The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 745: I killed someone by mistake and I didn’t let him go.

It can be said that Madam Pomfrey knows this new Professor Isayama very well.

To be honest, she doesn't like him at all.

Every time the opponent's practical training class ends, a group of students will come to her for treatment.

For this reason, during this school year, her already heavy workload suddenly nearly doubled.

She also went to Snape to protest, but in the end it had no effect.

But because of this, she also learned through the students' chats that Professor Isayama was very powerful.

Therefore, Madam Pomfrey felt relieved when she handed over the task of breaking the curse to the other party.

Silently walking to the bedside, Huang Quan turned to look at Bell.

How could she know the revival spell?

Although under Bell's influence, she has indeed been studying Onmyoji recently, hoping to go further. But there are still some differences between onmyoji and magic spells.

With her current level of onmyoji, it is basically unrealistic to expect the effect of breaking the curse across 'disciplines'.

"Ahem, Huang...Professor Isayama, your wand is here."

With that said, Bell handed his wand to Huang Quan and gestured with his eyes.

Madam Pomfrey on one side looked at the two people's backs in confusion, wondering why Professor Isayama's wand was in the hands of a student?

Ignoring Madam Pomfrey's confused look, Huang Quan took the wand and tapped Phyllis twice casually.

The resuscitation spell that Bell had stored in the wand took effect immediately after it came into contact with the target. The eyelids of the two little girls on the hospital bed trembled and they soon woke up.

"Where is this!?"

As soon as she opened her eyes, Phyllis saw a strange...well, not so strange, but a slightly familiar ceiling.

Then, she saw clearly the faces of the people surrounding the bed.

"What's going on? Shanna, why am I here?"

Phyllis looked at her good friend with a confused expression. Apparently, she had no idea she was being attacked.

"You two were attacked by bad guys. My brother and I found you and took you to the infirmary. Don't you know what happened before?"

Shanna asked.

Phyllis and Reina looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

They only remembered that the two of them planned to go to Shanna's brother's magical suitcase for morning exercises. Because they were late because they stayed in bed, the two of them walked in a hurry. Then while walking... he suddenly appeared in the infirmary.

Zannah was left to explain today's events to the two little girls. Bell took Hermione in his arms and placed her on the hospital bed on the other side.

"Bell, I'm fine. I don't need to be hospitalized."

Thanks to that pack of magic props, although Hermione consumed too much energy, she actually did not suffer any physical harm.

Had it not been for the fact that Professor McGonagall had not ordered her to come to Madam Pomfrey for examination after handing over the attacker to Professor McGonagall, she would not have even planned to come to the infirmary.

"It's useless for you to talk to me about these words. You have to talk to Madam Pomfrey."

Bell said with a smile.

The infirmary was Madam Pomfrey's territory. Even Snape couldn't speak here, let alone an ordinary student like him.

"Okay, don't think so much, just sleep peacefully and just treat it as being with Little Wolf."

"……All right."

After taking a look at the bandaged little wolf not far away, Hermione reluctantly agreed.

"Bell, I...can I ask you a favor?"

"Of course, tell me, what is it?"

"Can you please not leave and stay with me for a while?"

Hermione looked at Bell expectantly.

She knew that Bell must have a lot to deal with now.

After all, Hermione had already learned from the previous attacker that the opponent's main target was actually the Bell brother and sister.

And she was just a hostage used to coerce Bell.

Of course, she didn't have any negative emotions because of Bell's involvement.

If I have to say it, maybe I am a little happy?

Even Bell's enemies knew that Bell had a deep relationship with her. This was too... too embarrassing!

But the previous battle was, after all, the first time in Hermione's life that she faced a powerful enemy alone. That feeling was completely different from the past with Bell standing behind him.

Therefore, now Hermione was not only mentally exhausted, but also wrapped in strong uneasiness inside, making it difficult to calm down for a long time.

"Of course. Don't worry, I won't go anywhere. I will stay here with you until you wake up."

Sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed, Bell held Hermione's hand tightly.


Her cheeks were slightly red, Hermione had a slight smile on her lips, and her eyes were full of love when she looked at Bell.

Maybe it was because she was too tired, or maybe it was the warmth from her palms that made Hermione feel extremely at ease. Soon, her breathing began to slow down and she fell into sleep.

Bell didn't pay too much attention to the disturbances from the outside world. Although he wanted to find out all the people behind the scenes and kill them, he was still a student at school after all, and it was inconvenient to do many things.

And the most important thing is that there is really no need for Bell to worry about this matter.

After learning that his precious daughter had been attacked in Hogwarts, William almost lost his temper and exploded on the spot.

No matter how cautious William was, he would not be able to bear the enemy's despicable behavior.

William actually had some guesses about the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes.

During the previous period, he had been conducting secret investigations, trying to figure out which company, or rather which companies, were behind the scenes.

But now, William, who was filled with anger, no longer planned to continue the investigation slowly.

There was no mistake in killing them, and they were not spared. Anyway, those families were all hostile to the Menethil family, so we might as well just get rid of them all!

Thus, a secret war affecting the entire European magic world began.

While he was busy cleaning up those pure-blood families, William did not ignore the safety of his children.

Of course, the main concern is the safety of my daughter.

After Bell and Zannah's repeated persuasion, William finally gave up the idea of ​​stationing Aurors inside Hogwarts.

However, he still squeezed out a small team from the family's special operations team and stationed it outside Hogwarts. They patrolled the area around Hogwarts every day to prevent anyone from sneaking in again.

While William was thinking about how to strengthen the defense around his children, Bell did not do anything.

First, he completed the improvements of Wan Snake and Crazy Bear as quickly as possible, ensuring that Zannah and Hermione had trump cards.

Secondly, make sure there is someone accompanying Little Bell at all times. After all, the little guy is still too young, and Obscurus is not enough to protect his own safety.

Finally, little wolf, let the little wolf fend for himself...

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