The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 773 Elemental Lord

"Bell, what did you see?"

Hermione tried to look in the direction Bell was facing, but she couldn't see anything but darkness.

"Elemental Lord."

Bell said.

"Elemental Lord?"

"Yes, you can understand that it is a more powerful individual than the elite ice element, and it is much more powerful."

To be honest, Bell didn't quite understand how this elemental lord grew to such a powerful level.

Although due to the limitation of light, the Menethil family's exploration of the [Dark Star] has encountered great obstacles. But after a few months, it was enough for them to roughly explore most of the dark star's areas.

During the exploration process, they discovered many ice elements that were either powerful or weak. However, compared to the elemental lord in the distance, even the most powerful elite ice elemental is as weak as a 3-year-old child.

No one knows why that elemental lord can stand out from the group and become the only one, at least for now, the only super-standard existence.

Normally, due to the unique environment on the dark star, it is very difficult to use magic perception to detect the ice element. But this situation does not apply to the elemental lord at all.

If other ice elements are like asteroids floating in the dark universe, then the elemental lord is a dazzling star whose light can still be clearly seen even from tens of thousands of light years away.

Thanks to this, the wizards were able to observe and track the elemental lords from a distance in the current situation without any light.

"You are……"

Bell looked at the two family members beside him who were responsible for monitoring the elemental lord.

"Roald, Master."

"Kasim, Master."

The two introduced themselves respectfully.

"Roald, Kasim, I am going to test the strength of the elemental lord now. You should hide first. I will probably need you to continue to track the other party's whereabouts later."

If before today, Bell still had some illusions that he could defeat the elemental lord, then now, he no longer believed that he could capture the ice core in the elemental lord's body.

But now that I've come, it's really embarrassing to be scared away just by taking one look like this. Therefore, even though he knew that nothing could be done, Bell still planned to test the opponent personally.

After the two of them were gone, Bell took a deep breath and looked at the remaining people.

"If you see that the situation is not going well later, don't hesitate and apparate back to the base immediately. I will buy time for you."

After saying that, Bell's wand pointed diagonally upward. After a short period of charging, a dazzling light shot out from the tip of the wand and reached the distant sky in the blink of an eye.

A black shadow passed by, and Hermione couldn't see clearly what it was. She saw the light group in the sky suddenly disappear, and the world returned to darkness.

The next second, the ground shook. The rumbling sound was transmitted from the ground to the body, and then echoed endlessly in the mind. Several people had to use flying shoes to fly into the air to stabilize their bodies.

Waves of cold air rushed towards them. Even with the protection of the miniature barrier, everyone still felt that the temperature dropped a lot in an instant, making everyone feel chilly.

"W-What is this!?"

Even though she couldn't see or feel anything, Hermione instinctively felt that there was a giant beast standing up slowly in the distance, as if it was about to freeze the whole world.

"This is the Elemental Lord."

The wand drew circles one after another, and Bell injected his magic power into Qian Bian, causing Qian Bian's volume to expand hundreds of times in a short period of time, but he was still not satisfied with this.

As the person with the widest range of magic perception among everyone present, only Bell could observe the general appearance of the elemental lord through the vision formed by magic power.

The elemental lord is in the shape of an adult, nearly a kilometer tall. Just by standing up, the ground for dozens of kilometers around him shook violently, which showed how heavy his body was.

If you want to restrain a behemoth of this level, you need an equally huge 'chain', otherwise it will just be easily broken free.

‘Boom~Boom~! ’

Bursts of thunderous roars came from far away, and the ground rose and fell rhythmically.

"Watch out! It's coming!"

Bell warned loudly.

Compared to the extreme speed when attacking, the elemental lord's movement speed is not very fast. Of course, it does not rule out that the other party is just walking, not at its ultimate speed.

"Oops! Be careful! Protect yourself!"

A pale golden protective barrier unfolded in front of Bell and others. In the next moment, a huge ice cube hit the barrier. When it smashed into pieces, it also left dense cracks on the barrier.

Immediately afterwards, all the protective barriers cast by Bell were completely shattered and dissipated.

"It's amazing! I haven't even sensed the other person yet!"

Shanna looked at the pale golden light that gradually dissipated in front of her in amazement, and couldn't help but open her mouth.

Although her perception range is not as good as that of her brother, at full power, she can still detect a distance of up to 10 kilometers. But now, the shadow of the elemental lord has not yet appeared in her perception field, and the opponent's attack has already arrived.

In other words, the elemental lord's attack radius is more than 10 kilometers, and its attacks are also very accurate.

"Get ready to face the enemy!

Hermione, Penello, you two stand back and assist in defense.

Shanna, Jennifer, you are assisting me in my attack.

Huang Quan, you are responsible for interfering with the movements of the elemental lords. Don't be stingy with magic power, and increase the body's defense to the maximum. The elemental lord's body temperature must be very low, so be careful of frostbite. "

Time was running out, and Bell quickly assigned tasks. Except for himself, who was responsible for the frontal attack, among the others, it was Huang Quan whose task was the most dangerous.

Since all the previous testers were wizards, no one had ever had close contact with the elemental lord so far, so Bell had no relevant information.

But with the powerful strength of the elemental lord, even forming a permanent ice field around the body is a very normal thing. Just in case, Bell gave Huang Quan a few more words.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then dispersed, each performing their duties, ready to welcome the arrival of the elemental lord.

"Protect everything!"

Belle shouted out the spell of the curse to guide Hermione and Penello.

Speaking of which, Bell couldn't even remember the last time he shouted a spell. After shouting this today, I feel like the power of my spell has really increased?

It's just too shameful...

"Protect everything!"*2

Seeing Bell's movements, Hermione and Penello did not hesitate and created their own barriers in front of the protective barrier cast by Bell.

Huge ice blocks roared in, and Hermione and Penello's spells were about to collapse, but even so, it also provided some help to Bell.

The barrier that could only block one blow before did not break this time. From the analysis of the cracks all over it, if nothing unexpected happens, it should be able to block another blow.

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