The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 761 It’s too embarrassing, leave the group yourself

About an hour passed, but it could have been only ten minutes. The burning of the flames had caused Bell to completely lose his perception of time.

Finally, Fina's body stopped trembling. The flames on its body and the flames in the surrounding houses were like suckling swallows returning to their nests. As Fina breathed and breathed, they were re-inhaled into her body.

Of course, the flames on Bell's body, who were so close, were also sucked back by Fina.

Then, Fina, who had exhausted all her strength during the transformation, tilted her head and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Bell was finally able to relax his tense nerves.

‘Pfft~! ’

A puff of black smoke was exhaled by Bell, drifting dozens of centimeters away, and finally landed on Fina's beautiful golden fur.

Bell was not sorry at all for getting Fina's fur dirty. He doesn't have the energy to think about things he doesn't need now.

At this time, Bell's whole body was pitch black, as if he had just rolled three hundred and sixty times in the coal kiln. Except for his two pairs of eyes, which could barely be distinguished, the rest of his body looked like burnt charcoal. Feng Yi If you blow it, black residue will fall down.

‘Click~! ’

As Bell retracted his right hand, the delicate balance of his body was broken, and the black ash from the burned school uniform fell and spread around.

Not only that, even the wand in Bell's hand was also burned, leaving only the fire dragon nerve as the core of the wand. It gave off a burnt smell, which made Bell swallow his saliva involuntarily.

I really want to... No, no! Now is not the time to think about lunch!

Squatting down, Bell quickly pulled out a dirty small cloth bag from the ashes on the ground.

This is his space pocket, which is usually sewn on the inside of his school uniform. Fortunately, for safety reasons, he attached a powerful defensive magic text to the space pocket. Otherwise, he would not only lose blood, but also people.

‘Rustling, rustling~! ’

As Bell squatted down, a handful of black ash floated down from Bell's head. Before Bell's joy of confirming that the space pocket was intact had time to ferment, he froze on his face.

" hair-!"

‘Crack~Boom~! ’

Bell's earth-shattering cry of grief and indignation caused the house that was already crumbling under the burning flames to let out its final scream.

The most severely damaged walls on the first floor could no longer support the weight of the upper floors. The heavy ceiling shone directly on Bell's rounded head.

"elder brother!"

A beautiful figure suddenly rushed in and appeared next to Bell, who was kneeling and wailing. She raised her wand and fired out a powerful magic blast, knocking out a circular hole nearly 10 meters in diameter in the ruins above her head.

The magic shock penetrated the house and hit the boundary of the space unabated, causing the entire space in the suitcase to shake. The magical animals that roamed far away ran away in panic, but none of them dared to approach the original house.

"Brother! What's wrong with you!?"

Shanna was extremely surprised to see her brother's embarrassment, which was several levels darker than that of a black man. This was the first time she saw her brother in such a mess.

In Shanna's impression, no matter what difficulties she encountered, her brother could easily solve them with a wave of his hand. She had never seen her brother injured except during morning exercises.

(Zannah did not see Bell's appearance after being injured by Voldemort. When Bell met Zannah the next morning, all the injuries on Bell's body had been healed.)

"Zanna!? W-why are you here... Oh, you asked Kelsha to bring you in."

The shameful look was unfortunately witnessed by his sister. Bell wanted to die at this moment.

Fortunately, his face is as dark as late at night. No matter how ashamed he is, no one can distinguish the specific expression on his face. Is this barely a consolation?

"Yes, brother."

Shanna nodded.

Although her brother asked them to wait outside, Shanna was really worried about Fina's safety. Of course, the most important thing was to worry about her brother.

So after listening to Kesha briefly describing the 'crime scene', Shanna ordered Kesha to bring her in.

Anyway, as long as she didn't open the suitcase outside, she didn't have to worry about the flames spreading to Hogwarts Castle. There were other people guarding outside, and she didn't have to worry about anyone getting close to the suitcase.

After entering the suitcase and learning from the other two house elves that her brother had entered the burning house, Zannah originally wanted to follow him in.

But after hesitating for a moment, she found that her brother didn't appear to be fighting with anyone. In order to prevent disturbing her brother from casting spells, Shanna finally stopped.

But she didn't just watch and do nothing.

Shanna stimulated her perception ability to the maximum extent, and through the turbulent flow of magic caused by the golden flames, she could always sense the fluctuations of her brother's vitality.

Once her brother's vitality shows signs of declining, she will activate the bear and rush into the sea of ​​fire.

Then, not long after, the flames went out, and the pitiful wails of his brother could be heard in the house.

"Brother, is that Fina?"

After staring at her brother carefully for a while, and finally confirming that he only suffered some superficial injuries, Shanna breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart also surged with anger.

She wants to find the person who injured her brother and avenge him!

This is definitely not what she saw on the first floor, the gifts she gave to her brother when she was a child, all burned, so she planned to find an excuse to deal with Fina severely.

Gifts and other things are definitely not as important as Fina's life. real!

Based on previous observations, Shanna had actually deduced the whole story. However, inferences are only inferences after all, and they still need to be finally verified.

"Yes, it's the little one from Fina, but now we should call it the big one."

After shaking the space pocket in his hand to remove the black ash from the opening, Bell took out a bottle of healing potion. Regardless of the ash on his lips, he bit the cork and drank it.

His skin and even some muscles were severely burned. Although he acted calm and indifferent, it was actually just to keep his sister from worrying and to show off his strength. Otherwise, he would have asked Keersha and others to carry him away for treatment.

Throwing the empty medicine bottle aside, Bell took out the Elder Wand from his pocket (the one that was burned before was Bell's own wand), cast a healing spell on himself, and explained to Zannah:

"Before, Fina finally passed through her childhood period and her body underwent transformation. However, perhaps because the magic power in her body was too strong, Fina could not fully control her magic power, so the magic power went rampant."

Speaking of this, Bell couldn't help grinning.

This means that Fina does not live with her own people. Otherwise, after such a shameful thing happened today, they might all have to be kicked out of the group chat.

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