time to activate magic items, you might as well cast a spell yourself. The power is not weak, and it is more flexible. The most important thing is that it does not cost money, which is great.

Therefore, even an owner like her who is not short of money usually only prepares a few magic props to take with her in case of emergencies.

But no matter how limited the magic props are, when the quantitative changes accumulate to a certain extent, they will also cause qualitative changes.

Not to mention, Hermione also has many good things on the market that even money can't buy.

For example, hellfire stone.

Since developing the use of Hellfire Rain in the United States, Bell has significantly reduced the market supply of Hellfire Stone and stored this powerful rock golem as a strategic reserve.

Of course, Hermione had several pieces of Hellfire Stone on her body.

Although Hermione was unable to smash meteorites with her strength, the battlefield environment did not allow her to smash meteorites. But even so, after she threw out a hellfire, Hermenim was forced to panic for a while.

It's a pity that the space in the classroom is limited, and throwing one Hellfire is the limit. Otherwise, after discovering that Hellfire is so easy to use, Hermione really wants to throw out all the Hellfire in the space bag.

Seeing that Hermenim was forced to switch from offense to defense under the pressure of Hellfire, Hermione rolled her eyes and took out a dozen more explosive flame beads, hid them in the wood, and then used the magic spell, Shoot these pieces of wood to the opposite side.

He controlled the Hellfire and retreated in front of him, then took out a flame totem and inserted it into the ground. Then, there was a big explosion that shook the entire Hogwarts.

In the closed space, dozens of Explosive Flame Beads exploded together, which can be said to have raised the power of the Explosive Flame Beads to the extreme.

Hermione felt her ears ringing, and her eyes were filled with the red color of flames. As for the enemy's condition, she had no time to observe.

The thick Hellfire blocked Hermione's powerful frontal impact, but it also destroyed the internal structure of her body and turned it into a pile of rubble.

The flame shield activated by the flame totem blocked Hermione's aftermath from both sides, and then she was reduced to a broken piece of wood due to exhaustion of magic power.

Thanks to them, although Hermione was also affected by some explosions, it was only a slight shock and not injured.

Hermenium on the other side did not have such good luck.

The few magic props that Hermenium had with her had all been used before, and she didn't expect that Hermione would be so ruthless as to resort to such a method of mutual destruction.

Being unprepared and being blown up in the face at close range, and not being completely blown to death was because of Hermenim's superb strength.

With blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, Hermenim sat against the wall, unable to get up for a while.

She knew that her action was a complete failure. Let alone catching Hermione, whether she could run away now was a question.

Gritting his teeth and resisting the pain in his body, Hermenim pushed himself hard on the ground to stand up and left the castle through the front window.

She believed that the previous explosion must have attracted Wallace's attention. As long as she successfully reunites with the other party, there is still hope of escape.

As for Greyback?

She never regarded the dirty and stupid werewolf as her companion. Let the opponent use some residual heat to block the enemy's pursuit.

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