The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 747 Self-destruction

When Dumbledore was repairing the defensive barrier at Hogwarts, he reported it to the Ministry of Magic.

After all, if you want to repair and perfect such a large-scale barrier, you will need to consume a lot of magic materials. Dumbledore wouldn't be stupid enough to pay for it out of his own pocket.

There is this fat sheep of the Ministry of Magic... ahem, he is the one who is taken advantage of... eh, they all seem to be the same?

In short, Dumbledore had severely blackmailed the Ministry of Magic by repairing the barrier. At that time, Fudge was not as strong-willed as he was later. It can be said that Fudge always responded to Dumbledore's reasonable requests.

What is unreasonable can also be reasonable!

Therefore, the elderly people with some seniority in the Ministry of Magic all know about this matter.

Some people may doubt Dumbledore's character, but absolutely no one will doubt Dumbledore's strength. What's more, with so much blood coming out, of course the Ministry of Magic has inspected the goods.

Therefore, whether others believe it or not, the Ministry of Magic does not believe that just three attackers can break through the defensive barrier of Hogwarts.

Therefore, as the principal of Hogwarts, it is natural that Snape would be questioned by the Ministry of Magic.

But only Bell knew that there were not three attackers, but as many as 10.

With the combined efforts of 10 wizards, it was quite normal for three people to be sent in without anyone noticing.

Because he didn't want to listen to his parents' preaching, Bell told no one about the other seven attackers. Not even Shanna told her.

In the end, it was Snape who took the blame for Bell...

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

After hearing Bell's words, Snape resisted taking out his wand.

Listen and offer condolences to him?

Is there anyone with empty hands to offer condolences!

No sincerity at all!

Not to mention giving him a magic stone, he didn't even prepare some precious potion ingredients. It's typical of a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be compassionate.

"Hurry up and talk about the second point!"

Snape urged unhappily.

"Alright alright."

Seeing that Snape seemed to be impatient and trying to drive people away, Bell quickly continued:

"Secondly, I want to apply for an underground classroom with you, Professor, to practice magic spells."

Finally, Bell finally revealed his main purpose of coming here today.

"Practice spells? Do you still need to apply for a classroom to practice spells?"

Snape looked at Bell in confusion.

It's not that he couldn't bear to part with a mere classroom. In fact, half of the rooms in Hogwarts Castle are vacant. Granting Bell an empty classroom was no big deal.

But the problem is that although he has not personally entered Bell's suitcase that was cast with the traceless stretching spell, he did not learn the relevant information from Shanna.

So why do you need to apply for a classroom to practice magic spells when there is such a large space that is not used?

Might as well practice on the grass outside.

"Yes, Professor, I need an empty classroom to practice my spells, preferably underground."

Bell repeated with certainty.

With the deepening of the research on soul magic, the power of the soul spell cast by Bell is also increasing day by day.

When the power of a spell exceeds a certain critical point, it is no longer suitable for practice in the laboratory.

After all, there are many precious materials and instruments in the laboratory. If they are accidentally broken, it will easily cause trouble.

Normally at times like this, Bell would move the place where he practices magic spells to a special training ground. But this time, due to the special nature of the soul spell, Bell did not want Zannah, Hermione and others to observe his practice for the time being.

Therefore, Bell planned to leave the original training ground to Shanna and others, and he would change the place himself.

Of course, he can also build another training ground specifically.

But that’s a lot of trouble.

There were ready-made classrooms available, and he didn't want to waste the effort.

"...Okay, you can just pick an abandoned classroom and use it.

By the way, remember to pick a classroom far away from the Slytherin common room. I remember, there were a few empty classrooms near the kitchen, you could check them out. "

After some hesitation, Snape finally agreed to Bell's request, without even asking Bell what spells he planned to practice.

It was useless to ask anyway, and Snape didn't bother to bother. He was exhausted both physically and mentally now, and he just wanted to take a good rest and didn't want to think about anything else.

As for whether the magic spells practiced by Bell are dangerous?

There is no need to worry at all, it must be dangerous.


Bell looked at Snape speechlessly.

This guy is really too damaged.

As we all know, not far from the kitchen is the Hufflepuff common room...

After coming out of the principal's office, Bell didn't hesitate and immediately walked underground.

Abandoned classrooms are not something that can be used just as soon as they are available. He also needs to install many magic barriers.

Of course, he would not choose a classroom near the kitchen as Snape said.

He's not that wicked.

For safety reasons, Bell decided to choose an empty classroom in the most remote place. After all, his research this time was quite dangerous, otherwise he wouldn't have specifically requested an underground classroom.


Just when Bell was busy choosing a classroom, a sudden vibration came from his pocket, temporarily interrupting his actions.

After taking out his personal terminal and glancing at the caller's name on the screen, Bell connected the communication.

"Hey! Senior Penello, why did you suddenly remember to send me a message?"

"Bell, guess what we found!"

Penello's face was pale, his eyes widened, and even his lips were bloodless.

But he didn't know if it was Bell's illusion, but he always felt that Penello's face seemed to reveal a kind of uncontrollable excitement, which was completely inconsistent with his expression.

"Uh... you, did you find out what happened last time when you put the diary in a file and sent it to me?"

Bell was a little afraid to look into Penello's eyes.

He really has no habit of peeking into other people's privacy, really!

When he saw that diary, he didn't realize what it was at first.

Since Penelo had always done an excellent job, even though he was confused at the time, he still read on patiently.

Then it didn’t stop...

"No! Yes, yes..."

Visible to the naked eye, Penello's already pale complexion quickly began to turn blue. Her mouth opened unconsciously, her eyes twitched rapidly, and she looked at Bell in disbelief.

"What did you say!?"

The sharp, high-pitched voice was reproduced through magic, shaking some of the dust around Bell's feet.

Penello is still very young, only about 20 years old, far from the age of forgetfulness. Therefore, she remembered very clearly what was written in her diary.

But at this moment, Penelope was far more forgetful. She even wanted to cast a forgetting spell on herself to make herself forget what was written in the diary.

Of course, in comparison, she still wanted to give Bell a... death curse.

'go to hell! ’

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