The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 781 A long-lost date (2)

"Uh... okay then."

Hermione has already talked about this, what else can Bell do? He can only shamefully choose to 'eat soft food'...

“So where is the bus stop to the city center?”

After solving the 'economic problem', Bell looked around again and found a sign that looked like a bus stop.

"Take the bus? Don't you want to use Apparition?"

Hermione felt more and more that her boyfriend was acting strange today. By the way, do wizards actually know how to make buses?

"We're not in a hurry. It's more interesting to take a car."

Although magic spells such as Apparition and Portkey are very convenient, you can reach your destination across tens or even hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye. But because of this, you will miss a lot of scenery on the road.

Speaking of which, Bell hadn't dated Hermione for a long time, and he suddenly felt very sorry for Hermione. Therefore, he planned to put aside his chores for the time being, focus on playing with Hermione for a few days, and enjoy the scenery during the journey.

Under the leadership of Hermione, the two took a bus to the bustling streets of the city center. They first found a restaurant and went in to order some breakfast.

What? Didn't you say you just had breakfast?

To be honest, the little food prepared by Mrs. Granger was only enough to fill Bell's stomach. In fact, he didn't eat enough last night. However, with Bell's current physique, a large amount of energy is always stored in his body, so even if he doesn't eat for several days, there will be no problem.

Hermione, who understood this fact, took Bell's hand without any hesitation after getting off the car and walked straight towards a restaurant.

"Hermione, are you really not going to eat any more?"

With the last piece of bread in hand, Belle gave Hermione a symbolic gesture.

"No, you can eat"

Hermione shook her head and rejected Bell's kindness.

Although he has the magic skills taught by Bell, theoretically speaking, he will not gain weight no matter how much he eats. But every time after a big meal, Hermione would always feel that she had a lot of extra fat on her belly, which made her unable to get over it, so she often paid attention to controlling her diet.

Shrugging, Bell stuffed the whole bread into his mouth. Under the surprised gazes of the surrounding diners, he chewed the bread and swallowed it in a few clicks.

Looking at the plates that filled the whole table in front of Bell, and then looking at the lone dinner plate in front of him, a group of diners seriously suspected that the food served to them in the restaurant was definitely cutting corners.

Why else would their food not be so delicious! ?

In fact, the restaurant certainly did not give Bell any special treatment. After all, this restaurant was not owned by the Bell family.

All the food tastes the same, pretty ordinary.

At least judging by Bell's standards, the food in this restaurant can only be described as average, otherwise he could eat another table.

Of course, during this rare date time, Bell didn't plan to stay in the restaurant eating all the time. After wiping his mouth and drinking up the remaining juice in the cup, Bell pulled Hermione up to pay and left.

Well...Hermione's money...

Today is not a weekend, so there are not many people on the shopping street. Standing in the middle of the street, Hermione turned to look at Bell beside her again.

"Where to go next?"

Hermione asked.

"Huh? Shouldn't it be up to you to decide?"

Bell looked back in confusion.

He always feels that the development of things seems to be somewhat different from what he imagined?

At this time, shouldn't it be the girl who happily drags the boy around? Why was he already prepared to run away with half his life, but Hermione still didn't act?

Oh~! He got it!

As we all know, Hermione is relatively thin-skinned. She must be embarrassed, so she was reserved.

Thinking of this, a hearty smile appeared on Bell's face, making people want to punch him after seeing it.

At least Hermione wanted to punch him now.

"Don't worry, you can go shopping to your heart's content."


Fortunately, Hermione didn't understand Bell's inner thoughts, otherwise she would have turned her inner impulses into actual actions and punched Bell firmly in the, many punches.

How can she go shopping?

As a student, Hermione has been obsessed with learning since she was a child. When other peers of the same age are playing outside in groups, she usually spends her precious time reviewing knowledge, previewing knowledge, or just being in a daze...

It’s not because she has no friends that she feels jealous when she sees other children playing together, so she hides at home alone and doesn’t want to come out! ! !


Later, after receiving the admission notice from Hogwarts, she entered Hogwarts, the magical school of magic, to learn magical magic.

As we all know, Hogwarts is a boarding school, and it is still under a closed management that does not allow students to leave school on weekends. So during these years, she had never been to any place other than school except Hogsmeade.

To be honest, Hogsmeade is really too small, and there are only a few shops in it. After the initial novelty wears off, there's really not much fun there.

After going there a few times, Hermione got tired of it. If Bell hadn't been with her, she wouldn't have been interested in going to Hogsmeade all the time.

As for the holidays, she would either travel with her parents, or run around with Bell. Finally, she would stay at home and learn magic knowledge, trying to shorten the gap between herself and Bell's brother and sister.

So, having said all that, what Hermione wanted to express was that she really didn't go shopping much. In fact, the last time she came here to this commercial street in the city center was when she was brought here by her mother when she was a child. After so many years, many stores have changed businesses. In terms of her familiarity with this place, she is actually not much better than Bell.

In other words, she really doesn’t know where to go!

The two stood in the middle of the street and stared at each other fiercely. Finally, Bell showed his responsibility as a man, took Hermione's hand, and strode forward.

Anyway, just walk first, it's better than standing there stupidly and being watched like a monkey.

Although he has no actual combat experience, Bell was once a resident of the Internet age, and he had heard a lot about it through hearsay.

Picking out a store selling women's clothing, Bell pulled Hermione and walked in.

Can't you see it if you don't have money?

Facts have proved that Bell's decision is still very good. Seeing the exquisite clothes displayed on the hangers, Hermione quickly put aside her previous slight embarrassment and happily took off a few pieces of clothing to show them in front of the mirror.

‘This is right, this is the familiar rhythm. ’

Although Bell is not familiar with it at all...

Ahem, those details are not important. Seeing the bright smile on Hermione's face, Bell just felt that today was the right day!

Until Hermione turned around...

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