The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 791 If the duck comes to your mouth, swallow it quickly

Seeing that if Zanna continued to do this, the elemental lord's ice core would fall into the pit and be unable to be retrieved, Bell hurriedly shouted to stop.

After Zanna pouted her little mouth and obediently controlled the Crazy Bear to weaken the power of its corrosive breath, Bell turned his attention back to his injuries.

"When I think about it, it seems like this first, then this, and finally this."

Bell waved his wand awkwardly with his left hand while mumbling something.

As the wand danced, wisps of silver light emerged one after another in the air. Then, the light gathered together and woven into a silver arm. The arm flew to Bell's broken arm, and silver threads extended from the arm and pierced into the broken hole on Bell's shoulder.

He frowned slightly, and after a brief tingling sensation, the connection between the magic thread and the nerves was completed, and the silver-white magic arm officially replaced Bell's original right arm.

Of course, Bell has no intention of completely transforming his body into magic. This magic arm is just a short-term emergency. When he returns, he will start regenerating the arm.

In fact, for Bell, who has a contract with Huangquan, regeneration of limbs is not difficult. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is to prevent the power of the killing stone from exerting a subtle influence on his thoughts.

After moving the fingers of his right hand, Bell felt the difference between the magic arm and the original arm.

Ever since he saw the magic palm made by Voldemort for Peter Pettigrew, Bell had become interested in this magical magic. If this kind of magic could be simplified and popularized, there would be no more physical disabilities in this world.

Of course, Bell's current level is not enough to improve this spell to the point where it can be applied to Muggles. For wizards who have various magical spells and potions, there are really few opportunities to apply such spells. Peter Pettigrew also had to use this method to regain his hand because he sacrificed one of his hands.

Unexpectedly, the first time I used this magic spell, it was used on myself. This is really unpredictable.

'Sure enough, there is still a certain gap between me and Voldemort and Dumbledore. ’

When moving his fingers, Bell could clearly feel a sense of sluggishness, not being able to move as freely as his original arms.

But this was also what Bell expected. Although Voldemort is not mentally normal, his magical talent is undoubtedly top-notch. 6. After 70 years of study and research, it is impossible for him to catch up in just 10 years.

Don’t other people have no face?

As the saying goes, great efforts can produce miracles. If attainments are not enough, then strength must be used. Looking at the ice ball shrouded in the dark purple magic breath, Bell believed that it would not be long before he could truly surpass Lao Deng and Voldemort.

Of course, it is only superior in combat effectiveness.

After drinking several bottles of magic potion, Bell sat on the ground and accepted Jennifer's simple treatment. After a while, the wind suddenly rose, and a huge inverted triangle flew over the heads of Bell and others.

A door opened at the bottom corner of the inverted triangle, and many wizards flew out one after another. The leader was Stuart.

"Master, your arm!?"

As soon as he got close, Stuart couldn't help but exclaimed.

When communicating through a personal terminal before, he did not notice that Bell was missing an arm due to the angle. At that time, he was a little lucky. It seemed that his young master's injury was not serious. As long as he could be treated before arriving on Earth, he would be uninjured.

But now it seems that his position as captain is about to leave him!

Even with the best treatment conditions, it will take 1 or 2 months for a complete arm to regenerate, adapt, and completely recover as before.

By the way, what excuse can he find to stay out for 1 or 2 months?

...No, it’s completely unexpected!

"Oh, you're talking about this. I just made it. Come and take a look. How about it?"

Bell waved his right arm showily.

Looking at the bare right arm, Bell suddenly had the idea to change the shape and color of this magic arm to make it more handsome.

...Forget it, after all, it's only for two days.

"Uh... pretty good."

Facing Bell's bright smile, Stuart didn't know what to say for a moment.

By the way, why can someone still smile so happily even if their arms are broken?

Of course Bell was happy. If the situation hadn't been wrong, he would have laughed to the sky.

The ice core of the elemental lord! The baby he has been thinking about for many months! finally! Finally getting it soon! How could he be unhappy?

In comparison, it's just an arm, not worth mentioning.

"Okay, hurry up and transfer the ice puck to the [Williams]. I can't wait to take out this ice core."

As the saying goes, a person who travels a hundred miles can only walk half a mile, and the last step is still missing. Bell suppressed the excitement in his heart and decided to swallow the duck first.

As the Crazy Bear stopped breathing, several wizards approached cautiously.

"Everyone, stop!"

Bell's sudden roar frightened everyone present, and they almost ran away without any magic power.

"What's wrong? Master."

Stuart looked around with a wary expression.

"Uh, no, don't be nervous, I mean, don't get close there, be careful of being hurt by the corrosion curse on the ground."

Crazy Bear's Corrosive Breath has only been used once before in the United States. All witnesses at that time were ordered to die by Bell and were strictly prohibited from leaking any relevant information. So even though everyone here is our own people, they don't understand Crazy Crazy Bear's abilities.

Crazy Bear just vomited on the ice ball for a long time, and the corrosion left on the ground was already so black that it turned purple. If someone steps into the pit, even if Merlin is reincarnated, he will never be able to save him.

The only attrition in the 'fight against the elemental lord' was the non-combat attrition that fell into the hands of one of our own people. If this were told, people would laugh to death.

After being reminded by Bell, a group of wizards stood far outside the corrosion area and cast a floating spell on the ice ball, hoping to transfer the ice ball to the battleship. However, as soon as the magic power of these people enters the sky above the corrosive area, it will be immediately eroded by the corrosive curse.

In the end, Shanna controlled Crazy Bear and rushed in, kicking the ice ball away.

"Quick! Move the ice ball to the platform above the battleship!"

As soon as the ice ball left the corroded earth, its size began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. Bell was so frightened that he did not dare to waste a second and quickly called for everyone to take action.

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