"...Okay, if you can guarantee that you are more than 90% sure to avoid the location of the elemental lord's ice core, then I will stay here and watch."

Bell has no obsession with personally participating in solving the elemental lord. In contrast, Shanna was more eager to personally avenge her brother. Although Bell doesn't think he has any grudge against the elemental lord. If I had to say it, it was because the elemental lord had a grudge against him.

Of course, Bell had no intention of talking about human rights with the other party.

"Uh,... isn't 90% too high?"

Stuart froze when he heard Bell's request.

To be honest, even if he did it himself, it would be impossible to achieve 90% accuracy. In fact, it would be nice to have 5 achievements.

"90% is already very low, okay!"

Bell rolled his eyes angrily.

In fact, if possible, Bell would like to wait until he is 100% sure before hunting the elemental lord. But God knows how long it will take to reach that ideal state. Even now, Bell doesn't know whether it can really be done.

So, although it was a bit of a gamble, Bell decided to take action now.

Of course, gambling is gambling, and a 90% certainty is the bottom line Bell has set for himself. If it is any lower, it is not called gambling, it is called risking one's life.

"How about I go try?"

Stuart looked very unsure.

"Please, you are the captain! If you run away, who will take command?"

Bell began to have some doubts about whether the captain chosen by his father was reliable.

"can let……"

"Okay, you should stay and take command. I will guide the attack point. That's it."

Obviously, from Stuart's expression, Bell could tell that this guy was not sure at all.

He could understand the other party's concerns about his safety, but when it came to the elemental lord's ice core or even the survival of [Dark Star], Bell would not let the other party risk his life.

Without giving Stuart another chance to dissuade him, Bell and his sister left the bridge without hesitation and came to the platform outside the battleship again.

"Wait... Damn it! Who sent the coordinates to the young master!?"

Stuart, who ran after the Bell brothers and sisters, wanted to try one last time. However, after arriving on the platform, he could only watch in vain as Bell and Shanna were distorted in space. disappeared, I couldn't help but feel very angry.

Just when Stuart was so angry that he wanted to curse, on the other side, Bell and Shanna had arrived outside the canyon where the elemental lord was.

"Long time no see, Master!"

Jennifer greeted with excitement on her face.

Yes, she sent Bell the coordinates of the canyon!

"It didn't take long, right?"

Bei·Zhen·Low EQ·er scratched his head and said.

It has only been a little over a month since I left [Dark Star] last time. The scenes that happened before were still fresh in Bell's memory, as if they happened yesterday.

"Uh... Master, do you want me to do something later?"

Even Jennifer, who respected Bell immensely, didn't know how to answer the conversation when faced with Bell's chat skills, which were below sea level. So, she simply skipped the embarrassing topic and talked about business directly.

"As long as you don't get too angry, you can do whatever you want."

Although they didn't get along for long, Bell still had a certain understanding of Jennifer's character. He happily gave Jennifer's favorite answer.

In fact, the main reason is that he has no use for the other party at all, so he lets him play freely...

The group of people stood on the cliff at the edge of the canyon, quietly looking at the dark canyon in front of them in a daze. Finally, after about an hour passed, Jennifer suddenly said:

"Master, all personnel and facilities in the base have been evacuated, and we can start taking action."

"Yes. You guys, please go to the battleship too."

Bell nodded and said to several supervisors on one side.

In order to prevent the elemental lord's ice core from exploding due to a mistake later, causing huge damage to the entire planet, the [Dark Star] base has made many preparations for more than a month.

These include the temporary evacuation of personnel and important facilities, capturing different types of [ice elements] to preserve ‘fire’, etc.

It can be said that it is for Bell's purpose, or is it willful? House Menethil was prepared to pay a heavy price. If one thing goes wrong, Bell will really have to realize his dream of many years today - 'prodigal'. Although it is not what Bell wants to achieve in this form.

"Master, please allow us to stay and help."

said an inspector. Several others also nodded.

People who are afraid of death must be afraid of death. As long as they are human beings, they will basically have an instinctive fear of death. But as combatants of the Menethil family, they could not accept this cowardly behavior of allowing the 'commander' to be put in danger while he went to a safe place to watch.

"It's enough for Jennifer to be left alone."

With that said, Bell gestured to Jennifer with his eyes.

To be honest, if he hadn't known that he couldn't drive away Jennifer and Zannah, Bell would have rushed everyone else to the battleship, leaving him alone to deal with the elemental lord.

After activating Ten Thousand Snakes in advance and being prepared, with his space magic skills, even if he accidentally detonated the elemental lord's ice core, Bell would still be able to escape with great confidence.

But Shanna could indeed provide him with a lot of help, so after some heart-to-heart discussions, Bell still couldn't talk about his sister, and could only watch Shanna put herself in danger with him.

Honestly, it feels terrible. He even thought about giving up hunting the elemental lords altogether. Anyway, the opponent's ice core is not necessary for him who has the magic stone.

Unfortunately, the flame of 'revenge' is already burning in the little girl's heart. After all, it was the first time Shanna had witnessed her brother being seriously injured, and the culprit was still at large. Shanna couldn't bear this kind of thing.

For an idealistic power like magic, if the heart energy is never smooth, it is likely to have a great impact on the wizard's character and future. Therefore, it can be said that hunting down the elemental lords is a must.

Under Jennifer's persuasion (threat?), several inspectors present quickly and reluctantly disapparated away.

All irrelevant personnel have been evacuated, and the [Williams] has already sent a signal that everything is ready. Finally, the exciting 'Elemental Lord Hunting' operation is about to begin. From now on, whether to eat meat or drink soup, it depends It all depends on this time!

"Sanna! Let the bear go and scratch it!"

With the lesson learned last time, this time, Bell decided to throw the 'King Explosion' directly at the beginning, allowing his sister to completely liberate [Crazy Bear] for the first time in a long time, and attack and contain the elemental lord.

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