The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 762 Before you know it, another year has passed

All living things have instincts, and some abnormally developed creatures, such as silkworms, can instinctively sense the opportunity for their own transformation. When silkworms grow to a certain level, they will spin silk, form cocoons, and emerge into moths.

As for magical animals like the zoanthus that develop through metamorphosis, Bell did not believe that the corresponding instincts were not engraved in their genes. However, the result is that before the growth and transformation, Fina made no preparation at all. Even a second before the transformation, this guy was still concentrating on playing the game!

And most importantly, because Fina was undergoing transformation in the house, all the gifts he carefully collected were burned!

And his hair...

It seems that he will really have to be ruthless in the future and have strict requirements on Fina. It just so happens that the other person has grown up now.

After notifying others that the problem had been solved, Bell slipped away without waiting for Hermione and others to enter. There is no way, his current image is really too embarrassing, and he doesn't want others to see it. And he had to quickly find a quiet place to heal.

Fina has grown up, which is of course a happy thing, but it is not all a good thing.

Because the little guy has become a big guy, he can no longer hold him in his arms and masturbate like before. Bell feels very sorry for this.

Also feeling sorry was Zannah, who was recently trying to teach Fina the shrinking spell. However, Bell was not optimistic about his sister's behavior. If magical animals could learn spells so easily, there would be no need for wizards.

And the one who is least happy about this is Fina herself.

Due to the previous act of arson, Fina not only failed to obtain the latest personal terminal from her master, but was also drilled hard by Shanna's master.

And because it has grown in size, it can no longer go for a walk in Hogwarts Castle, and has no choice but to give up many of the territories it had previously defined.

There are no games to play (in fact, even if it has a personal terminal, it can't play by itself with its current size), and it can't go for a walk in the territory to collect rent. It can only be used as a mount for a little girl, Fina, recently. Almost depressed.

"Fina, fly quickly! Quickly!"

Riding on Fina's neck, Little Bell happily patted Fina's big head.

Fina is now about 1.5 meters tall. Not counting the length of her tail, she is more than 3 meters long. The length of her tail is equal to her body. She can be called a large beast. Especially for the small little bell, it is a giant beast. Let Little Bell ride on Fina, there is no problem at all.

Sighing silently in her heart, Fina stretched out her limbs, jumped into the air, and flew up.

There is no other way to take care of the little bell, serve as a mount for the other party, and play with the other party. In a sense, it is the punishment given to it by its owner. If it doesn't take care of the little ancestor on its back, God knows what will be waiting for it in the future.

As she grew up, Fina's talents also evolved. Not only did the flames he breathed turn into more powerful golden dragon flames, but his flight speed also improved qualitatively.

Afterimages passed through the air, but they did not make much movement. The air in front of Fina seemed to have self-awareness, and would actively get out of the way, and would also 'conveniently' push it to help Feina. Na provides the power.

This also results in Fina's flight being fast and stable, and it does not generate wind pressure, which can be called a benchmark in the mount industry.

Of course, Fina herself would not admit this.

I don’t know how long they have been playing, but suddenly, a familiar shout came to the ears of one big and one little kid who were having fun.

"Little bell, come down quickly, it's time for dinner."

"Okay, big brother!"

With an obedient response, the little bell patted Fina's big head again, signaling her to land.

In fact, there was no need for the little bell to give orders. After hearing Bell's voice, Fina immediately flew towards her master.


Fina put her big head on Bell's belly and rubbed it coquettishly.

As the saying goes, you can only appreciate something after losing it. In the past, Fina wished she could stay in her suitcase and play games 24 hours a day. Every time she was taken out, she was reluctant.

However, now that it cannot leave the suitcase, it yearns for the outside world and misses the 'tributes' that everyone in the territory gave it.

Of course, the main reason is that it has no games to play now...

I don’t know when it will take until my owner will give it a dedicated ultra-large screen personal terminal?

"Okay, okay, I know you are bored staying here all the time. Don't worry, we will go home tomorrow, and then you can go out and have fun."

One hand caught the little bell that came over, and the other hand held Fina's big head and rubbed it vigorously. Bell spoke to comfort her.

Although the grown-up Fina is not as cute as she was when she was a child, and she can no longer be held in her arms and petted, Fina's fur is smoother, smoother and more lustrous than when she was a child. It feels so great to touch that you can't put it down.

"Brother, are we going home!?"

Little Bell looked at Bell with surprise.

Hogwarts is of course very good here. There are many kind big brothers and big sisters, as well as some kind grandparents. Little Bell likes it here very much. But in comparison, she still prefers her family.

‘Home’, for Little Bell, is already a long time ago. Ever since 'Xiao Hei' (Xiao Ling Dang's name for the silence in her body) appeared, she was driven into the woods outside the village and was strictly prohibited from approaching the village. The friends who used to play with her all said she was a monster and refused to play with her anymore.

Since then, she has been without a home.

Therefore, Little Bell cherishes the new home she was lucky enough to get again after several years. For her, there is no better place in the world than home.

"Yes, after tonight's year-end dinner, we can go home tomorrow morning."

Bell said with a smile.

Before he knew it, another school year passed like this, and Bell felt like he hadn't even attended a few classes.

In fact, Bell didn't even attend a few lessons. Because he was often stuck in the laboratory studying magic spells, he forgot the time and gave the lessons to Pigeon. For this reason, professors from various subjects often talk to Bell.

However, since Bell had already mastered the knowledge in class by himself, after a simple assessment, the professors finally just told Bell to remember to take time to review, and then stopped asking any more questions.

Of course, professors will not be lenient if points are deducted for absence. No matter how good his grades in the final exam were, Bell could never hope to get an 'O' in the final grade.

If nothing else goes wrong, Hermione will be the first in the grade this year.

"Very good!"

The little bell cheered excitedly. If Bell hadn't been holding him at this moment, the little guy might have been jumping up and down happily.

"Little Bell, I have something I want to tell you."

After the little bell calmed down a bit, Bell hesitated for a moment and finally made up his mind to speak.

Anyway, we have to say it sooner or later, die early and be reborn early!

"What's going on?"

Little Bell tilted her head and looked at Bell curiously.

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