The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 787 The Ice Core of the Elemental Lord

【Crazy Bear Scratching】!

The Crazy Bear's claws once again turned into two afterimages that flashed crazily, leaving hideous scratch marks one after another on the elemental lord's body. This time the attack was far more powerful than before.

Under the attack of the crazy bear, the elemental lord retreated step by step. Although the scratches on its body could not cause any substantial damage to it, the impact of the attack made it temporarily unable to stabilize its body and launch a counterattack.

The more powerful the attack, the more magic power is consumed. Even though there is a magic stone in the Crazy Bear's body that continuously provides magic power, it still needs to recover after attacking for a period of time. Otherwise, the structure in its body may be damaged due to the continuous erosion of magic power.

The claw shadow dissipated, and the elemental lord immediately punched back. Fortunately, Shanna was well prepared this time and controlled Crazy Bear to jump back deftly and dodge the attack.

‘Boom~! ’

The two behemoths engaged in a fierce hand-to-hand fight in the canyon. Every movement of their hands and feet would cause the earth and air to tremble violently, making everyone watching the battle from a distance through the magic spell on the "Williams" couldn't help but feel terrified.

"Master, why don't we take action?"

Jennifer asked.

Like everyone else, Jennifer was frightened at the moment. Even though this was not the first time she had seen an elemental lord take action, the opponent's huge size and powerful strength still made her tremble instinctively.

‘That’s how it feels! ’

Jennifer's body trembled slightly, the hairs all over her body stood up, and her skin even felt a slight tingling.

Feel the fear, defeat the fear, conquer the fear, and then gain endless sense of accomplishment and pleasure!

This is the ultimate experience that Jennifer has always pursued, and it is also the reason why she yearns for a hearty battle. At this time, she was extremely itchy!

"No rush, just wait."

Bell waved his hand, signaling Jennifer to calm down.

Standing next to Jennifer, Bell could clearly feel the dangerous aura emanating from her body, which made his hair stand on end.

But now is not the best time for them to take action.

Although Shanna has held the Crazy Bear for many years, this is the first time she controls the Crazy Bear to fight with all her strength like this.

From the occasional hesitant movements of Crazy Crazy Bear, Bell could tell that his sister was not yet proficient in controlling Crazy Crazy Bear. Many times, it is clear that there is an opportunity to launch a counterattack, but the opportunity is missed because of the lack of control over the speed and strength of the crazy bear.

Therefore, Bell planned to let Shanna become more familiar with the power of Crazy Bear so that she could cooperate more tacitly later.

Smoke filled the air and rocks flew, and before we knew it, another 20 minutes had passed. During this period of time, Crazy Bear's movements became more and more flexible, and various powerful magics were mixed with the attacks of the claws, which caused a lot of trouble to the elemental lord. For a time, Crazy Crazy Bear actually had the tendency to suppress the elemental lord.

However, the most powerful thing about the elemental lord is not its attack, but its defense and recovery power. If the current situation continues, it may take Crazy Bear a year and a half to completely disarm the elemental lord.

However, even if Crazy Bear could hold on for that long, Shanna's energy would not be able to hold on. In fact, with the intensity of the current battle, Bell estimated that his sister could last for two hours.

"Okay, it's time for us to play. Jennifer, you go help Zannah contain the elemental lord, and I will explore the location of its ice core."

After saying that, Bell stomped the ground hard and flew towards the elemental lord at high speed. At this time, the elemental lord was leaning back due to the falling attack of the crazy bear, and had no time to care.

In the blink of an eye, Bell appeared above the elemental lord. In order for this operation to go smoothly, he took out the Elder Wand given to him by Dumbledore after a long absence.

Putting the Elder Wand against the extremely cold body of the Elemental Lord, a large amount of magic power flowed out from the tip of the wand like water and spread towards the Elemental Lord's body.

I don't know if he felt threatened, but the elemental lord showed extreme disgust for the 'little bug' that suddenly appeared on his body. It immediately changed its attack target, waving its arms and hitting Bell above its head.

[Magic Shock]!

[Crazy Bear Rocket Punch]!

The magic spell full of powerful impact and the huge fist of the Crazy Bear hit the elemental lord's raised arm in no particular order, causing his arm to tilt and fall into the air.

Then, Shanna and Jennifer immediately entangled themselves to buy time for Bell's detection.

After trying several times and failing to drive Bell away, the elemental lord became angry. The ice-blue brilliance on its neck was seen flashing away, and then, extremely cold air spurted out, and the Crazy Crazy Bear who was close at hand was instantly frozen.

"Is it at the neck?"

On the ground, Bell, who didn't know when he appeared here, murmured in a low voice.

The move of releasing cold energy was used once before by the elemental lord when he was burned by the eternal flames. But at that time, the elemental lord's whole body was wrapped in flames, and there was no light flickering on his body at all.

"...Let's try again."

After hesitating for a moment, Bell still didn't come to a conclusion.

This is such a big deal that no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious. Moreover, who knows if the elemental lord has a way to transfer the position of the ice core in his body. Therefore, for safety reasons, it was best for him to be able to confirm the location of the ice core at any time.

‘Kacha kacha~! ’

In the short time that Bell was thinking, Crazy Crazy Bear broke through the ice covering the surface of his body, and unexpectedly kicked the elemental lord's ankle, causing him to become unstable and fall to the ground.

Seeing this opportunity, Bell ignored everything else and rushed out again, standing at the elemental lord's neck.

Squatting down on his knees, Bell pressed the Elder Wand against the elemental lord's body. The ice on his right hand, which had just shown signs of melting, immediately regained its 'vitality' after receiving the support of new cold air, spreading towards Bell's elbow. And go.

At this time, Bell's condition was not good at all. His face was as pale as paper, and his body was covered with hoarfrost. Every time he exhaled, he would spit out a stream of white mist. But even so, Bell has no plans to rest.

If she had found a way to detect the location of the ice core a second earlier, Shanna would have been able to bear less of the pressure for a second. For the safety of my sister, the mere cold didn't matter. At worst, he would follow Huang Quan's example and chop off his arm directly afterwards. Anyway, as long as it's not like using black magic to sacrifice it, he can basically find a way to grow it back.

Perhaps due to the fact that he was relatively close to the ice core this time, it didn't take long for Bell to sense a scorching base point in the huge magic power of the elemental lord Ruyuan Ruhai.

Yes, it was hot, and it was very hot. The feeling it gave Bell was far beyond ordinary flames.

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