The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 790 Be gentler, be gentler again

After confirming the condition of his sister, Bell then looked for the elemental lord.

However, the previous main gun fire blew the elemental lord far away. Bell did not find the opponent's huge body within his sight.

【The sun is shining】!

Floating high in the sky, Bell raised his wand and created a small sun-like ball of light above his head.

With the help of the light of the light ball, Bell finally spotted a miserable figure in the distance.

At this time, one of the elemental lord's legs was broken at the knee, and the thigh that was still connected to the body was also full of cracks. However, when you get closer, you can see that the cracks are healing quickly. At this speed, all the cracks will disappear in less than 2 minutes.

Taking out his personal terminal, Bell dialed Stuart's communication.

"Hello? Stuart, are you sure that the output just now was the minimum? Can it be smaller? Or, the power can be more concentrated?"

As soon as Stuart's image appeared, Bell immediately asked.

"Master, it's great that you're okay."

Seeing Bell safe and sound, Stuart almost cried. God knows how worried he was before.

"Yes, Master, that was the minimum output of the [Williams'] main gun just now. As for the problem of power concentration, there is nothing I can do about it..."

Stuart said with an embarrassed look on his face.

He is only the captain of the Williams, not the chief engineer. For many of the technologies used on this battleship, he only knew about them but didn't know why. So he couldn't change the main gun settings, and he didn't think anyone could do it in a short time. Otherwise, it would have been set correctly when building.

"...Okay then, just continue this effort and wait for my signal."

After hanging up the phone, Bell took a deep breath, suppressed the churning feeling in his body, and rushed towards the elemental lord at high speed.


"Here we come, brother!"

Zannah controlled the Crazy Bear to jump up suddenly.

【Crazy Bear Crash】!

Crazy Bear's whole body was wrapped in magic power, falling towards the elemental lord like a meteor.

‘Boom~! ’

The Elemental Lord, who still couldn't figure out what happened, was slammed into the ground by the Crazy Bear.

The biting cold spewed out from the pit, blowing the Crazy Bear away and freezing it into a big lump of ice in mid-air.

Taking advantage of Crazy Bear's time to break the ice, the Elemental Lord finally recovered from the sudden blow. His body flowed and deformed, and he returned to his original posture.

However, compared to the previous elemental lord, who had a large piece cut off, his body size is now much smaller.

After the first successful experience, the next step is just to repeat the task again and again. For the sake of safety, Bell would choose the position mark farthest from the ice core every time. He would rather fire a few more shots to avoid affecting the ice core as much as possible.

"Kekeke...finally,'s done..."

Bell's whole body was covered with white frost, and his teeth couldn't stop chattering.

He couldn't even remember how many times he had come into contact with the elemental lord. Although after developing the method of using fire spells to detect the location of ice cores, the coldness his body had to withstand was reduced, but it still couldn't help but happen many times.

At this time, his right arm holding the wand had completely lost all feeling. If the wand hadn't been frozen in his hand, he would have been unable to hold it.

After gritting his teeth, Bell put his left hand on his right shoulder in a cruel move.

‘Kaka~! ’

There was a sound like ice breaking, and Bell used his left hand to tear off his right arm. There were bursts of cold air emanating from the fractured area of ​​the shoulder, and not a drop of blood flowed out.

‘I’m going to bet my arm on the new era! ’

There should be a straw hat here...

"elder brother!?"

Seeing her brother's sudden act of self-mutilation, Shanna's eyes widened and her mind went blank for a moment.

"It's okay. After you go back and cultivate for a while, it will grow out soon."

Bell used his remaining left hand to rub Shanna's hair and comforted her.

His right arm had been completely destroyed by the cold air. Instead of removing the cold air from it piece by piece for treatment, it would be better to grow a new one.

"Zanna, the next step is up to you. Let the Crazy Bear use its corrosive breath to cover the remains of the Elemental Lord, so that it doesn't have a chance to recover."

At this time, after being ravaged countless times, the elemental lord was reduced to a large ice ball with a diameter of about 30 meters.

But that doesn't mean the elemental lords have been dealt with.

In fact, if the ice core in the ice element's body is not taken out, the ice element will not die. Even the most ordinary ice element can return to its original appearance from a small ice ball if given enough time.

This is true for ordinary ice elements, let alone elemental lords. If there were no restrictions, it would probably take no more than a day for this guy to be alive and kicking again.


Looking at her brother's broken arm, Shanna's eyes were a little moist. She resisted the urge to cry, controlled the Crazy Bear to shrink to 10 meters tall, and breathed dark purple breath towards the ice ball formed by the elemental lord.

After rubbing Shanna's head vigorously again, Bell took out his personal terminal from his arms.

"Stuart, let the [Williams] come down."

Bell ordered.

After saying that, he hung up the communication and bent down to pick up the Elder Wand.

However, it was not drawn out.

‘It’s too frozen. ’

In desperation, Bell closed his eyes, turned his head, raised his foot and stepped on it hard.

Without any accident, Bell's right hand was trampled to pieces.

The soles of his feet rubbed against the ground. It took Bell a while to suppress the awkward feeling in his heart and picked up the Elder Wand.

After all, it was his own arm. If it was crushed by a foot or something, Bell's heart was still quite stressful.

"Master, hurry up and get treatment. I have a healing potion here. You can take it and drink it."

As she spoke, Jennifer took out a lot of bottles and cans from her pocket and tried to stuff them into Bell's mouth.

In fact, compared to Shanna, Jennifer was much calmer at this time. As the captain of the Third Brigade of the Special Operations Team, Jennifer has experienced countless battles, large and small, over the years. Injuries such as missing arms and broken legs in battle are quite common.

However, now that the injured person has become the young master she respects the most, it is inevitable that Jennifer will perform abnormally.

"Don't worry, wait for me to take care of the wound. And Zanna, take it easy and don't use so much force."

Seeing that her brother was seriously injured again, Zannah was filled with hatred for the elemental lord, the 'culprit'. She controlled the Crazy Bear to spit out powerful breath, and in just a moment, the ground beneath the elemental lord's remains was corroded into a big pit.

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