The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 800 Fireworks! Big fireworks!

"You mean, self-destruct the core!?"

Stuart's eyes widened in surprise.

This kind of thought had never appeared in his mind before, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

Although the inferior version of the Magic Stone's magic core is no longer in short supply for the Menethil family, it is still a treasure that everyone in the magic world is eager for.

You know, even if the name contains the words "inferior version", the magic stone is still a magic stone, and it can also be used to make the elixir of life.

(Since the ice core itself has ice properties, the magic power converted by the ice core cannot be used to make the elixir of life.)

Although only a few bottles can be made, how much does a bottle of the elixir cost?

I believe that no one in the entire magic world can give a clear price tag.

That is simply priceless and marketless!

As a result, someone actually told him that he wanted to use five inferior versions of magic stones as firecrackers?

If it hadn't been his young master who said this to him, he would have sprayed him to death with a mouthful of salt soda.

There should be a limit to spending money, okay?

"Master! Think twice!"

If Bell hadn't been in a wheelchair now, Stuart would have rushed over and hugged Bell's thigh to admonish him.

What's the difference between using a magic stone to self-destruct to explode [N'Zoth] and using a golden pickaxe to mine iron ore?

After a long time of hard work, the few pieces of broken rocks that were dug out, and the pickaxe tips that haven't broken yet, are worth a lot of money. What are you trying to do?

"And Master, we can see from the previous tests that we have no way to send the spare core into the target's body. If we just detonate it externally, we probably still won't be able to kill the target."

If the spare core is detonated, it will certainly be able to explode with huge power. But the impact of the explosion is all-round after all, and the destructive power per unit area is not necessarily stronger than the first-level main gun.

The damage caused by the previous first-level main guns was very limited, so even if the backup core was detonated, Stuart was not very optimistic about the results of the explosion.

Unless the spare core can be sent into the target's body and then detonated.

"Who said there is no way, just use space magic to send it in."

Bell's right hand was palm upward, and the space above his palm was slightly distorted.

Although his magic arm is a bit sluggish in movement and not as flexible as his original arm, it is very smooth in the conduction of magic power, even better than his original arm.

After all, it is an arm woven with magic power.


Stuart turned his head and glanced at [Enzos] on the screen, then looked back at Bell, then turned his head and looked again...

"It can't be done, Master! It's too fast!"

Don't look at the [Enzos] on the screen, which is approaching slowly, as fast as an old man riding a bicycle, but that is only the relative speed to the [Williams]. If we calculate the absolute speed, it would be thousands of miles away from the speed of sound.

Under such ultra-high-speed movement, if they were not directly in front of [En'zoth], they wouldn't even be able to hit the opponent with magic spells, let alone move objects into the opponent's body through space magic spells.

"Bring me the spare core and I'll do it myself!"

Under the nervous gaze of his sister, Bell stood up from the wheelchair in an instant, patting his chest as if wrapping himself around him.

"Master, can you... really do it?"

Stuart looked at his young master hesitantly.

It's not that he doesn't believe in his young master's strength. He has long heard the rumors about the young master's extraordinary strength in his family. After witnessing the battle that eliminated the elemental lord before, he was even more impressed by his young master's strength.

But the problem is that the young master is still seriously injured. Didn't you realize that you have to use a wheelchair to go out? If his young master was not injured, then he might really believe that the other party could do it.

"Stop talking nonsense. We don't have much time left. Get the spare core quickly."

Just kidding, how can a man say he’s not good enough?

Although he really can't...


In the current state of ultra-high-speed movement, if you want to accurately transfer the spare core into [En'zoth]'s body, you can really only rely on luck. Not to mention, we still don’t know whether [Enzoth]’s body has its own space blocking ability.


‘At worst, just watch some fireworks! ’

As we all know, Bell's biggest dream in life is to 'spend money'. Now that there was such a good opportunity in front of him, how could he not take a gamble?

What? You said you should retreat temporarily and wait for [N'Zoth] to stop before launching a sneak attack?

God knows where [N'zoth] will be at that time. There is no [Nzoth] house here, so it makes no sense for it to return to the same place to eat dirt. The universe is so big, and if the other person squats in any corner, God knows if there will be a chance to see the other person again in this life.

At Bell's insistence, Stuart finally ordered someone to take the spare core.

"Master, do you really want to stop thinking about it?"

Holding the spare core with both hands, Stuart made a final effort.

To be honest, if the kid in front of him was his son, Stuart would definitely cut off the prodigal's legs.

At this moment, he finally understood why the head of the William family always gritted his teeth when he mentioned Master Bell.

(Actually, this is because William was defeated repeatedly in the ‘Battle for Shanna’.)

"Oh! What else is there to consider! If you hesitate, you will lose, Stuart!"

Bell grabbed the spare core, his face full of excitement that something was about to happen.

What? Are you saying that if you are decisive, it will be in vain?

cut! Didn't he say before that he planned to give away these 5 inferior versions of the magic stones for nothing?

"Brother, with your current body, is it really okay to cast that kind of spell?"

While Stuart was worried about the Philosopher's Stone, Shanna was worried about her brother's physical condition.

If the magic stone or something explodes, it will explode. As long as it doesn't hit her brother, then even if the earth explodes, the little girl won't even blink an eye, and she might even scream excitedly, okay?

"It's okay, it's not a powerful spell, and the burden on the body is almost nothing.

Or, Zanna, you also want to set off fireworks, ahem, to blow up [N'Zoth]? If you want to, then it's up to you. "

With that said, Bell handed the spare core in his hand to his sister.

The size of the backup core is very small, and the distance it moves into [N'zoth]'s body is not too far. Therefore, in order to accurately move it to the target location, it is more demanding on the attainment of space magic, which requires consumption. The magic power is not much.

(Stuart: 'You just said to set off fireworks, right? So you just want to watch the fireworks? Aren't these fireworks too expensive! By the way, should I report this matter to the head of the family when I get back? ?')

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