The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 782 A long-lost date (final)

"Bell, which of these two clothes do you think looks better?"

Hermione looked at Bell expectantly, hoping that her boyfriend could give her some advice when she was in trouble.

"They all look good."

Bell dared to swear on Merlin's beard that the words he spoke were completely, 100 million percent true from his heart.

However, Bell's 'perfunctory' approach failed to satisfy Hermione.

This can't solve her troubles at all!

"This is too perfunctory! Take a closer look, which one looks better?"

It was rare that Bell and she went out on a date alone today, and Hermione was originally very happy. But Bell's current 'perfunctory' attitude made her a little dissatisfied.

"But really... okay, then... this one on the right."

Seeing Hermione pouting in dissatisfaction, Bell could only observe the two dresses in Hermione's hands more carefully. After hesitating for a moment, Bell made a difficult choice.

"This one...but I think the lace on the one on the left hand is very cute. What do you think, Bell?"

"Uh... Indeed, let's take this one on the left hand."

Bell said calmly.

"But the pattern on the right hand is very beautiful."

"Then the one on the right..."

"But this skirt is a bit too short. I feel embarrassed to wear it out."

"Then left..."

"But this skirt is a little too long, and it feels a little hot when you wear it."

"...or else, just buy them all?"

Bell said this without confidence. After all, he didn't even have 1 penny in his pocket...

"No, it's too expensive, and I can't even wear it if I buy too many clothes."

Shaking her head, Hermione rejected Bell's proposal. She usually wears school uniforms when she stays at Hogwarts. She only wears private clothes during winter and summer vacations, so there is no need to prepare too many items.

"Then which one do you want to buy?"

"Well... forget it, let's see again."

With that said, Hermione hung up both dresses again.

This is the first store, so there is no need to rush into making a decision. If you buy it now, what if you come across something better later?

"Let's go to the next house."

Holding Bell's arm, Hermione half-tugged and half-tugged her towards the outside of the store.

Bell: "..."

What should I do if I suddenly want to go back?

I don't know, if he said now that he suddenly remembered that there was an important experiment that he had not done and needed to go back immediately, would Hermione bite him to death?

"S-scared me to death!"

Outside the cinema, Hermione patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. She can responsibly say that today's movie is the most thrilling one she has ever seen, and it will probably not be surpassed in the future.

At this time, the time has come to 4 p.m. Due to the instinct of survival, Bell finally did not dare to propose running home to conduct experiments. After running all morning and almost breaking his leg, Bell took Hermione to the cinema immediately after lunch.

After all, sitting in a movie theater drinking Coke and watching a movie is always much easier than running around in a store. Moreover, watching movies is also a traditional date activity. In a dark cinema, couples can do many interesting things.

This is how it should be...

"What!? Why are you watching a ghost movie?"

There are so many movies to watch in the cinema. Even if you don’t want to watch those comedies and science fiction movies, you can still choose a romance movie to watch. Why go to see some ghost movie?

Are the ghosts in Hogwarts not scary enough, or are the rumors about the Forbidden Forest not scary enough?

"I heard this movie is very good."

Holding Bell's hand tightly, Hermione looked slightly pale, but still walked firmly towards the screening room.

"Heard? No, who did you hear it from?"

I did that thing when I got back!

"Ouch! Don't worry about it! Come on, it's about to start."

Hermione would not tell Bell that she read it from a book, and it was the latest book published by Lockhart.

Although she has realized the nature of Lockhart's "gold on the outside but ruined on the inside", this does not affect her liking to read the books written by Lockhart. You know, even Bell admired many of the contents in those books.

And most importantly, one of Lockhart's latest books contains a story about him falling in love. There is a story in it that after he and a beautiful witch watched a horror movie in a Muggle cinema, their relationship heated up dramatically.

Although Hermione thought her romance with Belle was already hot enough, she didn't mind adding more heat. After all, there have been a lot of 'enemies' popping up suddenly in recent times.

Under Hermione's insistence, Bell had no choice but to give in. Moreover, the movie tickets have been purchased and the movie will start soon, so it is impossible for them to refund the tickets.

In line with the simple principle of not wasting anything, Bell finally followed Hermione into the screening room half-pushed and half-dead.

Similarly, in line with the simple principle of not wasting money, Bell did not buy Coke in the end...

"Bell, I didn't know you were afraid of ghosts!?"

Standing outside the cinema among the crowds of people coming and going, Hermione looked at Bell beside her with some amusement. She only found out today that her boyfriend actually had such a 'cute' weakness.

"Who, who is afraid of ghosts! I'm not afraid of ghosts!"

Bell said, scratching his neck.

Just kidding, those ghosts in Hogwarts always walk around him when they see him. Will he be afraid of ghosts?


"You're not afraid of ghosts, so why do you want to blow up the screen?"

Fortunately, her attention at that time was mainly focused on Bell beside her. Otherwise, if she had reacted even one second slower, a major accident would have occurred.

It really scared her to death!

"I...yes, the ventilation in this cinema is too poor! I felt a little stuffy, so I just wanted to open a window.

That's right! That's it! "

This shabby movie theater was built in the city center. The facilities were so bad that it should have been demolished just now!

"Okay, okay, the ventilation is too poor. Okay, there's still some time until dark, let's go for a walk."

She was a little tired in the morning and was busy looking at her own clothes. Taking advantage of this little time before dinner, Hermione planned to pick out two clothes for her boyfriend.

"Hey! Wait, Hermione! I'm really not afraid of ghosts!"

At least since he mastered the skill of magic perception, he is no longer afraid of ghosts.

Over the years, Bell has successively used ghosts, evil spirits, dementors, boggarts, and other soul-based beings to experiment and perfect his magic perception. Now, he can say with certainty that these guys can't even think of appearing behind him unnoticed.

Even if there are occasional exceptions, when those guys who are good at hiding launch a sneak attack, he can still detect it with the help of crisis sensing magic items. Moreover, this kind of guy who specializes in hiding is generally not very powerful in combat.

Therefore, he, Bell, can swear by Merlin's integrity that he is not afraid of ghosts at all! He will kill the ghost before he gets close to him!

It's just that no matter how powerful your magic perception is, you can't tell when the ghost in the movie will appear. This is very embarrassing...

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