The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 799 Sure enough, in the end, we still have to rely on art to solve the problem

"...I can't control that much, anyway, let's blast it first! Aim at the huge mouth of [N'Zoth], divine the sparsest location of the tentacles, and let me blast it into its mouth with a cannon!"

Stuart gritted his teeth and issued the command.

Although [En'zoth] gathered all the cracks together to form a giant mouth that swallowed the sky, adsorbing the hull of the [Williams], making his idea of ​​flying a kite come to nothing. But that huge mouth also provided them with a new breakthrough. If it could be blasted into [N'Zoth's] body with one shot, it might be able to severely damage or even kill the opponent directly.

[N'Zoth] is not a highly intelligent life form, but this does not mean that it is stupid enough to expose its weaknesses without knowing it. As a cosmic creature that has survived for who knows how long, it has experienced many dangers so far. Being able to survive until now is a symbol of its strength.

When the main cannon of the "Williams" once again shot out a dazzling beam of magic light, the terrifying suction force coming from the abyss-like mouth of "En'zoth" suddenly disappeared, and then, even in the dark universe Ripples that can also be clearly distinguished in space ripple out from the huge mouth of the abyss.

The whipping of the tentacles, the blocking of the ripples, and in the end, the bombardment still failed to touch the main body of [N'Zoth], and it completely exploded.

With this main gun fire, [Williams] successfully opened a large distance from [Enzos]. But at this time, no one in the battleship looked relaxed.

Because, not long after the explosion, the suction force enveloped the ship again. It can be clearly distinguished from the relative positions of nearby meteorites that the sailing speed of the [Williams] dropped by nearly 50%.

A deathly silence swept across the bridge. Looking at [N'Zoth] rushing towards him in the distance, everyone didn't know how to express their inner feelings.

Before today, they had never doubted that the [Williams] would be defeated, and even this 'ridiculous' idea had never appeared in their minds.

But judging from the current situation, they may really lose.

Thinking of this, everyone unanimously turned their attention to the captain's seat in the center of the bridge, hoping that their captain could give them instructions at this critical moment.

However, more than ten seconds passed, and Stuart just stood silently, staring at the screen in front of him without blinking, without making any sound.

"Captain, what should we... do next?"

A wizard couldn't stand the dead silence and bravely asked on behalf of the others.

"...Prepare to apparate, retreat..."

Stuart's voice finally sounded again, and that low and hoarse voice sounded to everyone's ears like that of a dying old man.

Stuart really didn't expect that he had just cheered up and vowed to win this battle, but the next second, [En'zoth] released his ultimate move, causing a shocking reversal of the situation.

This is really... the most unsatisfactory thing in life, nine times out of ten.

‘After I go back, I’d better apply to be transferred to the logistics department. Maybe it would be a good idea to raise magical creatures in an ecological park. ’

Thinking of this, Stuart turned to face Bell, bent down and bowed deeply.

"I'm extremely sorry, young master. I failed. I failed to complete the task assigned to me by my family. I really betrayed the family's trust. After I return, I will apply for the position of resigning as captain of the USS Williams."

Compared to being dismissed, it would be better to apply for resignation on one's own initiative, which would look better in appearance. Moreover, the reputation of the family head can also be taken into consideration.

"Whether you are willing to continue to serve as the captain of the [Williams], that is your freedom, but it is too early to say that the mission has failed."

Bell waved his hand, looking indifferent.

He really didn't care.

This time he followed, his main purpose was to obtain the ice core of the elemental lord. Now this goal has been accomplished. Although the process is a little more tragic, it is not unacceptable. The secondary purpose was to watch the excitement and see the strength of [N'Zoth]. As for whether he could successfully hunt [N'Zoth], he really didn't care much.

Originally, in Bell's opinion, the success rate of hunting [En'zoth] this time was only 50% at best. The time was still too short. Although the [Williams] was successfully built, it was still imperfect in all aspects. For example, the attack method only had one main gun, which was too monotonous and lacking.

As for the auxiliary array on the deck, the requirements for the strength level of the combat wizard itself are too high. Under normal circumstances, it can only be used to deal with ordinary targets. Facing someone of the level of [En'zoth], it is extremely powerful. No arrest.

This is also true. The previous attacks by the combat wizards were really just scraping [N'zoth], and had no effect at all.


Although they have said so much, it does not mean that [Williams] really has no way to defeat [Enzos]. They have one last trick left!

"Stuart, there should be a spare core on the battleship, right?"

The energy core of the [Williams] is a magic stone. As the first space battleship of the Menethil family, the [Williams] will inevitably perform missions away from the earth from time to time in the future. If the Philosopher's Stone malfunctions during the mission (although this has never happened so far, but who can say for sure), then it is likely to cause the [Williams] damaged.

Therefore, Bell remembered that the design drawings he had seen should have been equipped with spare cores.

"Yes, Master. In addition to the magic stone as the energy core, the [Williams] is also equipped with a spare core composed of 5 inferior versions of the magic stone."

The magic stone is a precious material. Even after the discovery of [Dark Star], the magic source of the inferior version of the magic stone is no longer scarce. The magic core of the official version of the magic stone is still in short supply. state.

Therefore, even on the [Williams], there is no second magic stone.

"But, Master, there is only one magic pool on the battleship. Once the magic power in the magic pool is exhausted, the magic power stored in the five inferior versions of the magic stones will not last long."

Obviously, Stuart has also considered using the spare core, but as a magic power conversion device, the total amount of magic power that can be stored in the magic stone is actually not that much.

At least for the USS Williams, not much.

This is true for the official version of the Magic Stone, let alone the inferior version. Even if 5 pieces are added together, they are not as good as 1 piece of the official version.

Therefore, even if the spare core is used, at most it can only fire one more secondary main gun, which will not play a decisive role in the situation.

"Of course, I still know this. So what we have to do is not use them as energy, but as bombs."

Art is an explosion~!

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