The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 763 Teleport again

"It's like this. During the next summer vacation, your sister Shanna and sister Huang Quan and I will be away together for a while."

Bell said after careful consideration.

"Can't you bring Little Bell with you? Little Bell will be very well-behaved and won't cause any trouble to the big brothers and sisters."

The little bell nervously grabbed Bell's clothes.

Since joining Bell, Little Lingdang has never been separated from Bell, Shanna and others, and she doesn't want to be separated from everyone. She was afraid that everyone would abandon her and never come back after leaving.

After all, a place without family is not a home.

"Sorry, Little Bell, the place we are going to this time is more dangerous and we can't take you there. Can you stay at home with Little Wolf?"

Bell said apologetically.

In fact, he really didn't want to leave Little Bell. It's not that he won't be able to eat or anything if he doesn't see Little Bell for a day. It's because, despite a year of training, Xiao Lingdang's control over her own magic has improved a lot. But as the saying goes, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality. If the silence in Xiao Lingdang's body got out of control while he was away, then he would have to rush back thousands of miles...more than thousands of miles away.

However, the temptation of this goal is too great. Even a Buddhist like Bell can't help but jump over the wall.

He could only pray that nothing unexpected would happen while he was away. Otherwise, if he really had to run back, he might really vomit blood.

"Well, then, Little Lingdang will take good care of Little Wolf and make him behave every day. Big brother, you should also pay attention to safety and remember to come back early."

"Well, we will definitely come back as soon as possible to play with little bell."

Bell hugged the little bell hard.

Every time he sees the little guy acting so well-behaved, he can't hold back the affection in his heart.

Decided! I must give birth to a daughter as cute and well-behaved as Little Bell with Hermione in the future!

After patting Fina's big head, Bell took Little Bell's little hand and walked towards the exit.

Fina, who was 'cruelly' left in place, could only watch helplessly as her master's back gradually faded away. Under the illumination of artificial light sources in the sky, a solitary beast's shadow was reflected on the ground.

Finally, the figures of Bell and Xiao Lingdang completely disappeared from Fina's sight. Through the feedback from the surrounding breeze, Fina knew that her owner had left this space.

With a 'swish', Fina appeared in the newly built house in the blink of an eye.

This house is exactly the same as the one it burned down. The first floor is also a spacious living room. The most important thing is that there is also a large magic screen hanging on the wall on one side of the living room.

At this time, Fina's cat face had completely lost the pity and sadness it had before. It was carefully placed on the remote control, turned on the magic screen, and skillfully tuned to the live game channel.

‘Can’t play, why can’t I watch! ’

Eating a delicious dinner while watching the live broadcast of the game can be said to be Fina's favorite entertainment and leisure activity these days.

Early in the morning on the fourth day of summer vacation, Bell left Menethil Castle with Zannah and Huang Quan.

In fact, they should have set off long ago. To take care of Little Lingdang's feelings, Bell specifically decided to postpone their departure for three days.

Of course, this can be considered as a three-day rest to adjust the state. After all, the place they are going to next is quite dangerous.

After leaving home, Bell first went to pick up Hermione, and then apparated again to a bustling neighborhood in central London.

"Bell, this is not..."

Looking at the tall building in front of her, Hermione always felt that it looked very familiar.

"Yes, this is the building leading to the floating island."

Bell confirmed Hermione's guess.

Of course, it is said to be a floating island, but in fact it is just a floating platform. Even though it has been expanded several times in recent years, it is only equivalent to the size of the central management area in the ecological park. It is still a bit reluctant to call it an island.

It's early morning and it's not time to go to work yet. In the deserted building, there were only a few night shift security guards, yawning and waiting for their colleagues to take over.

Seeing Bell, a man and three women suddenly walking into the building, the two security guards looked at each other and finally decided to go forward and ask.

It's not that they thought Bell and others would be villains, after all, the appearance and temperament of the three girls were there. They actually suspected that Bell and others were looking in the wrong place, so they wanted to kindly step forward to provide some help.

‘Pa~! ’

Before the two security guards could get closer, Bell snapped his fingers, and a ripple invisible to the naked eye rippled out from his fingertips and swept across the hall on the first floor in an instant.

Then, Bell took the lead into the elevator and pressed the top button.

"Uh, why is it so cold?"

The tall and thin security guard suddenly got excited and rubbed his arms.

"Ha, I told you a long time ago that you should keep working out like me. Look, you are weak. If you continue like this, you will be fired. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Another shorter security guard said mockingly.

Although he also felt a little cold, he would not say it.

"Shit! You're so talented, I'm very durable!"

The tall and thin security guard glared at his companion dissatisfiedly.

"It must be because I'm too sleepy, and I haven't eaten anything all night. Damn it, why isn't that guy Jack here yet? It's almost time to get off work."

"That guy always arrives at the last minute. There are still ten minutes left. Please bear with it."

Just as the two security guards on the first floor were complaining about their colleagues being stuck at work, Bell and his team had already arrived at the top of the building.

Walking to the floor-to-ceiling window in the corner, Bell took out his emblem to activate the entrance. As he stepped forward, he explained to the people behind him the precautions in the passage.

Although this is not the first time for Zannah and Hermione, it has been several years since they last came here. In fact, it was only last night that Bell deliberately searched through his past memories and recalled the various mechanisms here.

To put it simply, there are only two main things to note: first, don’t take the wrong path; second, don’t look around.

Moving forward steadily, Bell and others arrived at the floating island before long.

Compared with before, the area of ​​the floating island is now more than 10 times larger. There is a building in the center of the floating island, which contains multiple rooms such as an energy center, a control room, a lounge, and an entertainment room.

Based on the building, the entire floating island is divided into four areas by the barrier. Three of the areas contained teleportation cabinets used by Bell and others when they went to Mars, while the last area was empty with nothing.

At a glance, one can see that in an area filled with teleportation cabinets, several staff members in white robes are busy working nervously. Hermione, whose memories of that year were awakened, knew that those people were charging the teleportation cabinet and calibrating the teleportation location.

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