The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 744 This salary must be increased today!

"We are following the professor's order and are here to save people. So even if you tell me, I don't care."

Just kidding, Bell had already been in and out of the girls' bathroom when he was in first grade, and it was still in use. He was so proud... Ahem!

What he meant was that he was acting in a hurry, and in order to save others, he had to sacrifice himself and enter here.

This behavior of being flexible according to emergencies and not adhering to dogma should be encouraged and promoted.

So Myrtle's threat meant nothing to him.

He'd be crazy to fall in love with a ghost.

Ignoring Myrtle, Bell pushed Zannah's back and walked out quickly. He was really afraid that if he stayed any longer, if Myrtle said something nonsense again, Zannah threw a killing curse at her in anger.

While being pushed out by her brother, Zannah turned back and glared at Myrtle dissatisfied.

Someone dared to threaten her brother in front of her. This is really unreasonable!

Moreover, this guy actually wants to be her sister-in-law? I'm afraid I haven't woken up yet!

By the way, do ghosts need to sleep?


However, the title of 'Curly Haired Hermione' was not bad. For the sake of this title, she reluctantly let him go, and she would not look for opportunities to deal with him in the future.

It wasn't until the footsteps of the two Bells completely disappeared that Myrtle sat down on the bathroom floor.

Previously, when Zannah's wand lit up with green light, she felt a strong life-and-death crisis.

Although she is already dead...

Myrtle instinctively felt that once she was hit by the green light, she would be completely knocked out of her mind.

That's too fucked up. If dying once is not enough, do you want her to die a second time?

It seems that Bell and Shanna are ten thousand times more hateful than other students!

She should just walk around in the future...

After preliminary inspection, Bell judged that Phyllis and the two had just fallen asleep and were not harmed.

However, based on the principle of being careful and never making a big mistake, Bell and Shanna still took the two of them to the infirmary.

Pushing open the door of the infirmary, Bell saw his girlfriend at a glance. At this time, Hermione was sitting in a chair, undergoing Madam Pomfrey's careful examination.

Not far away, the little wolf, who had been treated, was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. Beside the hospital bed, Huang Quan leaned against the wall, his head lowered and silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Bell suddenly discovered that, except for the little bell that he put back in the suitcase to catch up on his sleep after breakfast, his whole family was actually here!

Is this really... quite normal?

After all, the attacker's target was their family.

"Oh! Is anyone injured again? Quick! Move them in quickly and let me take a look!"

Madam Pomfrey had a bad feeling when there was a knock on the door. As expected, she glanced around and spotted the two little girls floating behind Bell.

This really frightened Madam Pomfrey.

She was puzzled, why is Hogwarts so trouble-prone?

The year before last, when Hogwarts held the Triwizard Tournament, she specifically asked the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Those students all said that there had never been any big troubles in their schools, and the school doctors were very free every day. Even their principals planned not to recruit school doctors, but to let other professors take up the role part-time.

This is right! This is the correct way to start the school doctor career!

Of course, school doctors still need to be recruited. Treatment is a delicate job, how can we allow those amateur professors to work part-time?

What if there are any sequelae for the children?

So not only do we need to recruit people, we should also give them high salaries!


But Hogwarts is a good place. Either a Gryffindor student burned the pot in the Potions class, or a Gryffindor student fainted in the Herbology class, or a Gryffindor student. I fell out of the sky during a flying lesson... Anyway, there is no rest day!

Forget it, there are other people whose vitality has been sucked away by ghosts, people who have been petrified by the sight of basilisks, people who have been attacked by dementors... in short, all kinds of situations will happen.

With a meager salary as a school nurse, she works as an attending physician at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. If she hadn't really been unable to let go of these naughty children, she would have quit her job long ago!

Finally, it was quiet for a year last year and nothing major happened. As a result, now, less than two months after school started, the castle has exploded! ?

She felt violent vibrations in the school hospital from the previous explosion, which showed how powerful it was.

'no! I have to ask Snape to give me a salary increase this time! Otherwise, I will switch jobs and go to work in the Menethil family company! ’

While thinking about this, Madam Pomfrey moved Phyllis and the two to the hospital bed.

Then, she pressed the wand lightly against the two of them and began to examine them carefully and carefully.

With abundant magic power, good health, and plenty of energy... Madam Pomfrey soon breathed a sigh of relief. If it weren't for the obvious traces of the curse on Phyllis and the two of them, she would have thought that they were pretending to be asleep on purpose to trick her.

"Resuscitate quickly!"

Madam Pomfrey cast a resuscitating spell to lift the sleeping spell on both of them.

Then...the two of them still slept soundly.


Madam Pomfrey was extremely embarrassed.

So this is the sleeping spell cast by the Thousand Swordsman? These are just two little girls, as for casting such a powerful sleeping spell! If one of them doesn't do it right, the two of them may never wake up!

What Madam Pomfrey didn't know was that Wallace didn't care whether Phyllis or the other two people could wake up. Rather, he wished the two of them could stay asleep so as not to wake up suddenly at the critical moment and cause trouble for him.

Moreover, Phyllis and her family are die-hard supporters of the Menethil family, and they are also hostile to Wallace's camp.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to one's own people.

Therefore, after knocking out the two people, Wallace deliberately strengthened the effect of the sleeping curse. This resulted in Madam Pomfrey's current failure to break the curse.

After all, Madam Pomfrey is only a medical worker and is good at treatment, but it does not mean that her attainments in other magic spells are equally advanced.

"Mrs. Pomfrey, why not let Professor Isayama try it."

Seeing Madam Pomfrey scratching her head in embarrassment, Bell stood up very considerately.

Moreover, considering that Madam Pomfrey was not familiar with him, if Bell said that it was up to him, Madam Pomfrey would most likely not agree, so he deliberately pushed Huangquan out.

"Yes! Professor Isayama, please help remove the sleeping curse on these two people. These two little guys are not injured. After removing the sleeping curse, there should be no problem.

Of course, these two poor children may have been frightened, so it would be best to rest quietly here for a while. "

After being reminded by Bell, Madam Pomfrey remembered that there was a real professor here.

The main reason was that the other party had been silent before and his sense of presence was too low. As soon as she became busy, she forgot about the other party.

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