The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 788 I heard that alternating hot and cold can exercise the body?

Bell was very surprised that in the body of such a big ice lump like the Elemental Lord, he could feel the heat that seemed to be able to burn the soul.

It's not that he has never come into contact with ice cores. In fact, as soon as the ice core was discovered, Bell was about to visit one for observation and research.

But whether it is the ice core of ordinary ice elements or the ice core of elite monsters, just like its name, it exudes icy coldness from the inside out.

Now it seems that the ice core of the elemental lord looks completely different from other ice elements?

Considering the elemental lord's outrageous abilities, it would be too modest to say he stands out from the crowd. Is it not surprising that such an unexpected situation would occur?

Just when Bell was about to further feel the strangeness of the elemental lord's ice core, suddenly, the ice core disappeared from Bell's perception, leaving only the vast ocean-like icy magic power.

"Damn it! This guy can really shift the position of the ice core!"

With a powerful leap, Bell left the elemental lord's body.

At this time, the elemental lord has returned to a standing state through the flow and deformation of his body. The original position of the neck has now been moved to the legs, and the ice core has also disappeared. I don’t know if all this was done intentionally by the elemental lord, or was it just an accident caused by the deformation of instinct?

"Brother! How are you?"

Zannah emerged from the Crazy Bear's thick fur and looked at her brother worriedly.

After the second contact just now, Bell's condition has become worse at this time. The traces of frost on his body can be clearly seen even from a distance.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Bell comforted her sister. While speaking, he also raised the Elder Wand and pointed in the direction of Zannah.

Powerful magic gathered together and spurted out from the Elder Wand. The giant ice hand that took advantage of Zannah's distraction to attack suddenly froze under the attack of Bell's curse, and was easily dodged by the little girl who reacted.

"Don't worry about me, focus on fighting and be careful not to get hurt."

After warning Zanna, Bell rushed towards the elemental lord again. This time, he no longer targeted the elemental lord's head and neck. Instead, he clung to the dark and rugged ground and sneakily approached the elemental lord's legs.

After several attempts in succession, Bell not only failed to discover the location of the ice core, but was actually frozen to the point of being unbearable.

Although Bell didn't mind breaking off an arm or cutting off a leg, that would have to be done after the battle. He doesn't have Huang Quan's ability to instantly regenerate limbs.

In desperation, Bell could only spend some time and cast a fire spell to wrap himself up and dispel the cold air in his body.

‘Pfft~! ’

A mouthful of blood was spurted out by Bell, and it was burned into smoke by the flames in mid-air.

As we all know, people with frostbite should use warm water to slowly remove the cold, but cannot directly use high-temperature hot water, otherwise the shock of cold and heat will cause great harm to the human body.

Of course, Bell also knew this common sense. But the situation at this time did not allow him to warm up leisurely. In desperation, he could only resort to some rough methods.

The flames dissipated, revealing Bell's figure again. At this time, Bell's skin was red all over and there were wisps of white smoke coming out, as if he was a freshly cooked prawn.

There was no other way. In order to be able to hold on for a while longer, Bell had no choice but to endure the burning of the flames, raising his body temperature to a level far beyond normal. At this time, Bell's body surface temperature was about 70 degrees.

After gritting his teeth, Bell turned into an afterimage. With the assistance of Shanna and Jennifer, he successfully got close to the elemental lord again.

Just like before, Bell raised the Elder Wand and wanted to touch it against the elemental lord. But this time, before the Elder Wand came into contact with the elemental lord's body surface, Bell's hand suddenly stopped.

'what happened? Why is my body temperature dropping so fast? ’

Based on his previous experience, Bell already had a rough idea of ​​the temperature of the Elemental Lord's body. According to his prediction, with his current body temperature, he could probably sustain contact with the elemental lord for 30 seconds before frost would begin to form on his body.

But now, less than 3 seconds after approaching the elemental lord, his skin, which was burned red by the flames, had cooled down to normal body temperature, and then the cooling rate returned to normal.

After dodging the elemental lord's stampede, Bell looked at the opponent's huge body and thought for a while, then he had a new idea in his mind.

Under normal circumstances, when hunting ice elements, wizards would avoid using magic spells containing high temperatures such as fire spells. On the one hand, the environment of [Dark Star] will greatly weaken the power of the fire spell. On the other hand, if the ice element dies in a high temperature environment, the ice core in its body will explode.

Therefore, Bell never thought of using the Fire Spell against the elemental lord. The previous Eternal Flame Curse was also an experiment done at the end, when there was really no other way.

But now, thinking of the hot base point that he felt before, which should be the ice core, Bell planned to try a new method.

[Burning flames]!

After placing the Elder Wand against the elemental lord's body, Bell cast a zero-range flame spell.

The air was slightly distorted, showing a heated state, but not even a trace of sparks appeared.

In addition to the low temperature on the surface of the elemental lord's body, which neutralized the high temperature of the flames, Bell could also clearly feel that waves of heat were being extracted, seeping into the elemental lord's body, and rapidly 'swimming' upward.

The heat rose to the base of the elemental lord's thighs before suddenly disappearing. In the brief moment before the heat disappeared, Bell once again felt the familiar burning sensation, and then his perception was blocked by the vast and majestic magic power like the sea.

Having found a way to accurately sense the location of the ice core, Bell's mouth curved in an excited arc. Next, he repeated the experiment several times, and after confirming that as long as the elemental lord's body did not flow and deform, the ice core in his body would not change position, he finally took out a nail-shaped magic item from his arms.

This is a specially made magic prop to guide the [Williams] to the attack point.

After driving the 'nail' into the elemental lord's other leg, Bell immediately stepped back and distanced himself from the elemental lord. At the same time, he also issued a warning to the other two people present.

"Back off! Be careful of being affected by the battleship's attack!"

Hearing this, Shanna, who was fighting with the elemental lord, immediately controlled Crazy Bear to remove the strength from her hands, stamped on the ground hard, and flew backwards in the direction of the elemental lord's force.

Seeing this, Jennifer, who was far away from the elemental lord, apparated to the landing point of the Crazy Bear, and laid down layer after layer of obstacle spells here in advance to help the Crazy Bear remove the impact.

‘Bang~! ’

'boom--! ’

Two loud noises came one after another. The first one was the sound of Crazy Bear landing on the ground, and the second one was from where the Elemental Lord was standing.

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