The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 789 Main gun firing

"It's been almost half an hour, why hasn't the signal been transmitted?"

In the bridge of the Williams, Stuart walked around anxiously.

"Hey! How's the situation down there?"

Stuart asked the wizard responsible for monitoring the surface of [Dark Star].

"We can't see the specific situation clearly. We can only know that we are still fighting."

The monitoring wizard said with sweat on his forehead.

The captain asked him the same question several times a minute, and of course he gave the same answer every time. But the problem was that his answers did not satisfy the captain, so he was scolded every time, which made his pressure almost burst.

"Damn it! Why can't you see clearly! What use do I need from you if you can't see clearly!"

Stuart was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick, but in the end he successfully suppressed his anger again and did not take any action to throw the other party into the universe.

"Keep showing me!"

After saying that, Stuart started spinning again.

‘Huh~! ’

Seeing Stuart turn his head, the wizard responsible for monitoring breathed a sigh of relief again.

His life was temporarily saved.

Immediately afterwards, endless grievances came to my heart.

If you can't see clearly what's going on below, you really can't blame him for this. There is no light in the area where the [Dark Star] is located. In addition, there are many fine dust floating in the universe and on the surface of the planet of the [Dark Star]. Those who want to observe the [Dark Star] from a distance in the universe On the surface, it is really a very difficult thing.

Otherwise, the development progress of [Dark Star] and the ecological research on ice elemental creatures would not progress so slowly.

Now, through the battleship's observation equipment, we can only see an area directly in front of the battleship, where the light generated by the magic spell is flashing. In the light, the two behemoths sometimes stood in a stalemate and sometimes intertwined. In other more specific situations, it's really a blur.

"Hey! What's going on down there now..."

Before the wizard in charge of monitoring could wipe the sweat from his forehead, Stuart's voice came from behind again.

Obviously, as time went by, Stuart's patience was almost completely exhausted.

Although even if he is exhausted, there is nothing he can do...

At this moment, Stuart's intestines were about to turn green. If he had known that this would be the case, even if he had used force, he would have left Bell on the battleship and faced the elemental lord himself.

"Captain! Signal! A signal has been sent from [Dark Star]!"

Suddenly, excited shouts rang out, interrupting Stuart's venting inquiry. A wizard who was responsible for controlling the main gun stared at the big screen in front of the bridge with excitement, and almost jumped out of his chair with joy.

It's so pitiful that although he is not in charge of monitoring and has not been tortured by the captain's continuous questioning, the captain's mood is bad. How can they, the people under the other party's subordinates, still be okay?

Therefore, although they were not as good as the wizard responsible for monitoring, the rest of the people on the bridge had already felt difficulty breathing in the depressing atmosphere.

"What a signal!"

Stuart suddenly turned his head to look, and the force of his movement made his cervical vertebrae make an ear-piercing 'click' sound.

At this moment, Stuart had the desire to eat people. At this time, he fully realized that the crew members under his command were really lacking in training!

Signal coming?

You should have made it clear what kind of signal it was!

If there was a distress signal, he would take people down quickly. Saving people is like putting out fire, you bastard!

"It's an attack signal!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you attack quickly!"

Stuart's roar echoed in the bridge, making other people's ears ring.


Several wizards responsible for controlling the main gun immediately followed the operating procedures during training, hurriedly locked the attack target, and fired the attack that had been prepared for a long time.

Currently, the only attack method of the [Williams] is main gun shooting. Others are spells that assist in strengthening the wizard and require the wizard to attack them personally.

Because it's still a long time, the current main cannon actually just compresses and condenses the huge magic power converted by the magic stone, and then shoots it out.

However, don't underestimate this attack method. Although its principle is simple, its power is not small at all.

When the total amount of magic power reaches a certain level, magic becomes like martial arts, with a sense of returning to nature. Compared with those fancy magic spells, it is the purest magic impact, which can better exert the power of magic.

Because after the magic power is transformed into a magic spell such as the Fire Curse, the nature of the magic power itself will change, becoming explosive and unstable. This will also make it more difficult to accumulate a large amount of magic power and then shoot it together, and the large amount of magic power cannot be effectively used.

Therefore, the power of the magic spell at this time is not as powerful as simply compressing and releasing magic power, or even far worse.

The dazzling magic power cut through the dark space, and appeared at the target location the next second.

Da Yin Xi Sheng, the three Bells who had already hid behind the bunker, felt dizzy at this moment, as if the whole world was trembling, and there was only endless light left in front of their eyes.

‘Boom~! ’

I don't know how long it took before a violent roar came from a distant place.

"Bah~! Bah bah~!"

After spitting out the sand in his mouth, Bell put his arms on the ground, arched upwards, and crawled out of the ground.

The bunker we had found before could not hold up for even a second before it collapsed into dust all over the sky. Bell tried hard to fix his body, but even so, he was blown away nearly a thousand meters before he was finally buried underground.

‘I knew it a long time ago and hid with Shanna. ’

With the huge body of Crazy Bear protecting them, Shanna and the two of them must have been able to block the previous impact easily.

Even so, after Bell stood up, he immediately looked around, looking for his sister.

"Sanna~! How are you doing~!"

At this moment, the canyon originally located here has disappeared, replaced by a huge depression comparable to a meteor crater. In this large pit without any shelter, Bell spotted the huge Crazy Bear at a glance.

"Brother~! We're fine~! How about you~!"

After casually patting the dust off her head, Shanna looked at her brother worriedly.

By the way, the power of this main gun is too high, right? Is this really the minimum effort? Could it be a mistake?

No matter what, Shanna felt that the power of this battleship's main gun was too powerful!

At this moment, the little girl secretly made up her mind. One day, she will increase the power of her explosive spell to this level. When the time comes, she will see who dares to bully her brother!

‘Art is an explosion~! ’

"Ahem! Me, I'm okay too!"

Facing his sister's worried eyes, Bell swallowed back the blood in his mouth with difficulty.

The power of this main gun shot also exceeded his expectations. Coupled with the injuries caused by the previous alternation of cold and heat, his body was very uncomfortable at this time.

'Sure enough, just watching the video, you can't experience the real power. ’

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