The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 771: How to paddle openly

A 'weak' wizard can wear down a 'powerful' [ice element] through the flexibility of magic spells. Then it is reasonable for the 'weak' [Ice Elemental] to wear down the 'powerful' wizard through numbers. Nature will always teach people a truth of this world when caught off guard:

‘No one is invincible~! ’

I was really caught off guard...

"Fuck! These guys are too insidious! The trust between the promised people and monsters is there!"

Looking at the group of [ice elements] coming like a tide, Bell couldn't help but feel a bit of toothache.

"How dare you say that! It's not all you, you have to get closer to observe!"

Hermione shouted angrily, glaring at Belle.

The group of people were walking smoothly before, but they happened to encounter a group of [Ice Elementals] in the form of spiders passing by.

Of course, it was impossible for Bell and others not to notice the huge group of [Ice Elements]. In fact, Bell and others noticed the existence of the [ice element] group from a distance of more than ten kilometers.

According to Jennifer's suggestion, they should stay away from it. But Bell, this guy, insisted on getting closer to observe out of curiosity, and the result...

"Who knew there would be [ice elements] lurking underground."

Bell was extremely wronged.

He was careful enough. After most of the [Ice Elementals] passed by, he quietly approached from behind, intending to take a closer look at the ecological structure of these [Ice Elementals] living in clusters.

But who could have imagined that an [Ice Elemental] suddenly emerged from the ground.

This is very embarrassing.

Even though Bell had quick eyesight and quick hands, he managed to deal with the [Ice Elemental] immediately, but the other party still didn't know how to pass the information of 'enemy encounter' to the large forces ahead.

Then, a large group of [Ice Elementals] not far away were seen, like well-trained troops, turning around in an orderly manner and surging towards Bell and others.

"Master, that [Ice Elemental] should have been stepped into the ground by his companions."

Jennifer glanced at the 'Sea of ​​Insects' in front of her and gave her own speculation dutifully.

According to observations over the past few months, [Ice Elemental] does not have superb hunting skills such as laying traps and ambushes. After all, all [Ice Elementals] will only prey on [Ice Slime], and will rarely take the initiative to attack [Ice Elementals] in other forms. And the clumsy look of [Ice Slime] is just like what's on the dinner plate, and it doesn't require any skills at all to catch it.

"Speaking of Bell, why don't we withdraw?"

An impact spell knocked away an approaching [Ice Elemental], and Penello's breathing became a little rapid.

Nearly 20 minutes have passed since the battle with [Ice Element]. For Penello, it was really the first time in his life to perform high-intensity spellcasting for 20 consecutive minutes. After all, her position is Bell's secretary, which is a civilian position and is not usually responsible for fighting.

Therefore, although in terms of magical attainments, Penello is better than Hermione and Huang Quan who are present, and is not far behind even Jennifer. But at this time, Penelo was the most embarrassed among the people present.

"What's the rush? Such a good training partner is rare."

Dozens of silver-white spikes protruded from the ground, stabbing away dozens of [Ice Elementals] that swooped over. Bell controlled [Thousand Changes], and he was able to block nearly half of the [Ice Elements] with ease.

The reason why he chose to stay and confront the [Ice Elemental] group head-on was actually to train Penelo. After all, Penello is his secretary. If his strength is too weak, his face will be dull.

"Speaking of which, Shanna, do you really not want [Thousand Changes]? It's very fun!"

As he spoke, Bell controlled [Thousand Transformations] to transform into small metal figures. After a while, he knocked away the approaching [Ice Elementals] again.

After Zannah's transformation skills reached a certain level, Bell planned to make a [Thousand Changes] for his sister to help her cast transformation skills. Unexpectedly, he was rejected by his sister.

According to Zannah, if one Explosion Curse can't solve the problem, then throw another Serious Explosion Curse. For Zannah, transformation is more of a supplement to other magic spells, and she rarely uses transformation alone to fight enemies.

Therefore, Shanna's answer at this moment is no different from the past.

"No need, brother, I can still play like this without [Qian Bian], you see."

As she spoke, Shanna waved her magic wand, and the ground in front of her quickly deformed, simulating Bell's previous operation. Several rock figures jumped up, and after a burst of "aaaaah", they knocked away many [ice elements] in front of them.

"Oh well."

After shrugging, Bell stopped trying to persuade him and instead started thinking about the newly exposed problems of [Thousand Changes].

Originally, [Thousand Transformations] should be made of liquid metal, which could save a lot of mana when transforming.

But now, because the temperature on [Dark Star] is too low, [Thousand Changes] will solidify immediately as soon as it leaves the range of the micro-enchantment. In this case, applying the deformation spell to [Thousand Changes] will consume more magic power than deforming objects such as the ground and rocks.

In other words, apart from hardness, the [Thousand Changes] at this time has no advantages at all.

Perhaps adding a few ice cores to [Thousand Changes] can help adapt to low temperatures? In addition, the energy core can be increased at the same time to further reduce the consumption of magic power.

But the problem is that the ice core is not very strong and can easily be damaged by impact during battle. He can't always carefully protect the ice core in [Thousand Changes] every time he uses it to fight. That would be too energy-consuming.

Thinking about the transformation plan of [Thousand Changes] in his mind, Bell's movements slowed down unconsciously.

"Bell! Can you be more serious!"

Feeling the oncoming pressure growing, Hermione looked at Bell angrily.

It didn't matter that Bell was there with Zannah and said, "Ice element" was blocked at least.

But now, Bell didn't know what he was thinking, but he started paddling openly at one time or another. If Sister Huang Quan hadn't suddenly exerted her strength just now, their defensive circle might have been breached.

There's a fight! Please respect your opponent, okay?

"Oh, sorry!"

Bell's eyes refocused, and he controlled the [Thousand Changes] under his feet to expand suddenly, pushing out all the nearby [Ice Elements], allowing Huang Quan to paddle with peace of mind again.

...Is there something wrong?

Bell suddenly understood when he saw Huang Quan sheathing his sword and standing leisurely looking left and right, as if he were a young lady coming for an outing.

‘No wonder this guy Huang Quan has never learned the magic spell of long-range attack. It turns out that it is so that he can paddle in the water blatantly! ’

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