The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 743 You can’t learn!

After a while, Bell came to the door of the abandoned classroom again.

At the door, he also met the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Cremy Sain.

At this time, Sion was looking into the classroom with a wry smile. From time to time, he would cast the Cleaning Spell and the Cyclone Spell to help Shanna clear away the 'relics' thrown out by the 'gyro'.

"Master Bell, please persuade Miss Shanna."

Looking at his young master hurriedly arriving, Sion felt as if he had seen a savior. He was about to faint even if he kept staring here.

Smiling apologetically at Sion, Bell walked into the classroom.

While he was still at the door, he could hear the whistling wind coming from the classroom, which showed how fast the 'gyro' was rotating.

To be honest, Bell was really afraid that his sister would accidentally turn the other person to death. After all, this was inside Hogwarts, unlike when he just went on a killing spree outside. If Zannah killed someone here, the impact would be really bad.

"Shan, uh..."

As soon as he entered the door, before Bell could say anything, an unknown object with a pungent smell came towards his face.

Bell quickly cast a disappearing spell and threw the unknown object into the void space.

"Sanna, it's not too early. Otherwise, let's hand this guy over to the professors."

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Bell hurriedly spoke to persuade.

Even though Sion cast the cyclone spell from time to time, there was still a vague sour smell in the classroom, which was simply a torture for Bell, who had a keen sense of smell.

He didn't want to stay here for a second anymore, and he didn't want his sister to stay here anymore. It's rare that all the classes in the morning are cancelled. It would be nice to just find a lounge to chat or something.

"But, I haven't found out the whereabouts of Liz and Leile yet."

Shanna's face was tense, and her eyebrows were wrinkled.

The other party was stronger than she imagined. She, the top player, could hardly bear it. She didn't expect that the other party, the top player, could still endure it.

Although they are enemies, this is worth learning!

In fact, the little girl has got into trouble and is competing with the other party.

Such a long time was enough for her to roughly search the castle. There was a high probability that she would be able to find her two good friends. There was no need to fight with each other here.

"Put him down first and let your brother ask for you, okay?"

Bell looked at his sister dumbfounded. As expected, Shanna didn't hear what he said when he left.

"All right."

After obediently putting down the 'top', Shanna stared at her brother eagerly, wanting to see how he would pry open this 'tough guy''s mouth. She needs to study hard, maybe she can use it in the future.

"Th-those two little girls...are in the abandoned bathroom on the third floor."

Returning to the embrace of Mother Earth after a long absence, Wallace didn't bother to feel the coldness of the floor carefully. He suppressed the dizziness in his mind and the turbulence in his stomach, gritted his teeth and told the location of Phyllis and the two.

He was really scared!

He was afraid that if he spoke a second too late, he would be hung up and spun around again. In that case, God knows when he will have the chance to speak again next time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wallace couldn't bear it anymore and lay on the ground and retched violently.

All the food in his stomach, including gastric juice, had been thrown away during the previous rotation. But even though his stomach was empty, he still felt like vomiting...

[Fainted on the ground]!

With a wandless sleeping spell, Bell helped the poor guy in front of him temporarily get rid of his dizziness.

I hope the other party won't have any psychological shadow because of today's events.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if he stays. Anyway, the best outcome for the other party is to spend the rest of his life mining in a mine.

"Okay, we already know the location, let's go and rescue Phyllis and the others."

With that said, Bell waved his hand and threw the 'body' on the ground to Sion, then walked out holding Shanna's shoulders.

At this time, Shanna opened her mouth in surprise with an unclear expression on her face.

So what on earth did my brother just do? Why did that tough guy confess immediately as soon as he walked in front of the other party? She didn't feel any magic fluctuations. Could it be said that this is the legendary bastard spirit?

How can I do this if I can’t learn it?

Without any twists and turns, the brother and sister found Phyllis in the bathroom where Myrtle lived on the third floor.

The two little girls were sleeping in a hidden barrier. Even Myrtle, who had been crying and playing in the bathroom, didn't realize that there were two more people around her.

This was much to Myrtle's chagrin.

If she had known that there were two little girls hiding in her bathroom, she would have stopped the two of them just now.

Maybe these two little girls were never found and died here.

That way she would have company.

Maybe the three of them can form a group, like the Headless Knights. You can also apply to the principal to convert this bathroom into a dormitory.

Myrtle missed the days when she lived in the dormitory. There was a big soft bed there, it was warm in winter and cool in summer, and there would be no evil imps to throw water at her.

However, such a beautiful future was abruptly destroyed!

This made Myrtle look at Belle very unkindly.

Then Myrtle discovered, Ouch! This guy seems pretty good looking!

"Hey! Your name is Bell, right? I've heard of you, but I'm not afraid of you."

As a ghost, although Myrtle can neither eat, drink, nor even smell, it is precisely because of this that others cannot touch her.

At least according to Myrtle's little knowledge and experience, so far, she only knows that the basilisk can threaten ghosts, and other wizards have nothing to do with her.

Therefore, although she had heard many young wizards talking about Bell and describing him as very scary, she was not untrue at all.

"Do you know, this is the girls' bathroom, not a place where you guys can come in.

If I told you about sneaking into the girls' bathroom, you would be socially dead.

However, for the sake of your decent looks, I can give you a chance.

As long as you dump that curly haired Hermione and agree to be my boyfriend, I can keep today's secret for you. "

Myrtle folded her hands on her chest and looked down at Bell with a look like, 'I've already been merciful beyond the law, so why don't you kneel down and thank me?'

As soon as Myrtle finished speaking, Bell suddenly reached out and held down his sister's wand, causing the dark green magic light on the wand to dim.

Thanks to his quick eyesight and quick hands, otherwise Hogwarts would have lost a precious ghost today.

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