The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 764 Intermission Preparations

The disc fell, and Bell and others skillfully took out their wands and placed them on the disc for scanning and inspection. However, when Yuanpan came to Huang Quan, Huang Quan looked at Bell in confusion.

"Well, I don't have a wand."

Originally, Bell had planned to equip Huang Quan with a wand. These days, body cultivators and sword cultivators all carry a wand with them. Even if Huang Quan is used to slashing people with a knife, there is no harm in carrying a wand with him.

But later, Bell discovered that perhaps because the power of the killing stone in his body was too explosive, Huang Quan could be called a wand killer.

Nine out of ten wands used by Huang Quan will explode on the spot, and the remaining one will be corroded to pieces by the scarlet magic power and will be scrapped after less than a minute.

In desperation, Bell could only try to find suitable stick cores and wood for Huang Quan from other countries, while continuing to let Huang Quan become an iron fool who only knew how to chop.

"Uh, wait a minute, I'll talk to the person in charge here."

Bell scratched his head in embarrassment and signaled Huang Quan to calm down.

Logically speaking, he should have realized this before. As a result, I was busy playing games these days and accidentally forgot about it.

(So ​​do you know the root of Fina’s habit of being addicted to games?)

Walking to the barrier, Bell waved to Andrew, the person in charge of the floating island, who was waiting outside.

"Andrew, can the review mechanism here have people exempted from review?"

For safety reasons, the review mechanisms for each important facility of the Menethil family are set up by each facility. Although the review methods are generally similar, the magic principles and mechanisms used are different.

In this way, even if the defensive barrier of any facility is cracked, it will not cause the defense measures of other facilities to also fail.

Under Bell's expectant gaze, Andrew's mouth opened and closed, but no sound came through.


Well, it seems that the defensive barrier here is still soundproof.

By the way, was the barrier here used to be soundproof?

It's been so long that Bell doesn't even remember.

But it's not a big problem.

Bell took out his personal terminal, but there was no signal...

At this moment, because Huang Quan had not put the wand on the tray for inspection for a long time, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded inside the barrier.

"Please place your wand on the instrument and be tested. Repeat, please place your wand on the instrument and be tested."

The electronically synthesized voice sounded again, much more urgent and severe than before.

At the same time, a red light glowed inside the barrier, and a large number of ancient magic characters appeared in the air, faintly starting to rotate around Huangquan.

...Well, it seems that the problem is still a bit big.

Bell felt some toothache.

Is it possible that the ‘first blood’ of his own defense measures should be handed over to himself and others?

"Quick! Stop the automatic enemy-facing mechanism of the defensive barrier!"

Andrew turned and shouted at the staff behind him.

Although he didn't know what the accident was, he couldn't just watch his young master being attacked by his own barrier, right?

Breaking the barrier or something was a trivial matter. The worst he could do was use part of his salary to compensate.

But if he destroys the person in the barrier, he will probably be unable to eat and walk away.

"But director, the automatic enemy-receiving mechanism cannot be turned off!"

An employee said to Andrew with an embarrassed look on his face.

In order to prevent someone inside the facility from being controlled by the Imperius Curse and thus closing the defense facility from the inside, all functions of the defensive barrier cannot be forcibly closed.

"...I don't care! Anyway, please hurry up and find a way to stop the alarm in the barrier!"

There was chaos outside, but it did not attract Bell's attention. He was thinking about how to solve the problem at hand.

Although he didn't understand the detailed mechanism here, the basic template and each facility were still the same.

The so-called putting the wand on the mechanical tray was not actually for identity verification. After all, the wand can be changed at will and cannot be used to prove a person's identity. The only thing that can prove his identity is the unique magic power fluctuation in his body.

As for the verification process here, the reason why the wand is required to be handed over, Bell guessed, is to disarm the wizard. In the traditional thinking of wizards, a wizard who has lost his wand is like a tiger without claws, unable to make waves.

Of course, this traditional thinking no longer applies. Not to mention the various magic props, there are many people among Onmyoji and monks who do not rely on magic wands.

Obviously, the wizard who designed the defensive barrier here is a person with a relatively traditional thinking, so he strictly requires visitors to disarm first and then accept inspection.

Seeing that the red light was getting stronger and stronger, and the ancient magic characters were about to be connected, there was no time for him to think leisurely, so Bell could only try his best.

Cut off a strand of your newly grown hair, twist it into a bunch, and inject a large amount of magic power into it, making the hair exude a crystal luster.

Then, Bell took out a piece of dead locust wood and used the transformation technique to control the wood to wrap around his hair, turning it into a short wooden stick.

A few simple magic characters flashed on the wooden stick. Bell ignored the test and handed the extremely simple magic wand (?) in his hand to Huang Quan, indicating that he would inject some magic power into it, and then placed it on the tray. .

After watching Huang Quan complete a series of operations, Bell retreated to Hermione and looked warily at the magic text in the air.

He has done everything he can do. Next, we can only leave it to fate. The worst case scenario is to just go out. He doesn't think that a mere unmanned defensive barrier can really do anything to them.

I don’t know if I feel Bell’s murderous intent, or if the low-level intelligence here is really retarded? The broken wooden stick that Bell made out of impromptu succeeded in getting through.

The tray sank into the ground, and rays of magic light swept back and forth from Bell and the others. Soon, a crisp low whistle sounded, the walls in the barrier lit up with green light, and the ancient magic characters in the air disappeared instantly.

A door opened on the translucent barrier wall in front of him, and the noisy shouts from outside came in. In an instant, it was as if he had gone from a deserted high-tech laboratory to a crowded street.

"Thank God! Master, it's great that you are all right!"

Seeing Bell and others walking out safely, Andrew wiped the cold sweat from his face and hurried over to greet them.

In just ten seconds, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat. When he thought that something happened to his young master and young lady, and that he might even be killed in the barrier, Andrew felt that his eyes were filled with darkness, and he almost cried.

He knew that since someone sneaked into Hogwarts and attacked the young master and young lady, the head of the family has been very grumpy during this period.

If something happened to the young master and the young lady, he would really have a hard time explaining it.

What a pity, he is just an honest scientific researcher. He has never killed a chicken in his life, so how could he possibly plan to murder his own family?

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