The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 734 You must practice the magic spell well

Of course Greyback would not be willing to sacrifice himself to stop the pursuers for others, and Hermenium knew this.

But it doesn't matter, they have already considered the possibility of this happening. It's just that what they expected before was how to deal with it if they were accidentally discovered by a professor at Hogwarts after successfully capturing the target.

The situation is now quite different, but fortunately the final response plan should still be able to play its due role.

Wolfsbane potion, which was just developed two years ago, can be used to suppress werewolves from going crazy on full moon nights. With a little modification, it can be turned into a potion that prompts werewolves to immediately go berserk.

Both she and Wallace carry this violent potion.

After meeting Greyback for a while, she could pour the potion on him and successfully escape while taking advantage of the slightest gap in his transformation.

The crisis stimulated Hermenim's potential. In just the blink of an eye, she envisioned more than a dozen possible scenarios in her mind and thought of corresponding solutions.

But before that, she needed to stand up and leave here.

According to her estimate, a professor should arrive here in less than 3 minutes. By that time, if she wanted to leave, it would probably be impossible.

The strong wind blew, lifting up Hermenim's long hair.

Through the gap between the hair, Hermenim suddenly saw that the main target of their operation - Bell, suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. The strong wind before was caused by the opponent's high-speed movement.

A feeling of despair struck Hermenim's heart. She didn't expect that Bell would come so quickly, even much faster than the professors.

The time was too short, and she had not been able to suppress the injuries in her body. Now it was extremely difficult to even lift her arms.

As if all the strength in his body had been drained away in an instant, Hermenium slumped against the wall, waiting for the Bell Curse to strike.

However, an unexpected scene happened. After taking a look at her, Bell walked quickly towards the classroom without caring. Not only did he not attack her, he even exposed his back to her defenselessly.

Why Bell did this, Hermenim didn't know. But she knew that she had hope again!

Even if this glimmer of hope is as fluttering as a candle, she will try her best to catch it in the palm of her hand!

She raised her right hand slowly and with difficulty. Even though she had suffered such a violent explosion before, her wand was still firmly held in her right hand. For a wizard, as long as he has a wand in his hand, anything is possible...

A strong binding force suddenly acted on Hermenim's whole body. If she were in her prime, she would still be confident that she could break free from this shackles. But now, she could only watch Bell's figure getting further and further away, while she sat there, unable to move.

The candle flame went out without warning.

In fact, what Hermenium didn't know was that after she was exposed, it was destined that she would not be able to walk out of Hogwarts unharmed.

The companion she expected in return, Wallace, was acting as Shanna's top, and her brain was about to be thrown out of her ears.

And Greyback, whom she regarded as cannon fodder, was already unable to protect himself at this time...

Greyback, who was frozen into a dog, couldn't wait until the wolf cub chased him out. This made his plan to turn around and fight back completely come to nothing.

In desperation, Greyback could only find a hidden place to hide, planning to act according to the situation later.

Since Xiaolang would also do morning exercises with Bell and others in the morning, he also finished his meal early. Taking advantage of the little time before class, the little wolf ran around in the castle like a child.

It has to be said that as a wolf child, the little wolf's physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary wizards. Even Bell and Shanna had to rest for half a day after high-intensity morning exercises to eliminate physical fatigue. As for the little wolf, he only needs to eat a full breakfast to fully recover.

This is a racial talent that cannot be envied.

While running, the little wolf suddenly braked hard. He stood there and sniffed hard, smelling the unique smell he had smelled in the dormitory last night again.

Lying on all fours, the little wolf searched for the scent left in the air, groping forward step by step.

I don’t know why, but this time the scent became much lighter, but as an excellent hunter and an excellent wild wolf, the wolf still captured the trail of the scent effortlessly.

Following the scent, the trail became more and more eccentric. Gradually, except for himself, there was no one else around the little wolf.

An aura of danger began to permeate the air, and the little wolf's body gradually became tense. Gray hair grew rapidly on the wolf's limbs, and he was ready to fight at any time.

Watching the little wolf getting closer and closer to him, Greyback was very confused. So he had already hid in such a hidden place, but why was he still approached by that inhuman, wolf-like kid?

He swore that when he returned this time, he would practice the spell well, at least to the point where he could eliminate smells and sounds.

Of course, practicing the magic spell is something that will happen later. Now what is before Greyback is whether he wants to launch an attack or not?

Logically speaking, it is a good opportunity for him to come to such a remote place alone.

But the problem is, it's daytime now, not late at night. Even if there is no one here now, who can guarantee that no one will hear the noise and come to check.

He is a man who cherishes his life, otherwise he would not be alive now.

In the end, Greyback decided to make a strategic shift based on the principle of safety first. Anyway, class will start soon, so he only needs to take the other person for a few rounds, and the other person will probably retreat. The only thing I need to worry about is whether the other party will tell the professor about the smell?

However, the other party has never seen him from the beginning to the end. Presumably the professors at Hogwarts will not care about the nonsense of a first-year freshman.

A violent roar suddenly came, interrupting Greyback's steps.

‘I’ll do it! ’

Greyback didn't know who made such a big fuss. But he knew it couldn't possibly be Hogwarts students pulling a prank.

Then the level of this prank is too high, even the international level can't stop it.

Therefore, it must be Wallace or one of Hermenium who made the move.

He knew that those pampered pure-blooded losers were unreliable!

Before, he had told him not to be exposed in a decent manner.

The face is really big!

Someone was exposed, and naturally he could no longer stay in Hogwarts. God knows if those pureblood fools would have sold him out.

No! Those idiots will definitely sell him out!

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