The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 735 Unexpected Attack

Greyback made up his mind to leave Hogwarts as soon as possible. He no longer had time to play and go around in circles with that Bei Lang.

But if he wanted to escape quickly, he had to get rid of Beilang first. Otherwise, if the other party makes a fuss and exposes his location, it is likely to greatly increase the difficulty of his escape.

Fortunately, the sudden violent explosion startled Bei Lang, who was tense all over. Taking advantage of the opponent's moment of confusion, Greyback rushed out of his hiding place and launched a surprise attack on the opponent.

While running, Greyback quickly completed his transformation. His sharp claws slashed towards the wolf cub's neck, leaving three faint claw marks in the air.

Seeing the attack coming, the little wolf exerted all its strength and jumped back. However, due to his lack of concentration in the previous moment, he lost the initiative and was unable to completely avoid Greyback's claw attack in time.

Blood gushed out, soaking through the clothes on his chest in the blink of an eye, and four hideous wounds appeared on the little wolf's chest.

Feeling the severe pain in his chest, the little wolf gritted his teeth, but a painful whine escaped from his throat.

The limbs were deformed, and the little wolf completely entered a fighting state. The muscles at the chest wound contracted and squirmed, slowing down the bleeding. However, it can be seen from the expanding blood stains on the shirt that the wound has not completely stopped bleeding.

It seems that the wolf boy is much weaker than the werewolf in terms of self-healing ability.

He licked the blood on his paws, and the sweetness of the blood made Greyback's eyes glow red. But the looming sense of crisis still made him suppress the bloodthirsty desire in his heart.

To be honest, he was quite surprised that the other party was able to escape his surprise attack. It seemed that this kid who looked like a werewolf but was slightly different from a werewolf had much better physical fitness than he expected.

Greyback breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the little wolf lying on the ground with his eyes fixed on him, as if he might attack at any time.

What he fears most is missing a hit and causing the opponent to shout for help, attracting the professors from Hogwarts.

Now that the other party looks like he wants to fight with him alone, he doesn't know whether to say that the other party is brave? Or stupid?

No matter what, it's good for him.

The thought in his mind flashed away. Greyback just paused for a moment, then stepped forward and continued to attack.

The little wolf kept moving backwards, swinging its tail from side to side to maintain its balance.

The opponent is tall and has long arms, so he can attack him, but he cannot attack him.

And now that there are no wolf pack companions to help him distract the opponent and create attack opportunities for him, he must be more careful and try to find opportunities to get close.

Every time he moved, blood would seep out from the wound on the wolf's chest, and the severe pain stimulated the wolf's brain.

But as the saying goes, injured beasts are the most dangerous. Not only did the little wolf's movements not deform due to the severe pain, but instead, under the stimulation of the death crisis, his perception became sharper.

His eyes were fixed on the enemy without blinking, and every move of the opponent seemed to be in slow motion in his eyes.

1 minute passed... 2 minutes passed...

The corridor was strewn with the little wolf's blood. The excessive blood loss made Xiaolang's face very pale.

A feeling of weakness came from his limbs, and the little wolf felt that his body was getting colder and colder, as if he was standing naked in the ice and snow.

But even so, Xiaolang still didn't give up. He squeezed every ounce of energy in his body, trying to find an opportunity to bite out the enemy's throat.

The little wolf who was forced into a desperate situation was still fighting steadily, but Greyback, who had the advantage, was the first to be able to bear it no longer.

The other party is so slippery! Taking advantage of her small size and agility, she was able to dodge all his attacks. Occasionally, she would be scratched by his claws, leaving a few shallow wounds.

This is the first time that Greyback has encountered this type of opponent in so many years.

In the past, when fighting ordinary wizards, the wizards would try their best to distance themselves from him. The battle was like a cat and mouse, you chasing me.

When fighting werewolves, everyone bit each other fiercely, and the main competition was strength and resilience.

If the situation were different, Greyback would be happy to play with the opponent slowly and experience the opponent's delicate fighting method.

But now, he really doesn't have time!

It had been a long time since the explosion. If neither he nor the other party had cast a spell, there was not much noise. It is estimated that the professors at Hogwarts would have noticed the abnormality here.

He can't drag it out any longer, otherwise he might be unable to fly.

Thinking of this, Greyback opened his arms wide, exposing the vital points of his chest and abdomen, and rushed towards the little wolf regardless. Anyway, the werewolf's recovery ability was so strong that he didn't believe that this kid could kill him in one blow.

A frightening light suddenly appeared in Xiaolang's eyes, and he finally got his chance!

The muscles in his limbs contracted to the extreme, and the little wolf squeezed out all the remaining strength, kicked his feet hard, and rushed out close to the ground.


A howl that was neither human nor wolf-like came from Greyback's mouth, causing dust to fall from the roof.

The young wizards who were still discussing fiercely in the auditorium about what happened all shuddered. Some of the timid ones even felt the urge to urinate and regretted drinking so much water at breakfast.

This scream is really scary!

Although it was not as loud as the previous explosion, listening to this shrill and melodious wailing sound, it was like standing alone in a deserted cemetery on a dark night, when a hand was suddenly placed on the shoulder from behind.

It was so sour that it almost made everyone faint.

Fortunately, there are so many people around now.

Greyback lay curled up on his side, a pool of blood slowly expanding beneath him.

He really didn't expect that the other party would be so malicious at such a young age!

He thought that the other party would target his throat, his heart, and his stomach, and he had already thought about how to deal with this.

But what he never expected was that the other party would use his thin body to get under his crotch and give him a claw...

Over the years, Greyback has experienced countless battles, large and small, in order to become the Wolf King. He also suffered numerous injuries, both minor and severe.

His neck was torn in half, his heart was exposed, and his intestines were flowing all over the place. These tragic injuries had all appeared on his body. If it weren't for the werewolf's abnormal recovery ability, he would have died countless times.

But he dared to swear to God that no matter how tragic the injury was before, it never caused him as much pain as this time!

And aside from the physical damage, the area of ​​​​his psychological shadow at this moment is infinite!

Holding his right hand on the ground, Greyback reluctantly got up.

In fact, strictly speaking, his injury was not serious. With the werewolf's powerful self-healing ability, he was able to regrow his lost organs in less than an hour.

But no matter how powerful the recovery ability is, it cannot restore the psychological trauma. Greyback clamped his legs together and stood awkwardly, looking at the panting little wolf lying on the ground not far away, and for a moment he was afraid to step forward.

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