The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 765 What should I do if I suddenly don’t want to go?

"Andrew, your defense mechanism here is not good."

Bell frowned and looked at Andrew.

Although today's incident is indeed his own oversight, there is something wrong with the defense mechanism here, which is an undeniable fact.

Putting aside the old traditional thinking that disarming the wand means disarming, let's just say that the judgment of the wand is too loose!

He was just a doctor before, so he casually made a wand for Huang Quan... He didn't even want to call it a magic wand.

The result actually passed the verification?

No, how did you pass?

Although it was because of this that they were able to avoid the trouble of violently breaking through. But Bell was not happy at all.

This will make him proud, bastard!

"I'm very sorry, Master! I will ask the barrier master to adjust the barrier later."

Andrew bowed nervously and apologized. Now he just wants to strangle those few enchantment masters who are lazy and don't work hard all day long.

After simply pointing out several loopholes in the review mechanism, Bell stopped embarrassing the other party after seeing that Andrew took note of them carefully. He looked at the staff in front of him who had restored order, and asked Andrew:

"Is everyone here?"

"There are still two people left, young master. The teleportation was scheduled at 8 o'clock. Do you want me to remind you?"

Andrew asked cautiously.

That kind of accident happened just now, and now he was afraid that Bell would be angry with him.

"No, just transmit it on time."

Bell waved his hand, indicating to Andrew that everything should be business as usual.

"Okay. Please come this way, I've prepared breakfast for you."

With his hand out, Andrew led Bell and his group towards the building in the center.

‘Gu~! ’

As soon as she heard the word 'breakfast', Hermione's stomach immediately responded in cooperation. This made Hermione quickly cover her stomach and her cheeks turned slightly red.

"Hermione, haven't you had breakfast?"

Bell asked doubtfully.

He had picked up the other party at 7 o'clock. Logically speaking, Hermione should have time to have breakfast.

"No. Aren't we going to teleport later? I didn't eat on purpose after I got up in the morning."

Hermione shook her head.

To this day, she still clearly remembers the feeling when she was teleported to Mars, the world was spinning, and she felt as if a stick had been inserted into her head and stirred hard. Even when she had a fever of over 40 degrees as a child, she never felt that uncomfortable.

She hadn't eaten anything in the morning, and the accident she had just encountered made her even hungrier due to her nervousness.

"Don't worry, the technology is much more mature now, and the teleportation experience is not as bad as before. You can eat more or less."

Bell comforted with a smile.

After so many years of unremitting research by many scientific wizards, the current teleportation device not only greatly reduces the magic power consumption, but also reduces the space compression endured during teleportation.

Although Bell has not experienced it personally, according to the video records he consulted last night, it can be seen that after ultra-long distance teleportation in space, the wizards are pale at most, and many of them do not even show any obvious symptoms. adverse reactions.

Like in the beginning, it would no longer happen that one transmission would require a long time to vomit.

Of course, everything has its pros and cons. After the teleportation experience is greatly improved, it no longer has the 'side effect' of improving the wizard's space perception and control.

"Is it really okay?"

Rubbing her belly, Hermione confirmed hesitantly.

It wasn't that she didn't believe what Bell said, it was actually her previous experience that left a deep psychological shadow on her. She didn't want to complain about Bell in such an embarrassing manner again, especially this time in front of Huang Quan.

"Of course. But it's better to eat less and be careful not to overeat."

After all, he didn't experience it personally, so Bell didn't speak too fully.

While Bell and Hermione were chatting, the group, led by Andrew, entered the lounge.

At this time, there were already 6 people waiting in the lounge. They either closed their eyes and rested, or looked at their personal terminals, or drank the refreshing tea on the dining table, quietly waiting for the transfer time to arrive.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, all six people looked towards the door. After seeing Bell and Shanna walking into the lounge, all six people stood up and saluted. Apparently they all recognized the identities of the Bell brothers and sisters.

"Bell, why are you here so late?"

There were six people waiting in the lounge, and one of them was Penelo. She walked over quickly and hugged Shanna and the three girls enthusiastically before looking at Bell complainingly.

"You came too early, it's only half past seven."

After responding casually, Bell walked to the dining table in the center of the room and sat down, curiously looking at the breakfast prepared by Andrew for them.

Although he had already eaten breakfast, that didn't stop him from eating more. After all, he wasn't Hermione, so he didn't need to worry about spitting it out after the teleportation.

"Senior Penello, when did you come?"

Seeing that Penello looked like he was angry with Bell again, Hermione hurriedly spoke to divert the other person's attention.

"Yeah, I'll be there a little after 6 o'clock."

Penello said.

Of course she also knew that the transmission time was 8 o'clock sharp, but when she thought that she was about to leave the earth for the first time and go to the mysterious outer space, she felt so excited that she didn't sleep well all night, so she came here early.

"Senior sister, you'd better adjust your emotions. While you still have some time, close your eyes and rest for a while."

After hearing Penello's answer and taking a closer look at the other party's eye circles, Bell reluctantly persuaded him.

"The planet we are going to this time has many dangers. If you cannot concentrate later, you will be easily injured."

"Bell, is that [Dark Star] really that dangerous?"

Hermione frowned and looked at Bell.

She had heard from Bell before that the planet she was going to this time was different from Mars and there were many dangers on it, but she had not cared about it before.

Unconsciously, Hermione became more and more confident in Bell's strength. In addition, she is not weak now, and she once defeated an elite adult witch alone in Hogwarts. Therefore, she had not paid much attention to the so-called dangers mentioned by Bell before.

But now when I hear Bell's warning to Senior Penello, it seems that the 'danger' mentioned by the other party is not just to warn her, but is indeed, really dangerous?

Otherwise, how could Senior Sister Penello be injured when she will be traveling with them later?

"Of course, I told you everything. I'm not sure about this target."

Picking up a piece of snack and stuffing it into his mouth, Bell said while eating.


Hermione fell silent.

What else could she say? Did she think Bell was deceiving her before?

What should I do if she suddenly doesn’t want to go? Is it too late to regret it now...

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