The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 772 Preparations are complete, it’s time to get down to business

I don't know how much time passed, but Penello felt that the wand in his hand, which was originally as light as nothing, seemed to be heavier than anything. Even lifting it required all the strength of his body.

"It's almost done, let's withdraw."

Seeing that Penello had really reached his limit, Bell finally gave the order to retreat.

[Thousand Changes] transformed into a silver-white sphere in the blink of an eye, wrapped several people inside it, and flew into the air at high speed.

Ice cones and frost breaths all over the sky hit [Thousand Changes], causing cracks to appear on the smooth surface of the sphere. Fortunately, [Thousand Changes] was strong enough to hold on until Bell and others were out of the attack range of [Ice Elemental].

The ball unfolded into a flat surface. Bell and the others stood on the silver-white metal platform, looking down at the squirming group of [Ice Elements] below, panting slightly.

To say that the most tired person right now is undoubtedly Penelo. She had almost zero actual combat experience. She had been too tense before and consumed too much magic power. Now she could barely stand with Hermione's help.

The second most tired person was none other than Bell.

There was no way, after all, it was his own willfulness that caused the group to face the impact of the [Ice Elemental] group head-on. Except for accidentally paddling for a while, Bell shouldered more than half of the team's pressure the rest of the time.

In addition, he had to try his best to control and not kill those [ice elements], which was very energy-consuming.

The Menethil family would not hunt down the [Ice Elementals] that gathered in groups. In addition to the danger, the main reason is that the ice cores in these [ice elements] are too weak and the efficiency of converting magic power is too low.

Hunting is difficult, but the harvest is very small. Of course, no one will do such a thing when they are full.

In addition, after observation, it was found that all new [Ice Elements] are born in groups. These [Ice Elements] live in clusters and hunt [Ice Slime]. When the strength of an individual increases to a certain level, They will break away from the group and live alone.

In other words, these weak clusters [Ice Elements] are equivalent to babies in [Ice Elements]. It is too late for the Menethil family to protect them, let alone hunt them.

"Master, how about we go back to the base to repair it first?"

Jennifer suggested.

After several days of outdoor life, Jennifer also felt a little tired. Although this level of exhaustion is nothing to her. But considering the mission objectives that needed to be faced next, for safety reasons, Jennifer still believed that it was necessary for them to return to full status.


With a nod, Bell agreed to Jennifer's proposal. He stood in the air, using magic power to enhance his vision, and tried hard to observe for a while how the [Ice Elementals] below were rescuing each other, and then turned around and returned to the base with everyone.

After a day of repairs and a brief walk around the small base, Bell and his team's health was successfully restored.

Since they had fully experienced the environment of the [Dark Star] and the fighting methods of the [Ice Elemental] living here, everyone who set out again did not continue to choose the 'slow' flight this time, but based on the intelligence, they directly used Disapparate.

‘Crack~! ’

Several slight explosions sounded, and then warm orange light illuminated the nearby area, and Bell and his party appeared on the desolate plain.

"It seems that our error is a bit large."

After looking around, Bell found no other light sources within his field of vision.

Because it is pitch black on a dark star, there is no light. Therefore, magic satellites in space cannot observe the surface of the earth at all. In this case, without the positioning of the magic satellite, the landing point of the long-distance phantom is prone to deviation.

"Sorry, Master..."

"Why do you have to apologize? It's not your fault."

Bell waved his hand to stop Jennifer from apologizing.

"Check the nearby terrain and confirm the direction of the target."


Several people spread out and looked at the terrain in different directions. After a while, everyone returned, used magic power to materialize the terrain they observed, and then spliced ​​it together.

"How about it?"

Belle looked at Jennifer.

Compared to 'newcomers' like Bell, Jennifer, who has been on the Dark Star for several months, undoubtedly knows more about this place.

"Well...if nothing else happens, we should be about 20 kilometers southeast of the target now."

After Jennifer stared at the magic map carefully for a while, she said with some uncertainty.

"Okay, let's go over there and take a look."

Bell said decisively.

Then, a group of people took off into the air and flew quickly towards the northwest. On the way, Bell did not forget to warn the people around him again.

"The target we are going to face later is very dangerous. You must be careful and careful. Pay attention to keeping a sufficient safe distance and you must not be attacked."

"Don't worry, brother, I won't hold you back."

Shanna promised, patting her chest.

The little girl's face was full of excitement, and she couldn't wait to see with her own eyes the big guy who made many fighting wizards in her family helpless.


Bell nodded and turned to look at Hermione and Penello.

To be honest, he really wasn't worried about his sister. What really worried him was Hermione and Penello.

Facing Bell's gaze, Hermione and Penelope swallowed nervously. They are very nervous now, even more nervous than when they were besieged by the ice element group before. But even so, they never thought of backing down.

As a wizard, it is not easy to live a stable life. Unless you give up using magic and return to the Muggle world.

Not to mention, Hermione and Penello both have an instinctive desire to explore the unknown. Not everyone is lucky enough to have the opportunity to explore an unknown world in person like now, and they will never give it up.

Facts have proved that Jennifer is still very reliable in her work. After the group flew more than 10 kilometers, they spotted a small looming light ball in the distance.

Following the guidance of the light, Bell and others quickly successfully reunited with the surveillance personnel stationed nearby.

"This is really... breathtaking!"

After expanding the range of magic perception to the limit, Bell closed his eyes slightly and felt the powerful magic aggregation in the distance. The hairs all over his body couldn't help but explode, and a trembling feeling spread down his spine to the top of his head.

Although he had already understood the power of the target from the intelligence, the words written on the paper did not give people the most intuitive impression.

At this moment, after feeling the other person's aura personally, Bell realized that any words were not enough to describe the terror of the other person, let alone the magic of the world.

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