The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 749 N'Zoth

Bell clicked on the video curiously. The picture shown in the video is of the universe. Through the faintly visible light of stars in the very distance, it can be seen that the [Explorer] is flying forward slowly.

Bell felt very strange about this.

Because the universe is so big, [Explorers] mainly explore the universe through ultra-long-distance space jumps and ultra-high-speed flight.

By the way, when the space jump distance exceeds a certain critical point, the total amount of magic power consumed for space movement will no longer increase. The cause of this phenomenon is still being analyzed.

Under normal circumstances, only when the [Explorer] approaches a certain planet will it slow down and observe around the planet.

But in the picture, Bell did not see the existence of the planet. Normally, the speed of [Explorer] should not be so slow.

After about two minutes, Bell's eyes suddenly widened.

The picture on the screen suddenly turned pitch black, and all the stars that were vaguely visible before disappeared in an instant.

Then, [Explorer] emitted light, illuminating a small area nearby. This area seemed to be able to swallow up light. The light that was supposed to spread infinitely into the distance could only illuminate dozens of kilometers nearby.

The screen suddenly jumped, and it seemed that a useless exploration screen was edited out.

In the picture that appeared again, [Explorer] had arrived at an area full of meteorites. Flexibly avoiding meteorites one after another, [Explorer] finally landed on a small meteorite about a kilometer in diameter.

Suddenly, [Explorer] flashed with dazzling light, and these strong lights were gathered in one direction, shining into the distance.

"What's this!?"

Bell was startled, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Under the light of [Explorer], Bell saw a huge 'meteorite' in the distance, and on that 'meteorite', there were several tentacle-like protrusions of different lengths.

The tentacles twist slowly, and when they get close to a small meteorite, the speed will suddenly increase, and then the ends will crack, swallowing up the small meteorite in one bite.

The whole video is very long, over an hour. Bell operated the progress bar, sometimes fast forwarding, sometimes slowing down, and it took him more than 30 minutes to finish reading.

Put the personal terminal on the ground, tap it with the wand, and a three-dimensional picture made of magic appeared in front of Bell. This is the magic modeling at the end of the video, which Bell projected out in order to see it more clearly.

In the center of the magic model, there is a huge sea urchin-like creature (?). Bell is not sure whether it is a living thing, because according to modeling data, the diameter of the main body of this 'sea urchin' is more than 200 kilometers, and the longest tentacle is more than 300 kilometers long. It was hard for him to imagine that any living thing could grow to such a large size.

In addition, there are hundreds of small meteorites scattered around the 'sea urchin'. It can be seen from the magic modeling that these small meteorites are slowly approaching the 'sea urchin'.

Whenever a small meteorite comes close to a certain distance, tentacles will appear to prey on it. After a period of time, the body of the 'sea urchin' will have cracks like mouths, from which fine dust will be spewed out.

Bell speculated that it was due to the existence of a large amount of dust that the universe was dark.

After staring at the model for a while and finding no new changes, Bell waved his hand and projected Penello's image.

"Senior, what is this?"

He asked this question, but Bell actually already had a guess in his heart.

"This is a cosmic creature discovered by [explorers] in the empty space between the solar system and Centauri."

Not surprisingly, Penello confirmed Bell's guess.

Looking at the 'sea urchin' with its tentacles swinging slowly in the center of the model, Bell was filled with wonder.

Many film and television works have imagined the existence of cosmic creatures, but so far, no one has actually discovered them.

And now, wizards, or rather humans, have finally confirmed the existence of cosmic creatures.

If this video were to be obtained by Muggle biologists, I don’t know how many people’s worldviews would be crushed.

In fact, even Bell, who had grown up in the magical world and had seen countless magical things so far, had a shaky outlook on life at the moment. He opened and closed his mouth several times, but he didn't know what to say.

Regarding Bell's reaction, Penello said he could understand it.

After the previous images of the [Explorer] were transmitted back, many researchers even fainted. I don’t know if I’m excited or scared?

Penello himself was also experiencing violent mood swings, which was why his face was so pale before, which was misunderstood by Bell.

"Bell, the Space Exploration Department is applying for the construction of a large space battleship to enable close contact with targets. The head of the William family informed me that this matter will be left to you."


Bell really wanted to throw the blame back on his father. But when he thought that his father was currently busy retaliating for the previous attack on Hogwarts, Bell opened his mouth, but still could not say a word of rejection.

"Why is there no direct teleportation?"

Bell asked.

With the existence of a miniature survival barrier for the universe, wizards can actually survive in the universe in a short period of time. In fact, the ‘H1 particles’ currently produced by Neptune were collected manually by wizards.

"After analysis by researchers, it is too dangerous to dispatch personnel directly. In fact, the [Explorer] in the video was already the third one teleported. The first two were eaten after they got close to a certain distance. Lost."

Penello said with a shrug.

"...Okay, let's build it."

After some hesitation, Bell finally agreed to the proposal to build a space battleship.

In fact, he always knew that this day would come sooner or later.

But if possible, he still hopes that this day can come later.

In his view, magic is a creative force, and destruction is only a small aspect of magic.

But it is a pity that whether it is forced by the current situation or due to unchangeable nature, human beings have always had a soft spot for destruction.

Bell himself is no exception to this.

Once a space battleship is built, it is necessary to research corresponding weapons and equipment, even if it is just to protect itself in the dangerous space.

To be honest, the pressure on Earth Lord is already great enough, and Bell really can't bear to add more pressure to it.

But now it seems that these wizards will have to become 'unworthy descendants' again.

"Go tell Sebastian and ask him to mobilize a small team of special operations team members to 'invite' some famous Muggle scientists to participate in the construction of the space battleship."

Since you want to build it, of course you have to build it for the best, learn from the strengths of others, combine technology with magic, and build as powerful a warship as possible.

"By the way, does this cosmic creature have a name?"

Bell asked.

"Not yet. The researchers are in a quarrel, and there is currently no title that can be recognized by everyone."

Penello seemed to have remembered something funny and covered his mouth, looking like he was suppressing a smile.

"That's right... let's call it [En'zoth]."

For the sake of social harmony and the safety and health of researchers, Bell reluctantly gave this cosmic creature a name.

As for whether this name can convince the public?

There is no need to worry at all. He, Bell, has always been able to 'convince people with reason'.

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