The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 793 It almost got really cold

It is not complicated in principle to use one's own magic power to assimilate the magic power of the outside world, but in practice, it is not easy at all.

‘Pfft~! ’

Fine cracks appeared on Bell's left forearm, and blood spurted out from the cracks, instantly staining the surrounding ground red.

When the magic power from the outside enters the wizard's body, it will naturally cause harm to the wizard's body. In fact, even if the wizard's own magic power is released outside the body and is assimilated by the external environment, if it is taken back into the body again, it will also conflict with the original 'pure' magic power to a certain extent.

To weaken this damage, the wizard's body needs to have strong magical tolerance and adaptability. Basically it can be seen as having the same requirements as wandless casting.

After years of unremitting strengthening, Bell's current body can now withstand a certain amount of external magic power. But obviously, in order to safely peel off the last layer of ice shell outside the elemental lord's ice core, the magic power introduced into Bell's body at this time far exceeded the limit he could bear.

Of course, the body is the capital of revolution, and Bell has no intention of completely destroying his body just for an ice core. He concentrated all the magic power of the magic stone in his left forearm. Although this would increase the pressure on the left forearm and cause greater damage to this part, it would also protect other parts of the body from harm.

‘Kacha kacha~! ’

As Bell poured more and more magic power into the cracks, the cracks in the ice shell gradually opened.

I don't know how long it took, but when Bell's forehead was covered with cold sweat and he was dizzy due to excessive blood loss, a cracking sound like the sounds of nature sounded, and the last ice layer completely split into pieces and fell to the ground.

'Finally, finally...'

"I'll do it!"

Before Bell could express his inner excitement, he clenched his right fist tightly, and the fist made of magic power hit the elbow of his left arm hard.

With a 'click', Bell's left arm was shattered like fragile porcelain, and the ice core in his hand fell to the ground.

Frost spread on the surface of the battleship at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the icy cold air made everyone around them shiver uncontrollably.

"elder brother!"

Shanna, who was already heartbroken and could hardly breathe, rushed over immediately upon seeing this.

With tears in her eyes, the little girl hurriedly took out one bottle after another of potions from her arms, either feeding them into her brother's mouth, or splashing them on him.

"Quick...quickly...seal that ice core..."

Bell's whole body stiffened, and his lips opened and closed with difficulty.

If this is left alone, it won't be long before the entire battleship will be frozen.

He didn't expect that the elemental lord's ice core would be so domineering. So in his perception, the inside of the ice core was as hot as if it were filled with lava, but how come the surface was countless times colder than the elemental lord's body surface?

"Brother, how are you?"

At this time, Shanna had no intention to care about the ice-breaking core. Even if the battleship was frozen into a big lump of ice, she didn't care at all. All her attention now is on her brother.

Bell's appearance at this time was even more miserable than when he was slapped by the elemental lord before. His whole body was covered with frost, his body was frozen and unable to move, his breathing was weak, and even his nostrils were almost blocked by ice. Thanks to his current right arm being woven with magic power, he was resistant to various negative states. It must be far beyond the ordinary body, otherwise, if he had knocked down the ice core a little later, he might really be cold today.

"Ha~! Finally alive!"

In the treatment room inside the battleship [Williams], Bell's whole body was soaked in warm water, and his body was covered with various metal plates, monitoring the condition of various parts of his body in real time.

Looking down at his left shoulder, Bell couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

‘It’s still too much. ’

Originally, in order to safely peel off the last layer of ice shell, Bell was actually ready to sacrifice his left forearm, which is why he was so unscrupulous in inhaling the magic power from the outside world.

But who could have imagined that the sudden invasion of cold air spread all over his body in an instant. Even if he cut off his wrist immediately, it was still a step too late.

Not only was his left arm completely broken, but his left shoulder was also covered with cracks as thick as a finger. The crack spread all the way to the left side of his chest, almost reaching his heart.

At this time, Bell's left upper body was tightly wrapped in a medical gel. Through the translucent gel, his beating heart could even be vaguely seen.

Since the coldness in Bell's body has not been completely eliminated, even under the dual treatment of magic spells and potions, his wound healing speed is very slow.

"Master, you're awake. How do you feel?"

The voice came from the side, and Bell turned around to look, only to realize that there was another person in the treatment room.

"It feels... awful. So you are?"

"My name is Erich Konard, you can call me Erich, I am a physician on the [Williams]."

Erich introduced himself.

"Erich, how is my physical condition now? How long will it take to recover?"

After glancing at the various data displayed on the instruments nearby, Bell expressed that he could not understand them at all, and asked Erich directly.

Although Bell already had some idea of ​​his physical condition in the short time after waking up, he was still more willing to listen to the analysis and explanation of professionals.

"It's very bad, Master. The repeated erosion of cold air has caused great damage to your body. Especially the last invasion of cold air has penetrated into the deepest part of your internal organs, and this cold air is very difficult to remove.

With all due respect, Master, you should pay more attention to your body and seek treatment immediately after you are injured. "

Pushing up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Erich looked at Bell as if he were looking at a peerless brat who would even beat himself up if he got bratty.

"Well, I'll pay attention next time. You'd better tell me first how long it will take for me to recover."

If possible, Bell certainly wouldn't want to make his body look like this in tatters. After all, he had no grudge against him and didn't have any unique hobbies.

But reality doesn’t allow it, what can he do? He is also very desperate!

"The physical injuries will take about a month. In order to ensure that there will be no sequelae, we must use as gentle a method as possible to eliminate the coldness in your body bit by bit, so it will take a little longer.

As for the regeneration of the two arms... With all due respect, even if the new arms grow back, they will be very different from the original arms. You'll need to slowly get used to your new arm, and you'll also be letting your arm get used to you. Therefore, it is initially estimated that it will take 1 to 2 years to completely recover as before. "

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