The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 794 Protecting the planet starts with you and me

"One's okay."

Although this recovery time is far longer than Bell's initial expectations, it is not unacceptable.

In fact, if the influence of the remaining cold air in the body is removed, the damage Bell suffered this time is actually not as bad as the damage done to him by the rampage of magic power when he first learned the Fire Spell.

After all, the rampage of magic destroys the body from the inside, while the invasion of cold air invades from the outside. Although his magic power cannot completely resist this invasion, it can weaken it to a certain extent and protect himself.

By the way, he has never been hit hard twice by the same enemy. If the damage caused by the last ice core was also included, he was equivalent to being defeated by the elemental lord three times. If the ice core cannot satisfy him in the future, then he will... he will... there will be nothing he can do...

There is no way, the elemental lord has been defeated by their bunch of 'evil' wizards, what else can he do? We can’t blow up [Dark Star], right?

Although at present, my sister seems to want to do that.

"Brother, let's go blow up [Dark Star]!"

The little girl said with a serious face.

While her brother was in a coma and receiving treatment, she didn't do anything. She reviewed the causes and consequences of her brother's injury in detail, and finally came to the conclusion that it was all [Dark Star]'s fault!

It was this evil planet that gave birth to the evil elemental lord, which seduced my brother and made him covet the ice core in its body... so my brother suffered heavy losses over and over again. .

If it weren't for this planet, none of this would happen!

As for how valuable ice cores are, she doesn't care about that. She just wanted her brother to be healthy and happy, and that was enough.

"Calm down! Shanna, you must calm down!"

When Bell heard his sister's suggestion, he broke into a cold sweat instantly.

As the person who knows Zannah best in the world, Bell has never doubted his sister's ability to act. At this moment, he didn't dare to be hesitant or careless, otherwise, maybe when he opened his eyes again, the planet below would be gone!

"Don't worry, brother, I'm calm now. You see, this is the blasting plan I made, which is guaranteed to completely blow up the planet in one fell swoop."

Saying that, Zannah took out a stack of parchment with a proud look on her face.

Yes, she is very calm now, the kind of feeling that after being extremely angry, she will calm down extraordinarily.

Bell looked at the pieces of parchment that Zannah handed over as if they were offering treasures. He saw that they were filled with dense formulas, which made Bell feel dizzy.

By the way, when did my sister learn explosives skills on her own? How come he doesn't know!

"Uh... Shanna, just, let's spare it this time, okay? I think it should already know it's wrong."

Bell persuaded earnestly.

He is now very lucky that his coma did not last long. Otherwise, if he stays unconscious for another day or two, he won't be able to watch the fireworks... ahem, he won't be able to stop his sister's feat in time.

"I've given it a chance."

Zannah's voice was low, and her eyes were covered by shadows.



It’s really going to end now!

Even Bell saw his sister really angry for the first time, and for a moment, he didn't know what to do.

"...Ah, ah!"

Suddenly, Bell let out a cry of pain that couldn't be more fake. The level was basically equivalent to a flat fall in a football match.

However, for Shanna at this moment, even this extremely amateurish acting skills had successfully deceived her.

The little girl instantly threw aside the parchment in her hand, stood up nervously, looked at her brother who was still soaked in warm water, and asked helplessly:

"Brother! What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? I'll call the therapist over right away!"

"Wait, Zannah! No need to call the therapist."

Bell hurriedly stopped Shanna who turned around and wanted to run out.

He was able to deceive Shanna because Shanna was confused when she cared, but it wasn't because the little girl's discernment ability was really that low.

In fact, the little girl is so smart that she could see through the disguise of an infiltrator at a glance in Hogwarts before, turning the strongest enemy into a top before he even had time to take action.

Without passing the Qi in advance, Bell didn't think that others could hide it from Shanna. What if Shanna sees flaws in those therapists?


"It's okay, Shanna. I know my own physical condition very well. Don't you still believe in my brother's ability? This kind of pain is normal. There is no other way except taking time to rest."

Bell said 'weakly'.

"Then, brother, please have a good rest, I won't disturb you anymore."

"hold on!"

Bell once again stopped Zannah from trying to leave.

Just kidding, he doesn't dare to let Shanna leave his sight now, otherwise God knows how long the [Dark Star] below can exist.

Although theoretically speaking, with Shanna's current power of the curse, it is impossible to destroy a planet. It's still a thousand miles away. But who knows what kind of whimsical ideas are hidden in the little girl’s smart little head?

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens!

Moreover, what if Shanna accidentally hurts herself?

If something like that really happened, Bell would definitely blow up [Dark Star].

(Dark Star: ‘I mess with whoever I mess with! Everyone will have trouble with me!!!’)

"Is there anything else, brother?"

Zannah asked confused.

"Sanna, you see, over the years, we brother and sister have rarely had the opportunity to be alone. Thinking about it now, it is really a pity.

So, Shanna, can you always stay with your brother here? "

Bell's voice returned to 'weak'.

"But, if I'm here, won't I disturb my brother's rest?"

Of course Shanna wanted to accompany her brother. Especially when her brother was seriously injured, she would worry about whether her brother's injury would worsen if she couldn't see him at a glance.

However, she didn't want her brother to be unable to have a good rest because of her willfulness. What if the injury worsens?

"Of course not! It should be said that I can rest well only if Shanna is here. If Shanna is not here, I will definitely have nightmares!"

Bell's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his tone was so decisive that no one would doubt the authenticity of his words.

In fact, this sentence is indeed true. If Zannah were not here, Bell would definitely dream that [Dark Star] was blown up...

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