The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 746 Unexpected Disaster

Bell said that he is not a patriarchal person, really!

But boys have to go through some beatings before they can grow strong.

For example, this time, after the little wolf woke up and after a series of tests, Bell was surprised to find that the boy was not infected into a werewolf.

Not only that, the little wolf also gained the powerful self-healing ability of the werewolf.

Although it is weaker than a real werewolf, it is still outrageous!

Bell speculated that the wolf blood in the little wolf's body should have swallowed up the werewolf virus, so this situation occurred.

Also, Bell really has no good solution. He didn't have any extra trump cards at the level of Wan She.

Moreover, even if he wanted to make a new one, not to mention the production cycle problem, he no longer has the magic stone in his hand. Now his father is guarding him as much as he is guarding against thieves, and he is determined not to let him "greed for ink" on the magic stone again.

Without the magic stone as its core, Wan She is just a more powerful magic puppet.

As for other magic props, Bell can indeed get a lot of them.

But the question is, would anyone give Erha a hand grenade to play with?

Bell was really afraid that Xiaolang would kill himself before he could blow up the enemy.

In fact, Bell already has ideas about Little Wolf's future path.

Perhaps because of his ability to transform, Xiao Lang is very talented in the art of transformation. In addition, compared to using a wand to cast spells, this kid prefers to transform and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Therefore, Bell planned to use Wang Shouqiang's family's secret skills to forge a wolf armor for Xiao Lang. However, he has not yet fully understood the relevant knowledge of the weapon refining techniques, so he is not yet able to forge that level of armor for Xiao Lang.

What? You ask, doesn’t the Wang family’s secret skill require you to forge the armor yourself?


‘Pa~! ’

"Put your feet down! How many times have I told you not to squat on a chair to eat!"

I really want this kid to forge it by himself, let alone a battle armor. As long as he can make an iron plate, he will squat down to eat from now on!

In the blink of an eye, two weeks have passed since the Hogwarts attack, and the young wizards have gradually shifted their attention and stopped discussing related topics.

This isn't because people are fickle and have fallen out of love so quickly. It's actually because they had no involvement at all in this incident.

Apart from the explosion caused by Hermione, which shocked everyone, the incident was over before they could get ready to save the world?

No, how could it be finished so quickly! ?

Counting down the many events that have happened at Hogwarts over the years, none of them should have lasted for more than a few months. In the end, the whole Hogwarts was in panic. The professors were not interested in teaching and the students were not interested in listening. Shouldn't this be a routine procedure?

As a result, this time, it was like ‘Boom~! ’ and it’s over! ?

They couldn't even take part in the excitement, so how could they explain to their parents that their grades were just below the passing mark when they returned home?

It’s better not to have this happen! People with plain hooks feel itchy!

Unlike the little wizards who were just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, Snape, who had been busy for two weeks and finally dealt with the Ministry of Magic's inquiries, was sitting slumped in the chair in the principal's office, feeling exhausted both mentally and physically.

For the first time, Snape felt that the position of principal was not as good as he imagined.

Those idiots at the Ministry of Magic actually suspected that he colluded with outsiders and deliberately let in the intruders! ?

Just kidding, how could it be the intruder he let in!

You know, he knows very well that Bell and others are very powerful. If he really colluded with outsiders, then he would definitely not only find three people.

At least 300!

‘Dong dong dong~! ’

"Who is it?"

Snape was unhappy and yelled out the door dissatisfied.

Really, I wonder if this great principal of his is taking a break. It must be that old witch Mag again, coming to see his excitement.

Speaking of which, in the past two weeks, he had been too busy responding to the Ministry of Magic's inquiries to deduct points from Gryffindor.

This is not possible. Those little lions who lack training are typical of not fighting for a day and only doing the work. He would have to hurry up and deduct the house points owed to Gryffindor.

"Professor, it seems that you have not been doing well recently."

The door was pushed open, and unexpectedly, what appeared in Snape's field of vision was not Professor McGonagall as expected, but Bell's smiling face.

Resisting the urge to smash the ink bottle into Bell's face, Snape stared at Bell with an unkind expression and asked coldly:

"Why are you here? Come to see my joke!"

The reason why Snape suffered in the past two weeks can be said to be entirely due to Bell, or to the Menethil family.

As a result, the Ministry of Magic actually threw the blame on his head.

Don't think that he doesn't know that most of the Ministry of Magic is now under the control of the Menethil family.

This is a typical thief shouting to catch the thief!

It can be said that the second person on the list of people Snape least wants to see right now is Bell!

"How is that possible! Professor, how could you think that? This really makes me sad."

Bell put his hands on his chest and looked grief-stricken.

What about being good brothers for life? How could you slander him so much?

"Hmph! Stop pretending to me. Tell me quickly, what's going on when you come here today!"

Snape stared at Bell with disgust.

Who the hell is your best friend?

Bell had never been to the Headmaster's office since he became Headmaster of Hogwarts. Now that Bell suddenly ran over, Snape was still... really weak.

He would never forget that the last time the other party came here, he came with him. And it was that time that Dumbledore went home to retire.

Therefore, when Snape looked at Bell now, it was like looking at the God of Plague, which was one of the reasons why he had such a bad attitude.

Even if the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts is not as good as expected, it is still better than the position of Dean! He didn't want to lead the dog so easily, otherwise Professor McGonagall, that old witch, would laugh at him to death!

"Ahem, Professor, I came here today for two main purposes.

One, I just want to express my condolences to you. "

Of course there will be no condolences.

Just kidding, he and Snape are close buddies, so bringing condolences or something like that would look a bit out of the ordinary.

In fact, Bell really couldn't get over the unreasonable disaster that Snape suffered. After all, the other party is really innocent.

Others, including his father William, thought there were only three attackers this time.

So the question is, how did these three people sneak into Hogwarts?

Although the defensive barrier at Hogwarts is not as good as that at the Ministry of Magic, it is still one of the most powerful barriers in the UK!

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