The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 756 Complex Relationship

Bell stared at Hermione for a long moment. He felt that the other party had probably traveled through time, otherwise why wouldn't he have any impression of what the other party said? It can't be that he has traveled through time again, right?

So it’s like there’s only one! That is……

"What, Hermione, why did you drag me out suddenly?"

Due to his instinctive desire to survive, Bell wisely chose to skip the previous topic.

"Today is the final of the Quidditch Academy Cup, you must accompany me to watch it!"

Bell had not gone to watch the previous games. In today's final final, Hermione would not allow Bell to escape at all.

Life is so beautiful, how can it be possible to hide underground all day long? Magic is not everything in life, it has to be a balance between work and rest!

"Okay, let's take a day off today."

After thinking about it, Bell agreed to Hermione's request.

He also felt that he spent too little time with Zannah and Hermione these days. Now that Hermione had made a request to watch the Quidditch match with him, he had to agree to anything.

"That's pretty much it."

Hermione took Bell's arm with satisfaction.

"Let's go quickly. Shanna and the others have already gone to take a seat. Let's hurry over."

Taking a deep breath and bathing in the spring sunshine, Bell, who had been staying underground for a while, felt a little uncomfortable.

However, the sun shone warmly on the body, making people feel physically and mentally comfortable, which quickly erased the awkward feeling in Bell's heart.

Following the bustling crowd, the two quickly arrived at the Quidditch field. At the highest point of the stands on the right side of the entrance, Bell spotted his sister and his group.

Walking up the steps to the stands, before Bell could say hello to everyone, a petite figure stopped in front of Bell.

"Brother-in-law, do you dislike Gabrielle?"

Little Gabriel pouted with a pitiful look on her face.

It's a blessing that Fleur is not here, otherwise Fleur would definitely fight Bell without saying a word when seeing her sister in this state.

"Uh, why do you say that?"

Belle asked awkwardly.

Hermione was right behind him, and he really didn't have the guts to say the word 'like' right now. Even if this 'like' is not mixed with any feelings between men and women, it is just the love of the elders for the younger ones. But do you think Hermione would believe it?

"Because, brother-in-law, you don't even play with me."

Originally, Gabrielle was very happy after being sorted into Ravenclaw House. She felt that if she and her brother-in-law were in the same college, they would be able to play together often.

But who would have thought that, let alone playing together, it would be hard for her to even see her brother-in-law in person.

Not only was there no one in the lounge, but she often couldn't see her brother-in-law at the dining table during meals.

Although she chose to go to school here at Hogwarts so that someone could look after her. And Sister Zannah has indeed been looking after her, allowing her to successfully achieve the achievement of walking sideways in Hogwarts.

But that's only secondary!

Her main purpose is to get food at Hogwarts!

Without her brother-in-law, she...she seemed to be eating well...

After all, the food at Sister Shanna's place is also very delicious.

Al? Thinking about it this way, it seems that all her goals have been achieved?

"Well, I've been really busy lately, sister... ahem, I'll have a day off today and have a good day with you, okay?"

Bell said.

In fact, he really didn't mean to avoid little Gabrielle. At most, he just didn't take the initiative to find little Gabrielle.

There was no way, the little girl was already 11 years old, so he had to pay attention to the impact. He wasn't stupid, he could still understand Hermione's obvious attitude.

"Really? That's great!"

After receiving Bell's promise, little Gabrielle jumped up happily. The little girl took Bell's arm and ran towards the position arranged by Shanna and others. This behavior made Hermione feel very angry.

"Sister Hermione, come here quickly."

Little Gabrielle turned around and greeted Hermione.

"I'm coming."

Hermione followed with a smile.

What can she do? She could only hold it in for now and wait until she got back to settle the score with Bell in private!

"Brother-in-law, let me introduce you. This is Louise, a good friend of mine. Louise, this is my brother-in-law Belle."

Arriving at the seats, little Gabrielle happily introduced Bell to a little girl who was also wearing a Ravenclaw uniform.

"Hello, brother Bell."

Louise greeted me obediently.

While speaking, the little girl looked at Hermione behind Bell without leaving any trace.

As far as she knew, Gabrielle's sister was a student at Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and should have graduated by now. So this eldest sister with long brown-red slightly curly hair should not be Gabrielle's sister. And the two of them are nothing alike.

But according to her observation just now, the behavior between Big Brother Bell and Big Sister was very close, as if they were lovers.

But Gabrielle did not protest against the intimate behavior between the two.

But Gabriel also called Big Brother Bell brother-in-law.

This series of complicated relationships made Louise's simple little head feel dizzy, and mosquito coils seemed to appear in her eyes.


Bell responded with a smile.

He saw the confusion and confusion in the other party's eyes, but on this issue, he really had no good solution.

He had already mentioned the issue of address to little Gabrielle many times. But this little guy didn't know what was going on in his mind, so he just accepted death and refused to change his words no matter what.

Say more? If anything, I’ll cry for you!

Therefore, in the end, Bell had no choice but to let it go.

Right now, he just hoped that that guy Fleur could give him some credit and find a real brother-in-law for little Gabrielle as soon as possible. Otherwise, if one day his parents, or Hermione's parents, heard little Gabrielle calling him, then he would not be able to escape even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

During the chat, it soon came time for the game to start.

This year's Quidditch House Cup final will pit Gryffindor against Slytherin.

In fact, ever since the Weasley twins graduated, the Gryffindor Quidditch team has felt like it has no successor.

It is said that in last year's Quidditch match, Gryffindor House relied entirely on Harry's luck. Every time, he could find the location of the Golden Snitch shortly after the game started and end the game quickly, so in the end he could I was lucky enough to win the Academy Cup.

With the exception of Gryffindor House, all the young wizards from the other three houses expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with Harry's bad luck.

Losing the game was not a big deal. The problem was that the Quidditch match they had been thinking about for several weeks ended in less than 10 minutes, and their butts were still hot!

Very unhappy!

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