The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 795 Leave quickly and don’t come back!

Due to Bell's serious injury, the [Williams] did not immediately go to the star field where [En'zoth] was located, but stayed outside the [Dark Star] for a week of repairs.

During this week, Bell kept a close eye on Zannah, tightly tying the little girl to his side to prevent her from carrying out the 'great' plan to blow up the [Dark Star].

Of course, in addition to eating, drinking and sleeping every day, after Bell regained his mobility, he secretly did some serious things while Shanna was sleeping.

For example, I secretly studied the ice core of the elemental lord.

What? You asked him why he was sneaky?

Shh~! Keep your voice down, don't let Shanna hear you! Shanna must not let Shanna know about this matter, otherwise if the little girl gets angry, it will be much more terrifying than Hermione.

After another day of treatment, Bell walked towards the restaurant with Shanna's support.

The therapist behind him looked at the retreating figures of the brothers and sisters. He opened his mouth to speak but stopped talking. After struggling for a long time, he finally said nothing.

According to tests, Master Bell's physical condition is currently recovering well, even better than expected. Logically speaking, simple activities such as walking should be able to be completed independently.

But the trembling and difficulty in moving that the young master showed just now doesn't seem to be fake.

So what's going on? Was there something they overlooked?

The confused therapist decided to analyze Master Bell's test report later. If their negligence caused their young master to become ill, they couldn't afford it. Moreover, their mission as therapists does not allow them to sit back and watch that happen.

Little did this honest therapist know that in order to realistically portray a weak state, Bell had racked his brains these past few days and practiced secretly whenever he had time. Otherwise, his body could recover faster.

There is no way, it is not easy to keep Shanna by your side. Bell had to change his reasons from time to time to prevent Shanna from becoming suspicious.

Although this doesn't make much sense...

"Brother, why don't you let Stuart postpone the departure time for a few more days."

On the way to the restaurant, Shanna couldn't help but suggest as she watched her brother walking with difficulty.

Today is the seventh day of repairs, and it is also the day the Williams is scheduled to set sail again. But looking at her brother's current condition, Shanna was really afraid that her brother's health, which had finally gotten better, would deteriorate again due to the turbulence of the Williams.

"No! No need at all!"

Bell was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

He wished that the [Williams] would leave here as soon as possible. That way he wouldn't have to worry every day, worrying that when he wakes up, [Dark Star] will be blown into dust in the universe by his sister.

Speaking of which, has it turned out that today is the day to sail? In the past few days, Bell had been indulging in getting along with his sister, and Bell accidentally ignored the time.

If he had known that he would sail today, he wouldn't have had to pretend to be so weak. You know, pretending to be sick is very tiring!

"Sanna, I've delayed everyone's time for a whole week because of me, and I feel very sorry. I can't let everyone waste their time because of me."

Seeing Shanna opening her mouth to speak, Bell quickly continued to add:

"Besides, if we deal with [Enzoth] quickly, we can return to Earth as soon as possible. You have to go back to Hogwarts to go to school, and I also want to find Huangquan and use the power of the killing stone in her body to help me restore my arm. "

Bell raised his silver-white magic arm and waved it twice.

At this time, Bell's right arm was a magic arm, and his left arm was empty, looking particularly miserable.

He did not choose to make another arm for himself. Anyway, Shanna took care of his daily life, so missing an arm would not have any impact.

After returning to Earth, using the power of the Killing Stone, it won't take long for him to regenerate two brand new arms. Moreover, there is no need to worry about the strength of the arms regenerated by the power of the killing stone.

In fact, every time Huang Quan uses the killing stone to recover from his injuries, his physical strength will be slightly enhanced. If excessive use of the power of the Killing Stone would not erode sanity, Huang Quan could have strengthened his body several times, or even dozens of times, in a short period of time.

Therefore, as Erich said before, it will take 1 to 2 years to adapt to the new arm. Bell has never worried about it. 1 or 2 days will be enough.

Of course, Bell would tell his sister these things, but he would not tell Erich and other members.

"Oh well."

Glancing at her brother's empty sleeves, Shanna reluctantly nodded.

Although she enjoyed being alone with her brother, she hoped that this kind of life could last forever. But in comparison, she still hopes that her brother can recover as soon as possible.

After breakfast, Bell said goodbye to Jennifer and others. Under Jennifer's reluctant eyes, he took the "Williams" and flew towards the distance.

A few hours later, the [Williams] arrived at the area where [Enzos] was located. A beam of bright light shot out from the hull of the USS Williams, illuminating the blurry figure of the behemoth dozens of kilometers ahead.

Although I have already known what [N'zoth] looks like through the image on my personal terminal. But seeing it with his own eyes at this moment, a heartfelt feeling of shock still emerged in Bell's heart.

If it weren't for those slowly swinging tentacles, just looking at the body, Bell would never have thought that the huge meteorite in front of him could be a living thing that could move freely.

It's really too big!

Compared with [Enzos], the huge hull of [Williams] is completely worth mentioning. Floating next to [Enzos], [Williams] is like an ant in front of the giant.

"Master, what should we do next?"

In the bridge, Stuart asked respectfully.

Previously, he failed to prevent Bell from taking risks, causing Bell to be seriously injured and lose both arms. During this period, Stuart would have nightmares every night when he went to bed, dreaming that his beloved "Williams" was leaving him.

In order to prevent the nightmare from coming true, these days, Stuart was just like clocking in to work every day. He had to run to Bell to pay his respects every day, and never missed a day.

Stuart knew that his young master had more say in the family than he imagined. As long as the young master can say a few good words for him in front of the head of the family after he returns, the punishment he will receive will definitely be alleviated a lot.

He wants nothing more now, he just wants to keep his position as captain, hoping to stay with his beloved Williams. For this reason, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his body!

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