The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 748 A condition

With the improvement of personal terminal functions, personal terminals have gradually entered every aspect of wizards' lives.

For example, record.

More and more wizards are beginning to use personal terminals instead of pen and paper to record text and information. Compared with the shorthand quill pen, inputting text into a personal terminal is not only faster, but also more accurate.

At work, Penello has always received and organized information through a personal terminal, so she has long started writing diaries through a personal terminal.

Originally, this matter was nothing, but she didn't know if it was because of being tired from work. Once before, she accidentally sent her diary to Bell.

God knows how troubled Bell felt after seeing the contents of those diaries.

Tell that to Penelo... Bale has a guilty conscience. If you don't tell me... you feel guilty.

All in all, it was very confusing. It was so confusing that Bell wanted to cast a forgetting spell on himself and forget about it.

But in the end I didn't do that.

Don't ask why, just ask...he doesn't know why...

It is precisely because he has been thinking about this matter that Bell accidentally blew himself up after being deceived by Penelo today (which was not the case).

"Uh, it's just..."

"What do you see!"

Without giving Bell a chance to speak to save him, Penello stared at Bell intently, as if he was interrogating a serious criminal.

"……after graduation……"


Penello felt dizzy.

She keeps two diaries in total. One is from before graduation, a paper version. The other one was written after graduation and is stored in a personal terminal.

She had prayed before that she had accidentally sent the diary of a certain day to Bell by mistake. The result turned out to be the worst case scenario, she sent the entire diary! ?

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have seen it!"

Seeing tears flashing from the corners of Penello's eyes on the screen, Bell apologized decisively.

Although it is already too late to apologize...

"You...have seen everything?"

Penello looked at Bell with complicated eyes. For a moment, he didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

At first, she really wanted to let go of that relationship, so she made a lot of efforts and tried to start a new relationship with Percy.

However, after a period of stumbling together, she finally parted ways with Percy.

She also thought about finding another boyfriend. In fact, there were quite a few people who confessed to her.

But every time, she would think back to her time at Hogwarts, and then she would feel uninterested.

Maybe only what you can't get is the best. She just wants to devote herself to her work now and doesn't want to think about emotional problems.

At most, I think about it occasionally...

"This... I can't help it..."

Bell really didn't expect that after so many years, Penelo still hadn't let go.

This is different from the Europeans he knows!

Of course, Bell had no contact with Europeans in his previous life. In fact, even in this life, most of the time, he was deaf to outside world and only focused on studying magic.

And the most important thing is that he had a lot of contact with Penelo in normal work exchanges, but he never felt that the other party's attitude was strange.

"Promise me one thing and I'll pretend nothing happened."

Before Bell could think of what to say next, Penello spoke in a calm tone.

Hearing this, Bell couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although he felt that Penello's mood was a little wrong, no matter what, it was always better for the other party to take the initiative to speak than to remain silent.

Otherwise, if the awkward silence continues, the soles of his flying shoes will be buckled through.

"What's up?"

Belle asked cautiously.

Although he felt very sorry for Penelo, he was also very willing to accept punishment or compensate the other party.


He is a principled person and will not say that he will agree to whatever Penello asks.

"Don't worry, I won't let you break up with Hermione."

Penello rolled his eyes at Bell angrily, then suddenly covered his mouth and laughed.

As for whether there is more joy or bitterness in this smile, only Penello himself knows.

"I really like this job now, and I really like being able to be exposed to... these profound magical knowledge every day. So, I hope you can promise me not to transfer me to other positions. I hope I can always do my current job. .”

"...But didn't you say that you want to be a strong woman? You can't become a strong woman by being a secretary all the time."

Bell looked at Penello with complicated eyes.

Originally, he planned to leave this job to Hermione after she graduated. In fact, as early as last year, Hermione had taken the initiative to take over the job of organizing information for him. But considering Hermione's character, Bell didn't want the other party to be too tired, so he didn't agree at the time.

In addition, Penello himself is very good, and after years of experience, he is good enough to take on more important positions.

"The status of a wizard should only be determined by magic. Didn't you say this?"

Penello smiled mischievously.

As for status, wealth, etc., she actually didn't care about it even before she graduated. Because she found something more precious.

She tried to throw it away, but ended up going around in circles before finally picking it up again.

There is no way, who told her to like it.

"Don't you think about it again?"

"No, I've been thinking about it for several years and I don't need to think about it anymore."

"...Okay, I promise you."

Bell knew he should have refused. That would be better for him, Hermione, and Penello.

But looking at the smiling face in front of him, he couldn't say no.

How was he going to explain it to Hermione later? It really makes my head hurt just thinking about it.


After receiving Bell's promise, the smile on Penelo's face finally became a little brighter. She suddenly felt that maybe the previous mistake was not a bad thing?

At least you don’t have to worry about unemployment anymore…

"Haha! You are an exploited person, why are you thanking me, a capitalist?"

Let’s just leave the worries for later. Anyway, no matter how much you think about it now, it won't help, so Bell just throws it out of the water and gives up thinking.

"Hmph! If you dare to exploit me, I will go to Hermione and complain. If you sleep on the floor then, don't blame me for not warning you in advance."

Penello teased.

Then, she took a deep breath and adjusted her emotions.

"Okay, let's stop with the small talk. I almost forgot about the real business due to your troubles."

As he spoke, Penello swiped his fingers on the screen a few times and transferred an encrypted video file to Bell.

"Look at this, the latest video record sent back by [Explorer]."

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