The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 742 Where is the other one?

Snape didn't believe a word of Bell's lies.

Just kidding, he is not blind or deaf. How could he not sense such a big movement outside before. Even if you look up from here, you can see the chewed mountain top at a glance.

And normally speaking, this time is the time when you should be sitting in the classroom for class. Who would run to the school gate for a walk early in the morning after eating?

Please make excuses and be a little more considerate, please!

Unfortunately, if Bell didn't intend to say it, Snape couldn't do anything about it.

He will not punish Bell now. To be honest, he is still counting on the other party to say a few good words for him in front of the board of directors to suppress today's matter.

He knew that Mag, that old witch, usually made small reports about him to the board of directors. Now that such a big accident has happened, the other party is not sure how he will arrange it with the board of directors.

When he was alone, he urgently needed the help of Bell, his 'good brother'.

"Huh! I'm going back!"

Out of sight and out of mind, Snape turned around and strode towards the castle, not wanting to look at Bell's dumbfounded face again.

"Wait! Snape, we can't just go back! There must have been a battle in the southwest just now. We must go to investigate the specific situation and ensure the safety of the school!"

As a determined leader of Dumbledore, Hagrid had always disliked Snape, who had squeezed out Dumbledore and became the principal.

And now, the honest Hagrid is even more dissatisfied with Snape.

It was clear that such a strong magic wave had just erupted outside, but just now when he reached the school gate, Snape, who didn't know what part of his brain was twitching, didn't even plan to investigate?

This is outrageous!

From Hagrid's point of view, it was obvious that Snape suddenly became timid and feared danger, so he did not dare to leave Hogwarts.

Sure enough, Snape is not worthy of being the principal of Hogwarts!

He is stronger than the other party every time!

Of course, Hagrid had no intention of becoming headmaster. He is still very confident about his own level. He's not that Snape guy.

What he wanted to express was that only Dumbledore was the most suitable candidate to be the principal of Hogwarts.

Even if Professor Dumbledore is gone, Professor McGonagall should take over. Professor McGonagall can barely compare to one-half... no, one-third of Dumbledore. Even if he is just so-so, he can be the headmaster?

No matter how you calculate it, it shouldn't be Snape's turn. I really don’t know if all the stupid guys on the board of directors all have troll blood, so why did they choose a coward like Snape?

"If you want to see it, go and see it yourself."

Snape kept walking and said without looking back.

He didn't bother to explain to Hagrid's elm head, it was just a piece of rotten wood that couldn't be carved!

Bell's brat is back from outside. It's obvious that even if they go out now, it's already too late.

The only thing that is certain is that there was indeed someone outside to respond before.

As for now, there must be no hair left.

Whether the responders ran away or died, since Bell didn't want to say it, Snape didn't bother to care.

Rather, he wished Bell didn't say anything.

Anyway, the Menethil family has the final say in most of the Ministry of Magic now. If anything happens, just let the other party find a way to solve it. He was just a weak, pitiful and helpless principal. He was doing his best to take care of Harry's safety.

"Go by yourself, just go by yourself."

Hagrid grunted unhappily and continued walking out alone.

It would be better if Snape didn't follow him, so that he wouldn't have to worry about the other party plotting against him from behind.

Seeing Hagrid's retreating figure, Bell wanted to stop him. After all, unless he really dug deep, Hagrid would definitely not be able to find anything.

But after hesitating for a moment, Bell still didn't speak. Because he knew that it was impossible for him to persuade the other party. He couldn't tell Hagrid that the guys outside who were responsible for the reception had already been made into straw by him.

Shrugging, Bell took two quick steps and caught up with Snape.

"Professor, how is the situation now? Is the Auror here?"

Bell asked.

Snape glanced at Bell and said in a subtle tone:

"The two intruders have been controlled. The ghosts and portraits are helping to search the castle. No other dangers have been found so far. I have notified the Ministry of Magic. It is estimated that the Aurors will arrive soon."

Nodding, the situation was basically the same as Bell expected.

After all, it didn't take long for him to go out and deal with the responder, so it was normal that the situation didn't change significantly.

"Wait! Aren't there three intruders? Why are only two under control? Where is the remaining one?"

Bell suddenly discovered ‘Hua Dian’.

This shouldn't be the case.

Greyback had been beaten to half a disability by Huangquan, and it was impossible to escape the control of Professor Flitwick and the two.

The unidentified guy who attacked Hermione (the effect of Hermenium's Polyjuice Potion was still not removed) was also subdued by him. The opponent should not be able to escape without a wand and being seriously injured.


"There's another intruder in Zannah's hands...she won't give it to us."

Snape's expression became more subtle.

It's the kind of expression where you obviously want to laugh, but considering the current situation, you feel that you should be more serious, and the result is very confusing.

To be honest, as half a victim, Snape felt a little pity for the guy who fell into Zannah's hands.

In that abandoned underground classroom, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the top from Shanna... ahem, he was an intruder.

He was such an old man, but he was too embarrassed to steal the little girl's "toy". Therefore, after persuading him to no avail, he had no choice but to let it go.

He definitely didn't let Shanna's behavior go unchecked because he found it interesting. real! He is not the kind of person who takes pleasure in misfortunes!

And it was precisely because he was watching a show at Shanna's place... ahem, it was delayed for a while, so he didn't have time to come out to investigate immediately, but Bell beat him to it.


Hearing Snape's answer, Bell was also embarrassed.

It seems that Shanna must not have heard his last words, so she is still 'torture' her and trying to pry open his mouth.

Fortunately, the other party was a wizard. If it were a Muggle, Bell really didn't know what would happen if he was kept spinning at high speed for such a long time.

"What about that, Professor, I suddenly remembered something urgent, so I left first."

After speaking, Bell didn't wait for Snape to reply, and rushed into the castle in a flash, running towards the abandoned classroom underground.

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