The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 784 Arriving at [Dark Star] again

Of course, Shanna was not able to understand her brother's arrogant speech. Just as she was about to continue asking, the ground not far away suddenly opened, and a wizard in gray robes came up from below.

"Master, Miss, the departure preparations for the [Williams] have been completed. Would you like to leave immediately?"

The gray-robed wizard asked respectfully.

[Williams] is the name of the space battleship under Bell's feet. It has to be said that with the help of magic, wizards are indeed very efficient. In less than a year, the wizards built the first space battleship from scratch.

Of course, there are still many areas that can be improved on [Williams]. But that requires a lot of time to slowly polish. In case of emergency, the current [Williams] can also be used.

The [Williams] is in the shape of an inverted triangle and is made of dark brown alloy. The main facilities are placed inside the triangle.

The four surface planes of the battleship are engraved with dense ancient magic characters, which allows the wizard to use the power of the magic stone in the core of the battleship to greatly enhance the destructive power of the spell when casting spells.

After preliminary testing, it was found that the power of the "Williams" was astonishing. Except for its slightly poor flexibility, it was completely beyond the power of human power in a head-on confrontation.

"Now that you're ready, let's go."

Bell stood up, and the seat beneath him melted into silver-white liquid, which flowed down his trouser legs and returned to Bell's arms.

After hearing this, the gray-robed wizard returned to the inside of the battleship to convey the news. Soon, a layer of light blue transparent shield was formed, wrapping the entire battleship inside. The surrounding scenery was distorted, and after a loud bang, the battleship appeared in the outer space of the earth.

Standing on the platform and looking around, you can clearly see the earth in the distance. Speaking of which, although Bell has left the earth twice, this is the first time he stands in space and observes the earth like this.

The white clouds, the blue sea, the cities made of steel and concrete, and the primitive mountains and plains. Looking out from the universe, Bell felt a kind of shock from the deepest part of his soul.

‘Maybe in the future, teleportation points can be set up in the universe outside each planet, so that every member of the family has the opportunity to witness this shocking scenery with their own eyes. ’

Bell thought to himself.

After a brief stagnation, the battleship's hull quickly lit up with magical light again. Because the [Williams] is too large and consumes too much magic power to jump through space, it cannot cover too long a distance at once.

Compared with the previous use of teleportation devices to reach [Dark Star] in the blink of an eye, [Williams] needs to make multiple jumps, and it is expected to take about 1 day to reach the star field where [Dark Star] is located.

After nearly 20 minutes of charging, the [Williams] disappeared silently into the near-Earth space and appeared in a strange star field that Bell had never seen before.

During the rest of the traveling time, Bell and his sister ate, drank, and chatted about interesting things that had happened recently. Compared to the nervousness of other personnel before the battle, the brother and sister seemed to be on an outing.

It has to be said that the Bell brothers and sisters have been working on things for so many years. Not to mention anything else, in terms of mentality alone, they are indeed better than more than 90% of the wizards in the magic world.

With the vast starry sky as our companion, the time on the road is not too difficult. Even when they arrived at the outskirts of the dark star field where [Dark Star] was located, the Bell brothers and sisters still felt like they still had unfinished business.

Due to the thick stardust produced by [En'zoth] over the years, and the huge size of the [Williams], if the space moves directly into it, it is likely to damage the internal structure of the battleship.

Therefore, from here on, the battleship needs to fly in honestly. This is also the most time-consuming part of the journey.

He returned to the dormitory inside the battleship and took a nap. Not long after opening his eyes, the battleship arrived at the location of the [Dark Star].

"Have you determined the location of the elemental lord?"

Standing in Cambridge and looking down at the [Dark Star] in the distance, Bell felt quite excited.

This time, he must get the ice core of the elemental lord!

"Yes, according to the information from the inspectors, the Elemental Lord is currently sleeping in the canyon below and has not moved in the past month or so."

The captain of the USS Williams - Stuart Trivich said.

Since Bell and others fought against the elemental lord before, Bell ordered Jennifer to further strengthen the surveillance of the elemental lord. On the one hand, it is to be able to grasp the movements of the elemental lord at all times; on the other hand, Bell wants to know whether the elemental lord will take some unusual actions after being burned by the fire.

It turns out that Bell was overthinking.

After Bell and others escaped, the elemental lord just spent some time to find a canyon where there was no other [ice elemental] life, and then slept for more than a month.

"I will guide the battleship to the attack point. Once I send the signal, I will attack immediately. First, use the minimum power to test the elemental lord's defense limit step by step."

After saying that, Bell turned around and walked out.

"Wait a minute! Master, let us do the work of guiding the attack point."

The news that Bell had been seriously injured at the hands of the elemental lord before was not a secret within the Menethil family. After all, so many wizards in the base had seen it, so it was unrealistic to keep it secret.

Of course, both William and Elena also knew about this matter. For this reason, Bell was often nagged by his parents.

Before setting off this time, Stuart was interviewed separately by the head of the William family and Mrs. Elena. The two of them gave him countless instructions, telling him to take good care of Bell and Shanna, a brother and sister who were not easy to worry about, and they must not let them do anything dangerous again.

Therefore, after hearing Bell say that he planned to face the elemental lord in person, Stuart broke into a cold sweat instantly.

If Bell was injured again in the hands of the elemental lord, the head of the house and his wife would have to skin him after he returned. He had just become the captain of the USS Williams for a few days, and the captain's chair was still warm under his butt. He didn't want to be demoted so soon!

"No, this matter must be done by me. I don't feel comfortable leaving it to others."

Bell waved his hand, indicating that he had made up his mind.

"No! You must not do this! Master, Sir William and Elena have specifically told me in advance that they must take good care of you and don't make it difficult for me."

Stuart tried to dissuade him.

The current Menethil family's nominal head is still William. Although everyone knows some things, at times like this, the family leader's orders still have to prevail.

Not to mention, Elena also sided with William this time.

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