The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 760 Burning Bear

Entering the house, Bell's eyes quickly swept across the first floor. Although the hot flames and distorted air made everything in the house look blurry, with Bell's enhanced vision, he could still barely distinguish the objects in the house.

His eyes swept across, and then, Bell felt severe pain in his heart. He covered his heart with his left hand. He staggered back two steps before barely regaining his balance.

His gifts, those precious gifts Shanna gave him when he was a child, were all burned by this fire!

Whether it's the paintings hanging on the wall, the clay sculptures placed on the cabinets, or the garlands hanging on the magic screen, etc., nothing...!


But now was not the time to feel distressed. Bell suppressed the grief in his heart, took a deep breath, and looked towards the middle of the house.

There, where the sofa should have been, the sofa had already been reduced to ashes in the flames, and was replaced by a big cat about 1 meter long.


The big cat let out a painful cry and struggled on the ground. Visible to the naked eye, the opponent's figure is growing, as if someone has pressed the fast forward button.


Bell called tentatively.

Not surprisingly, this big cat should be Fina. But the gap between the other party's current form and Fina was really big, and Bell was afraid to recognize it for a while.

Fina failed to respond to Bell's call. It endured the pain in its body, turned its head in the direction of Bell, and looked at its owner pitifully.

It doesn't know what's wrong with it. Before, it was having a good time playing games, but suddenly a feeling of heat came from its body, or to be precise, from its bones.

Without giving it time to react, under Fina's horrified gaze, golden flames ignited on its surface, and without paying attention, its personal terminal was set on fire.

That's a personal terminal!

That was the personal terminal that it finally got after pestering its owner for a long time!

If this one gets burned, God knows if its owner will give it another one. If there is no game to play, it will be a dead beast!

In a panic, Fina used her two little paws to extinguish the flames on her personal terminal. With the help of the flames coming out of her paws, Fina successfully spread the ashes with her paws...

At that moment, Fina felt that everything was despairing, and even the world was dyed gray.

Then it was replaced by gold.

The flames soon spread all over Fina's body, and a soreness and numbness developed in her body. Then, before Fina could scratch her body, the soreness and numbness turned into severe pain.

Under the attack of wave after wave of severe pain in her body, Fina's mind went blank and she couldn't think at all.

Until Bell's call came.

As if a drowning person had found a life-saving straw, Fina hoped that her owner could help relieve the pain in her body.

By the way, give it a new personal terminal...

Want the latest model!

Bell didn't know that his cute pet was still thinking about playing games at this life-or-death moment, otherwise...otherwise he wouldn't be able to do anything...

There was nothing he could do. Seeing the little guy in pain, Bell just wanted to help him solve his problem quickly, but he had no intention of taking the opportunity to punish him.

As for Fina's situation, Bell had a pretty good guess at just one glance.

It's obvious that Fina is transforming. The magic power in her body is rapidly expanding and integrating into Fina's bones, flesh, and internal organs, providing energy for the body's transformation.

But I didn’t know that Bi’an’s transformation itself would be accompanied by severe pain? Or is it because Fina's food was too good and she ate too many spiritual pet pills, causing too much magic power to accumulate in her body?

Of course, what Bell was more willing to believe was that because this guy spent all day playing games on the sofa and lacked experience in fighting and hunting, the magic power in his body was out of control at this moment.

The rampant magic power hurt Fina's body from the inside. Although it would be healed by the magic power in the next second, the pain that should have been felt would not be less.

Bearing the fierce flames spurting from Fina's body, Bell slowly approached her.


Suddenly, Fina roared in pain again, and a large amount of golden flames burst out.

But this time, the flames did not disperse evenly like before, but gathered together and rushed towards Bell.

The sudden attack completely exceeded Bell's expectations. He took a few steps back to eliminate the impact of the flames.

Of course Bell would not think that Fina was attacking him. From the look in the other person's eyes, Bell could see that Fina had not lost her mind because of the pain.

Therefore, the fire attack just now should be Fina's body instinct to prevent danger from approaching.

Seeing Fina trembling in pain, Bell thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and waved his hand to lift the iron armor spell on her body.

As soon as the ice blue shield disappeared, the golden flames instantly swallowed Bell's figure. Bell used all his strength to use his fire escape technique, and then he barely blended into the flames.

But even so, because the temperature of Fina's flame was too high, Bell still felt unbearably hot, as if he was in a sauna, even under the protection of the fire escape technique.

Without hesitation, Bell dodged and came to Fina. This time, he was not counterattacked by the flames.

The wand's staff lit up with blue magical light, and even though it was wrapped in golden flames, it still shone with its own color.

Bell's movements seemed slow but urgent, and he gently pressed the tip of the staff against Fina's forehead.

Fina's body was wrapped in flames, and her forehead was no exception. The golden flame soon spread to Bell's wand, and quickly approached Bell's right hand along the wand.

Of course Bell also saw this scene, and he could also feel that the flames on Fina's body were hotter than the flames on the surrounding ground. But all his attention at the moment was spent on helping Fina sort out the magic power in her body, and he couldn't spare any energy to suppress the flames on the wand.

Fortunately, in recent times, Bell often helped Xiao Lingdang sort out the magic power in her body, which can be regarded as accumulating a lot of valuable experience. Otherwise, he really has no confidence that he can help Fina at this moment.

After all, as a magical animal, the total amount of magic power in Fina's body is simply not comparable to that of a wizard. Even Bell now dare not say that he has more magic power than Fina.

As time passed, the tremors of Fina's body gradually decreased.

With Bell's help, although the pain in Fina's body did not completely disappear, without the destruction caused by the rampant magic power, it was barely reduced to a level that Fina could bear.

In contrast to Fina's situation, Bell's teeth were clenched tighter and tighter.

The flames that had spread from Fina's forehead had now completely enveloped Bell's body. Looking from the side, Bell looked like a burning man. He could only distinguish his head and limbs, but his appearance and the clothes he was wearing were completely unclear.

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