The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 801 Life is like a coffee table...

"No, it's better for you, brother."

After some hesitation, Shanna finally rejected her brother's tempting proposal.

As a little witch who has been focusing on explosions for more than 10 years, such an exciting thing as detonating the magic stone certainly has extraordinary appeal to Zannah. But she knew that she was still far behind her brother in terms of attainments in space magic.

When it comes to serious matters, she, Shanna, has always been able to distinguish the serious from the serious.

"Oh well."

Since his sister refused, Bell shouldered the heavy responsibility of 'igniting' the fire.

"Stuart, be prepared to apparate in 10 seconds."

As he spoke, Bell held the spare core with one hand, and the space around his palm began to slowly twist, exuding a dangerous aura.

Regardless of whether the plan is successful or not, the [Williams] will be apparated. Now [Enzos] is very close to [Williams]. If the backup core is detonated at this distance, [Williams] will inevitably be affected.

Now that the supply of magic power is insufficient, the battleship's shield defense has also declined. Once it is affected by the explosion, it is likely to cause damage to the ship's hull.

Moreover, if the landing point is wrong and the spare core explodes in space, there is a high probability that the little remaining magic power of the [Williams] will be reduced again.

If [N'Zoth] still retains its combat power by then, the result will most likely be to stab itself and completely destroy the warship that could have escaped.

Of course, in this case, everyone on the battleship would never have a happy ending.

Therefore, it is better to be cautious (cowardly) and be prepared.

"Yes, Master!"

At this point, Stuart could only let it go. He turned to face the people on the bridge and shouted an order:

"Get ready to apparate! Countdown to 10 seconds! 10, 9, 8..."

When the countdown reached 3, the space distortion around Bell's palm suddenly intensified. Then, in less than a second, Bell's palm, together with the spare core on the palm, disappeared into the bridge at the same time.

Bell's body shook for a while, and his cheeks, which had just regained some color, became as pale as paper again.

"...2, 1, Disapparate!"

The ship's hull shook violently, and everyone staggered around under the strong sense of distortion.

Moving in space while moving at ultra-high speed is completely different from moving in a stationary state. In fact, Stuart would not give the command to disembark while moving at high speed unless he had no choice.

"Each system will conduct self-checks immediately and report the damage!"

With his hands on the command platform, Stuart shook his head vigorously. After barely suppressing his nausea and dizziness, he immediately ordered everyone to check the status of the battleship.

"Brother! What's wrong with you!? Therapist! Where is the therapist? Come here quickly!"

Suddenly, Shanna's cry-like shouting came from the side, which shocked Stuart and quickly turned his head to look over.

"I'm fine, don't be nervous, just rest for a while and you'll be fine."

Bell waved...well, he had no hands to move at all now.

After signaling to Stuart that he was fine, Bell looked at Shanna with a weak smile on his face.

"Brother is a big liar! You clearly said you wouldn't put any burden on your body!"

Shanna glared at her brother angrily. If she had known earlier, she should have taken action.

"How could my brother lie to Shanna? That space spell does not put a burden on the body. The current situation is caused by cough cough cough!"

Halfway through his words, Bell suddenly coughed violently. Blood spurted out as she coughed, staining Shanna's clothes in front of her red.

"elder brother!"

Seeing her brother vomiting blood, Shanna could no longer blame him. She hurriedly took out her wand and put it against her brother, casting a healing spell to treat him.

The vibrant magical light enveloped Bell's body, reducing the pain in his body. After a while, he felt much relieved.

After letting out a long breath, Bell leaned back in his wheelchair and continued his unfinished explanation.

"It's the space squeeze caused by apparation. Speaking of which, I haven't seen this feeling for a long time."

Speaking of which, Bell couldn't remember the last time he felt such a degree of squeezing. Even when he was teleported to the Mars base for the first time, because there was no injury in his body at that time and the magic power was overflowing, the space squeeze he felt was not that unbearable.

"But brother, your hands..."

Shanna looked at her brother's empty right arm, her face full of heartache and pain.

"Anyway, it's just an arm woven with magic power, given to [N'Zoth]."

Bell said pretending to be relaxed.

In addition to teleportation, it is not easy to detonate the spare core. In order to detonate the spare core and improve the accuracy of the transmission, Bell directly teleported his 'palm' together.

Originally, as Bell said, it is an arm formed by magic power. Even if the palm is gone, it is just the destruction of the overall structure that causes the magic arm to disintegrate. It is not a big deal.

Only the severe pain of the sudden breakdown of nerve connections was a little unbearable.

After all, the magic arm was originally connected to the nerves, and when it suddenly dissipated, the pain was no less than that of a real arm suddenly being crushed into pulp.

But it only hurts for a while, it will pass if you bear it, and it will not cause any substantial harm to the body.

But the problem was that Bell was already seriously injured, and the sudden severe pain of his broken arm aroused the original pain in his body, causing him to lose consciousness for a moment.

At exactly this time, the [Williams] disapparated again. To be honest, Bell didn't expect that he would be subjected to such a huge space squeeze inside the battleship.

The result was that this series of factors added up, eventually causing him to accidentally vomit blood.

"No matter what, we still need to get checked by a therapist quickly..."

Suddenly, a powerful wave of magic energy passed through the ship, interrupting Shanna's speech.

Under this fluctuation of magic power, everyone in the battleship felt palpitations. Their whole bodies were soaked in cold sweat for a while, and they were frozen in place and unable to move.

"Haha, it seems that the detonation was successful, but I don't know if it killed [N'zoth]?"

The previous time was too short, and coupled with the severe pain, Bell had no time to sense the landing point of the teleportation after the spell was completed. It now appears that at least the spare core did not fall into another dimension.

But then again, Bell didn't react until now...

‘There are fireworks! I have such a big firework! Didn’t you see nothing? ’

The magic stone exploded and the injury got aggravated, but all I heard was a noise?

This is really a sad story.

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