The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 750: There was a tiger bitten by a snake...

In a blink of an eye, time has come to Christmas.

During this period, in addition to studying magic spells in the arranged classroom every day, Bell has also been paying attention to the construction process of the space battleship.

Most Muggle scientists are very surprised by the magical world of magic. The existence of magic simply broke their three views and common sense over the years. In addition, it was a big project like building a space battleship, so many people took the initiative to forget the fact that they were kidnapped and voluntarily participated in the project.

A small number of people who could not accept the 'kidnapping' behavior of the Menethil family were sent back after having their memories modified.

Thanks to the assistance of these physicists, materials scientists, weapons manufacturing experts, etc., although it is the first time to build it, the magic battleship is still improving day by day at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, this is the first time after all. When it will be completed and what it will look like in the end, we cannot know now.

In the early morning of the 24th, after the usual roll call, everyone walked towards the Hogwarts platform talking and laughing, preparing to go home for Christmas.

Unlike the cheerful atmosphere around her, Hermione was a little unhappy at this time.

This Christmas, Bell's grandparents and others will return to England after a long absence, and they will bring Bell's aunt Helena's new husband, Justin, to recognize her.

Of course, Bell also invited Hermione. But this time, after all, it was a family gathering of the Bell family, and Hermione's parents were too embarrassed to let her cause trouble.

Considering that she didn't go home for Christmas last year, and after much entanglement, Hermione finally decided to go home to spend the holidays with her parents.

Bell doesn't think it's a big deal that they can't spend Christmas together. After all, it’s only one day. But Hermione always felt very sorry, so when she woke up early this morning recently, she was in a bad mood.

"My dear, come and have a smile. We are about to arrive at the station. If my uncle and aunt see you like this, I'm afraid they will all think that I am bullying you."

On the train, Bell held Hermione's slim waist and moved his hands dishonestly.

Grabbing the offending hands, Hermione rolled her eyes at Bell angrily.

"You always bully me."

"No way! How dare I bully you?"

Just kidding, Bell would be thankful not to be bullied, but how could he have the guts to bully Hermione?

He could swear to God that he had never bullied Hermione!


"Hmph! Then you should tell me what happened to what you promised Senior Penello before."

"Uh, this..."

Bell was speechless.

Regarding the promise to Penello that day, Bell told Hermione that night.

Unsurprisingly, Hermione was dissatisfied with this.

But Bell didn't know how to explain this matter. Rather, the more you explain, the more confusing it will be?

Later, Hermione didn't mention that incident again, and Bell thought it was over. Who would have thought that Hermione would bring it up again today, and being caught off guard, Bell didn't know how to deceive her.

"Hmph! I will keep an eye on you. Don't let me find out that you are doing bad things, otherwise..."

Hermione stretched out her index and middle fingers, making a scissor-like shape, and pressed them together.

"Absolutely! How could I do something bad? I'm a good person!"

Bell secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Hmph! It'd better be that way."

After saying that, Hermione slid into Bell's arms again, making herself and Bell closer to each other.

In fact, Hermione was not very angry about this matter.

This was not because Hermione condoned Bell, but because after such a long period of observation, Hermione discovered that Bell had indeed always paid attention to keeping a distance during his contact with Huang Quan.

This fact slightly increased Hermione's trust in Bell. So she actually didn't think that Bell would do anything with Senior Penelo behind her back.

But thinking about it in my heart, on the surface, I still can't give Bell a good look!

This person always knows how to push things further. What if she shows a nonchalant look and causes Bell to become ambitious?

"Tell me a joke. If it's good, I'll let you go."

Pressing her forehead against Bell's neck, Hermione suddenly whispered.

She also didn't want to see her parents in her current mood, as she was afraid that it would affect their parents' good mood.

But when she thought that she couldn't spend Christmas with Belle, which was only once a year, Hermione couldn't be happy.

There is no doubt that this matter is all Bell's fault!

Don't ask her what's wrong, how could she know.

In short, Bell has to take responsibility and find a way to make her happy.

"No problem! Let me tell you, I have a joke, it's always funny! I've been pointing to this joke for more than ten years!

It was said that a tiger was bitten by a snake..."


Hermione raised her head and glared at Bell angrily.

"How many times have you told this joke! You know how to wear a horse all day long~!"

Before Hermione could finish her words, Bell suddenly attacked her and blocked her mouth.

After an unknown amount of time, the train whistle sounded, and the two people who were inseparable were finally separated. Hermione pushed Bell away and sat up, blushing and adjusting her clothes with her heart beating.

Fortunately, Shanna and others didn't come over suddenly, otherwise she would have been embarrassed to see people again.

Don't ask her why she uses 'again'!

"How are you? Are you feeling better?"

Bell asked with a playful smile.

"Hmph! No!"

"Then do it again."

With that said, Bell came closer again.

"No! The train will pull into the station soon."

Hermione quickly reached out and pushed Bell away.

Shanna and others will definitely come over later, but she doesn't want to face everyone's teasing eyes.



"I love you."

"...Too cunning, you are committing a foul!

But you can barely pass. "

Hermione's face turned red and a sweet smile appeared on her lips.

After sending Hermione out of the station, Bell and his team returned home after a long absence.

"My dear, you are finally back, come here and let grandma give you a hug."

As soon as Bell walked out of the fireplace, she saw her grandmother walking towards her.

Opening his arms, Bell hugged the elders one by one.

To be honest, he didn't like this kind of hugging etiquette, but the other party greeted him with open arms, so he couldn't pretend he didn't see it, right?

"Oh, dear, are you Hermione? I have wanted to meet you for a long time. You are more beautiful than I imagined."

said Bell's grandmother Panisha.

By the way, she has always heard that her grandson's girlfriend is an Englishman. Now it seems that she has Eastern ancestry?

"Ahem! Grandma, this is Huang Quan, not Hermione. Hermione has something to do at home, so she didn't come over."

Bell almost choked to death from spitting.

"Oh? That's it. I'm so sorry, Huang Quan. I am Bell's grandmother, you can call me Panisha."

Panissa's eyes flickered back and forth between Bell and Huang Quan. She didn't know what she was thinking of, but her face when she looked at Huang Quan was filled with a kind smile.

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