The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 786 Shanna’s battle

"Okay, brother! Look at me!

Roar, crazy bear! "

Shanna took off the little bear from her waist and threw it out with all her strength, her little face flushed with excitement.

It can be said that since getting the Crazy Bear, Zannah has never really used the bear to fight the enemy with all its strength. Therefore, she has long been extremely curious about the real power possessed by the little bear.

However, because of her brother's instructions, she has always kept this curiosity tightly in her heart. And just today, she finally got permission from her brother, and she could let go of her hands and feet and control the little bear to play as much as she wanted!

The Crazy Bear expanded rapidly in the air, and when it landed, it had turned into a giant doll more than 500 meters tall.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Crazy Bear can only become this big at best. The bigger the size, the better. As the size increases, although the strength and attack range will increase, the sensitivity will inevitably decrease.

Zannah's mission is to contain the elemental lord, not to defeat him head-on. Therefore, a height of more than 500 meters can be regarded as a combination of strength and flexibility, and it is easier to contain the elemental lord who is nearly a thousand meters tall.

But this is just an inference. Depending on the specific situation, Shanna will also be able to flexibly adjust the size of the crazy bear.

‘Boom~! ’

The huge Crazy Bear fell to the ground and made a violent roar. The earth trembled and cracked, and the air currents brought up strong winds. Such a big movement naturally aroused the idea of ​​the elemental lord sleeping in the canyon.

As the overlord on [Dark Star], for countless years, no creature has ever dared to challenge the authority of the elemental lord. But recently, it has been teased by some little things that come out of nowhere again and again. Before, these inconspicuous little things had caused it a lot of pain. Even though the elemental lord was as heartbroken as ice, he couldn't bear it now.

The body flowed and deformed, and in just a few seconds, the elemental lord stood on the ground again. It has decided that this time, those who dare to offend its majesty must be punished with destruction!

Of course, if the other party runs too fast, there is nothing it can do...

The Elemental Lord moves very quickly, but Crazy Bear's movements are not slow either. Under Shanna's concentrated control, the Crazy Crazy Bear took a deep breath after landing, and after a few seconds of charging, it suddenly spat out a dark purple curse breath.

The elemental lord who had just stood up had a cursed breath firmly stuck to his face before he could even take a look at the offender.

The strong impact shook the elemental lord's body, and then he raised his giant hand and slammed a huge ice block at the crazy bear.

After all, it has no eyes, and the head is not the key point, so there is no essential difference for the elemental lord between being attacked on the head and being attacked on other parts.

Shanna suddenly appeared on top of Crazy Bear, controlled her little bear to step sideways, and nimbly dodged the elemental lord's attack.

As for the few attack methods of elemental lords, Zannah had already seen them all during the last fight. For more than a month, she has been thinking about how to deal with the elemental lord every day. At this time, facing a familiar attack, Zannah dodges without any pressure.

Observing the elemental lord's head hit by the cursed breath, Zannah's expression quickly became worse. You know, Cursed Breath is Crazy Crazy Bear's most powerful trick. When she faced an American wizard, all the targets hit by Cursed Breath were killed without exception. Even the cursed earth that was left on the ground later, no one dared to touch it.

However, now that the elemental lord has taken a direct blow from the front and breathed a curse, only the ice on his head has changed color slightly, and it is still recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. He does not appear to be hurt at all. This makes Shan Na found it hard to accept it for a moment.

At this time, Bell, who also witnessed this scene on the cliff nearby, was not surprised by this.

As mentioned before, in addition to the damage caused by magic shock, the power of Crazy Bear's curse breath is mainly reflected in the corrosive curse.

The corrosive curse, as the most basic curse, can be said to be the simplest but also the most difficult to remove - using a large amount of magic power to flush and break it.

To put it simply, Crazy Bear's curse breath is to use the endless magic power provided by the magic stone in his body to suppress people. It is precisely because it is simple that it has no solution.

However, when a move that uses overwhelming force encounters a more powerful enemy, it will be completely defeated and will not be able to exert any power.

Judging from the current situation, the magic power conversion efficiency and total magic power storage capacity of the ice core in the Elemental Lord's body are even better than the magic stone in the Crazy Bear's body. Therefore, it is not surprising that Crazy Crazy Bear is at a disadvantage in the battle of magic powers.

However, this does not mean that Crazy Bear is weaker than the Elemental Lord. Compared with the elemental lords, the advantage of Crazy Bear lies in the diversity of its methods. Coupled with the assistance of Zannah's magic, not only can it win in battle, but it is actually not a difficult thing if it is just contained.

Under Shanna's control, Crazy Bear stepped forward and soon arrived in front of the Elemental Lord. A bright white light lit up on its claws, and the Crazy Bear's claws swung out a series of afterimages, leaving dense claw marks on the elemental lord's chest.

‘Bang! ’

Zannah, who was focused on attacking, accidentally hit the crazy bear hard with a punch from the elemental lord. The huge and heavy body of Crazy Crazy Bear was like a real rag doll at this time, being knocked away from a distance.

A sharp sound broke through the air, and after punching the Crazy Bear, the Elemental Lord immediately threw out another ice cube, accurately flying to the landing point of the Crazy Bear.

Compared to facing the clumsiness of a small human like him when he was a child, now facing a crazy bear that is equally huge and not much inferior to himself, the elemental lord finally showed off his rich combat experience accumulated over countless years. Its rhythm is compact and its attacks are precise, as if it were a well-trained warrior.

However, although the elemental lord's combat experience is very rich, Zannah's accumulation over the past ten years is not empty. I saw the little girl controlling Crazy Bear to support the ground with one hand, and with a flexible rollover, she avoided the elemental lord's pursuit. Immediately afterwards, Crazy Crazy Bear squatted on the ground, raised his right paw and pointed it at the elemental lord.

[Crazy Bear Rocket Punch]!

Similar to the elemental lord's ice-throwing attack, the Crazy Bear's claws flew out fiercely, spanning thousands of meters in an instant, and hit the elemental lord hard.

The violent impact shook the body of the elemental lord who was stepping forward, and he took two steps back before the impact was relieved.

At this time, Crazy Crazy Bear rushed in front of the elemental lord again in this short period of time. With a contraction of his arm, he retracted the flying fist.

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