The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 755 I have such a long vacation! ?

After listening to Bell's explanation, the group of people looked at each other and suddenly felt a sense of boredom.

They have been working together for a long time, but all their efforts have been in vain?

"Okay, Bell, stop here and get us out quickly."

Among everyone, Elena is the one who wants to know Bell better.

After all, this person really watched Bell grow up, and Elena didn't know much about her son's character.

Already before, as soon as Bell appeared, Elena had been paying attention to her son's every move, so she had already seen that Bell had a way to send everyone out.

"All right."

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Bell shrugged and agreed happily.

Since his mother had spoken, it was certainly impossible for Bell to refuse. He waved his wand gently and pulled Zanna back from the air.

"What's wrong, brother?"

Shanna looked at her brother in confusion. She was having fun, why was she suddenly dragged back?

"It's getting late. It's time for us to have dinner. Can we play again next time?"

After rubbing Shanna's little head, Bell said with a smile.

"Oh well."

Shanna nodded obediently.

Seeing this, Bell raised the wand high above his head, and majestic magic burst out from the tip of the wand. The magic power quickly transformed into a ball in the air, enveloping everyone in it.

"Everything is ready, countdown to three seconds, three, two, one, let's go!"

As Bell's words fell, the magic ball flew rapidly towards the top of the head like a cannonball. The strong wind brought by the flight directly tore apart many nearby skeletons.

When the magic ball touched the top of the space, the ancient magic words that had appeared on the [Curse Box] suddenly filled the entire sky, preventing the ball from leaving.

Bell was already prepared for this. I saw ancient magic words quickly emerging on the surface of the magic sphere, connected with the magic words on the sky, and finally formed a whole.

Then, the magic ball seemed to pass through the water, leaving this cold and dead space in waves of ripples.

The vision dimmed, and then the familiar scenery appeared in everyone's eyes again.

They returned to the restaurant.

However, unlike the previous glamorous scene, everyone now looked quite embarrassed. The main thing is that Bell said before that they should be prepared, but the question didn't say what they should prepare for!

Before they could ask, the magic ball flew out with a bang, and everyone fell to the ground under the influence of the overweight.

"Bell! You guy, don't bring such dangerous items to the castle again!"

Getting up in embarrassment, William looked at Bell angrily.

His castle has a glorious history of five hundred years. He didn't want this beautiful castle to be suddenly blown up by Bell one day.

If you want to explode it, you have to save it for your little daughter to explode...

"Okay, okay, I get it."

Public anger is hard to offend, and the group of people in front of him are all his elders. Bell has no choice but to give in.

After waving his hand to put away the [Box of Curses], Bell held the little bell and sat down at the dining table. The little guy hasn't been able to get over his self-blame until now. His little eyes are red and his mouth is holding back, which is very cute.

With a few taps of his fingers on the dining table, a sumptuous dinner immediately appeared on the plate. Bell didn't pay attention to the others. He picked up the nearest chicken leg and stuffed it into Little Bell's hand.

"Okay, don't think about what is available and what is not available. Eat quickly. Eat more delicious food and forget all your worries."

Hearing this, Little Bell looked at Bell pitifully, then looked back at the others. After hesitating for a while, he opened his mouth and bit the chicken leg.

"Is it delicious?"

Bell asked with a smile.

"Yeah, delicious!"

The two weeks of Christmas break go by in a blink of an eye. On Christmas Day, Bell specially brought Hermione over to meet the elders in the family.

On the last day of the holiday, Bell's grandparents returned to the United States. Although there is not much business in the United States that they need to worry about now, the four old people may be used to working hard, and they will not worry unless they are always watching.

The remaining Helena and his wife embarked on their wedding journey again. According to Helena, she will take advantage of this opportunity to go on a global trip and visit all the fun places. In this way, she can take over the business work with peace of mind in the future.

After returning to Hogwarts, Bell spent two days with Hermione to make up for the regret of not seeing each other for several days, and then devoted himself to his research again.

Wizards actually don't do much research on the soul. After all, when people think of soul spells, the first thing they think of is black magic.

In fact, this is indeed the case...


Therefore, there are many difficulties waiting for Bell to overcome one by one. Sometimes, he will even forget to go to class because he is obsessed with research. For this reason, Hermione did not miss Bell.

However, the scolding came to an end, and this time, Hermione did not forcefully ask Bell not to skip class like before.

Instead, Hermione listened more carefully during class and memorized notes in more detail, in order to help Bell make up for his lessons after class.

Although for these simple knowledge, Bell would have no problem even if he didn't go to class. But after all, it was his girlfriend's hard work, and Bell wouldn't let it down like this. So every night, he would seriously accept extracurricular tutoring from Hermione.

And then he left Hermione behind on the grounds that it was too late...

As the saying goes, "There is no calendar day in the mountains, and there is no year in the cold." Bell, who spent most of his time in the underground classroom studying spells, often couldn't figure out things like "what day of the week today is." Naturally, complex numbers like dates are even more difficult for Bell to sort out now.

It wasn't until Hermione forcibly pulled him out of the ground that Bell suddenly realized that spring was coming, and so were the animals...

"Spring has come a long time ago, and it's almost summer!"

Hermione looked at Bell angrily.

Only then did she realize that Bell, once immersed in learning and research, was even crazier than her. This guy actually had the nerve to keep educating her!

"Uh, is that so?"

Bell scratched his head sheepishly.

"That's not right! Where is my Easter holiday? Where is my long holiday? Doesn't Hogwarts have an Easter holiday this year!?"

Bell was angry.

That guy Snape just wanted to mess with Gryffindor House. As long as the other party didn't target his own Hermione, Bell wouldn't bother to say anything. But just because you don't want Gryffindor to have a holiday, you can't cancel the Easter holidays of the other three houses.

Even friendly troops were shot!

Hermione rolled her eyes at Bell, rolled her eyes again, rolled her eyes again, three times in a row!

If her eyes hadn't hurt, she would have wanted to keep turning.

"The Easter holiday has already passed, okay! I invited you to have a picnic, but you didn't even go. In the end, it was just me, Sister Huangquan, Shanna and others who went together!"

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